Author Topic: tamoxifen  (Read 2439 times)

Offline gyno101

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ok well this is my 1st post on here so i'll thought id make it quick,
i went to my gp he then sent me to a hospital several months later and i got checked over,
the docters said i had a case of gyne but it is mostly fat, which i took as a good thing as i am not fat any more i use to be many years ago but managed to move the fat from all over my body accept for my breasts,
so he started me on a course of tamoxifen to see if it might help, i took them for 4 months but wasnt told to try and lose any more weight so i didnt bother trying i stayed at the same weight untill my next consulation,
at the next oppionment he said there have been no changes to my breasts and gave me a choice, i can take another course of tamoxifen for another 4 months and try and lose they extra weight or get liposuction or the other option was the incesion underneath the nipple which didnt sound to great.
i choose to take another course of tamoxifen for the further 4 months and try and shake the rest of my weight bare in mind im now 16 and lost about 4 stone in the past 3 years on and off,
i was wondering i no i was prescribed tamoxifen but am i actually supose to take it for such a lengthy peroid and is it safe, i have had no problems with it, it just worrys me is all
will be posting some pictures of my gyne up soon!, and also when and if i have surgery in 3 months time, NHS have been great have offered me all the options avalible.


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Ive been on it now for 5 months at 40mg a day i dont no the medical facts but i feel fine.

Offline bigbob

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hi mate welcome to the board.

Tamoxifen is pretty safe, I know Body builders use it for up to 8 months when on a steroid cycle. It doesnt actually stop testosterone from aromatizing to estrogen it simply stops it from effecting your breast and fat tissue which is a lot safer because if your estrogen levels go too low you start getting problems with colesterol and such.

If you've had your gyne for a few years now chances are any medication or weight loss wont get rid of it. If I can offer one piece of advice about surgery, dont let them tell you it's mostly fat. If theres breast present get them to remove it along with liposuction. Lipo only will not give you a good result.

Only a 3 month wait on NHS! Score mate :D
« Last Edit: April 22, 2006, 01:46:16 PM by bigbob »

Offline yorkshirelad_1979

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hi mate welcome to the board.

Tamoxifen is pretty safe, I know Body builders use it for up to 8 months when on a steroid cycle. It doesnt actually stop testosterone from aromatizing to estrogen it simply stops it from effecting your breast and fat tissue which is a lot safer because if your estrogen levels go too low you start getting problems with colesterol and such.

If you've had your gyne for a few years now chances are any medication or weight loss wont get rid of it. If I can offer one piece of advice about surgery, dont let them tell you it's mostly fat. If theres breast present get them to remove it along with liposuction. Lipo only will not give you a good result.

Only a 3 month wait on NHS! Score mate :D

Good post bigbob,  I have many friends who take steroids and i know that tamoxifen, clomid and novadex all prevent the conversion to estrogen which cause this annoying gyno.  Once the breast tissure is there, then theres no point trying to prevent it.  If you dont want surgury ask your GP about a tablet called DANAZOL.  This supposedlly reduces actual breast tissue.  
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