Author Topic: Really Need Advise  (Read 2388 times)

Offline dublin13

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Hey guys, I was at the gym this morning as I am 5 days a week wearing a t-shirt and staring at my puffy nipples in the mirror.  I feel NO lumps, but they do appear fatty behind my t-shirts.  I have training in hopes that this would desist, but to no avail.  I am so discouraged that I am finally just going to get surgery.  I’m broke and this really sucks.  I am 5’7 140 lbs, about 8% body fat and still have these puffy nipples… Fukk Finasteride…it has ruined me.  If you guys could PLEASE address a couple of  these questions I’d be grateful and will post my doctor results/consults on this board.

1.)      I was on Finasteride for about 7 months….I have been off it for about 2 months.  Is there any chance this will resolve on its own?
2.)      Are there any other possible treatments, knowing it’s Fin induced?
3.)      Where do I begin as far as doctors go?  I haven’t been formally diagnosed, though it is obvious to me.  Do I go straight to a plastic surgeon and tell him to start cutting or what?
4.)      Knowing, at least from what I say, that my case is just in the nipples and I guess mild, as far as Gyne goes, is there a chance that my surgery cost will be cheaper?  I just need fat reduced around the nipple, not the whole breast.
5.)      Can anyone recommend a good PS in Missouri?

Btw, I feel for all you guys.  This really blows.  Especially, given how hard I try to stay in shape.  I wish I could sue the shyt out of Propecia. PLEASE ADVISE…PLEASE

Offline dublin13

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Hypo, you got anything for me, man?

Offline spaceace

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Read the messages on this forum.  There have been many posts regarding your situation, especially recently.

Offline dublin13

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I have, especially the one regarding the other Fin user.  I have some more specific questions that have not been answered.  I'm not being lazy here, as you can tell from my quick responses.  I'm just looking for help in the  ONLY descent spot I know of on the net.  Cut me some slack

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I have been harping on about Propecia, Proscar and all other anti hair loss meds on this board for a couple of years and warning of their cause and effect relationship with gynecomastia.

Unfortunately of course the only way to hear such comments is to be here on the board and most many guys only get to hear this warning because they are here having used these products  :'(

Given finasteride lowers dihydrotestosterone (DHT), given this is its method of action, it makes sense to get DHT tested and if low replaced via prescription with product like Andractim (if you see an endocrinologist who is forward thinking enough to prescribe- easier in parts of Europe than the US).

Low dihydrotestosterone is a form of hypogonadism.

As hypogonadism is a deficiency in testosterone and/or its metabolites (and DHT is a very important metabolite of testosterone).

This can be a short term induced hypogonadism that results in the development of gynecomastia or a more permanent problem that remains (the latter does occur but is thankfully rarer).

Given how short a time ago this problem developed you might be able to have it reversed with Andractim- consult an endocrinologist ASAP.

Worst case scenario if it is unresponsive to Andractim is a surgical procedure.  If this is the case and the problem was 100% caused by finasteride, as long as your DHT is not permanently lowered there should no recurrence.

Anti estrogens are NOT relevant to your situation if the only thing you took was finasteride.

I hope that helps.

Offline dublin13

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Yeah, Hypo...thank you very much for your help


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