Author Topic: Poland Surgery  (Read 110337 times)

Offline DJB

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Nice post Cap.  I really did not come across any of the negatives you mentioned.

Richard was very pleasant.  He speaks very little English, but he gave out a good vibe, straight away we had a laugh when I walked to the drivers side of his car (opposite side to England).  He has clearly got a new car since your trip.

The town from what I saw of it seemed ok, it was far from a high income area and yes some of the buildings looked a little tatty, but it seemed fine, things are different in Poland.  Either you stayed at a different hotel to me or they made some major renovations.  Although the rooms were small, I find everything to be pristine and high quality.  The lobby was beautiful.  I certainly felt safe and comfortable.

I think Dr Baranskis wife was the only person who spoke decent English and she translated very well.  So I cant personally complain about the language barrier as I was able to speak to her the entire time.  Dr Baranski came across like it was a piece of cake to him.  He shook my hand, looked at my chest for about 30 seconds, give each nipple a squeeze, his wife said something to him in Polish, he smiled at me and nodded and that was it.  His wife was there the entire op translating.

You made me laugh with the CNN comment!

Offline april24th2007

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so are you going for a revision CAP?

Btw - my thoughts & experience are the same as yours.  On every point you mentioned.  To the elastic slipping down th eleg to the stitches.

Ditto on everything.

Offline CAP

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I've no plans at the moment to go for a revision.  As I said, I am happier now than I was. 

The pointy/puffy nipples are gone and there is less fat in my chest.  It's no where near flat, as I really need to get my ass in to gear and loose another couple of stone (I managed to loose about 1 and a half stone before the op... I was 14st, now just under 12.5st... should prob be about 11st at the most).  Once I've done that I'll take a look at myself and decide if it still needs surgery to improve things.  Hopefully I won't.  When I was slimmer years ago the problem was not fat in the chest, it was the puffyness... now that is gone I think I should be ok.

One thing I forgot to mention is that before my op, my GP said he would not be taking me off the NHS list in case I wasn't happy with Poland... he said if I could get things fixed on the NHS if I the result was bad.  So, as far as I know I am still waiting for my op date with the private firm the NHS here has handed me over to.  I'm loosing track of time... but it is now just over a year since I saw the consultant... approaching 3 years since I first went to my GP!  I think if I was still waiting for the NHS to sort, I would be insane by now!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 08:01:34 PM by CAP »

Offline gersin008

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I am now 4 days post op and though I'd give a report of my adventure

I left early Monday morning and arrived in Berlin on Monday afternoon, I dedcided to make my own way to Slubice so got a train to Berlin Ostabanhoff (excuse any spelling errors) and the another to Frankfurt (Oder) abour 8 euros. The taxi to Hotel Kaliski was about 7 euros so a lot cheaper than the usual cab form the airport The hotel was more than adequate but I only had a beer there and decided to head to Frankfurt for a Big Mac, which was an okay walk and I was never once asked for passport at border control

The tuesday I got a taxi to the clinic, where I was roomed up with a young Polish guy getting his nose done. I didn't like the fact I was sharing but he turned out a really decent guy and couldn't have been more supportive or helpful. I had my blood taken and a chat with Anthony who told me that I was overweight and would possibly need further surgery the following year, especially if I lose weight. I then briefly met Dr Baranski and he more or less confirmed this. After another wee chat with Anthony I paid him 1760 Euros which included the cost of the compression vest, he told me to get prepared for surgery which went relatively smoothly. The nurses were excellent and kept me comfortable with some light dinner, painkillers and sleeping tablets

Wednesday, I got my first look at my chest when Anthony took my bandaged off and fitted me with my vest, he said it was up to me if I wanted to stay the extra night as it was quite successful. I decided to stay but went a long walk into town and read a book out in the garden. I was fed all day and though the food didn't always look apppetising it was actually quite tastey but so much for losing weight as they kept bringing me more food

Thursday I left at 8.15 am and said my goodbyes to the excellent nurses and my new Polish friend. Again i decided to get the train which wasn't distressing but quite pleasant my only panic was at the airport customs as they seemed to be frisking everyone and my kness were shaking as there was no way I could let someone touch me. I emptied my pockets and made sure I had no metal and fortunately I got through without being touched

Overall I would say my experience was positive, with staff,the clinic and the surgery being top class. I pray that I won't have to go back but Anthony and Baranski were just warning me at my age the skin loses its elasticity and ther maybe some droop in the skin. They were extremely honest on my body assessment as though I am not obese I am overweight

Hopefully after my body settles I can get picture up but at the moemnt I'm happy with the results and heres hoping that I will be happy after 6 months

Offline DJB

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Customs at the airport on the way back is one thing I should mention....the scanner did pick up my support vest and I was asked to leave everything where is was and go into a cubicle with 2 customs officers and take my shirt off.  This may sound frightening, but I fully understood, they are just being cautious.  They were very friendly and literally as soon as they saw the bandages they appologised and asked if I was ok.  I didn't find it embarassing at all, at the end of the day, never ever will you see those guys again!

Offline gersin008

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I seen the cubicle and think if I was stopped I would've asked to go there, it was just the fear of being touched not the fear of someone knowing I had a compression vest on

Offline april24th2007

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You should be able to play golf about a month after the surgery. +/- 1 week.

If you can find a direct flight to Frankfurt Oder, I highly suggest you take it.  Berlin is still far from Sublie. Where as Frankfurt Oder is literally walking distace from the clinic.  You'll save taxi cost as well and be closer to the clinic.

When are you planning on going?  How much are they quoting you?

Offline gersin008

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Don't think there is an airport at Frankfurt Oder so think Berlin is the nearest German aitport and not sure about transport links from the Polish airports.

I've been, 6 days a go and it cost 1760 Euros

Offline april24th2007

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1760 for a return ticket?  Seems very very steep.

So when are you going for the surgery..

Offline barclay

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i think he might have meant it was 1760 euros for the op as thats the figure he put in his post regarding the day of surgery

...... met Dr Baranski and he more or less confirmed this. After another wee chat with Anthony I paid him 1760 Euros which included the cost of the compression vest, he told me to get prepared for surgery which went relatively smoothly. The nurses were excellent .....
« Last Edit: April 08, 2008, 03:32:29 AM by barclay »

Offline gersin008

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yeh thought April24th was just trying to take the piss, so thanks guys

The operation cost 1760 euros, the flight cost £108 from Glasgow

Offline april24th2007

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haha not taking the piss mate. 

so when are you going?  how long before did you have to book?

Offline gersin008

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As I said I've been, operation was on April 1st. The first email I sent was beginning of March so only had a 4 week wait from beginning to end, whch I thought was good

Offline april24th2007

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cool.  so how did it go? Youre 8 days post op.

tell us about the whole experience and pls show pics..

Offline gersin008

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hopefully get picture uploaded after a couple of weeks as trying not to judge at moment, I have spoke about my experiences on the previous post but if I was to say how I felt now is happy but can't wait to get the stitches out and ditch the compression vest. The bruising is going away very fast and feel quite good overall


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