Author Topic: newbie in the gym  (Read 3447 times)

Offline carguy

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hey guys. i just joined a golds gym over here. I have some questions.
Does being sore mean u are growing muscle and does the fat go away while your building muscle?
Will the fat in my gut go away while lifting weights or do i need to target it.
What should i eat?
i know tuna is good for u. what else?
« Last Edit: April 24, 2006, 03:47:55 PM by carguy44 »

Offline markashleigh1979

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Hello my friend and welcome to the GYM  8) . LOL

Feeling sore can mean two things; you have targeted the miscle good or you have strained

Yes , when you are feeling the ache ...your muscle is growing/repearing grow muscle you have to destroy muscle...sounds strange i know!!! lol

Think of it this way , you know when you get callous on your hand ? Muscle grows in the same way...if you are pickign bricks up and rubble, the skin on your hand wears down and then thickens.....
The same happens with the muscle...when you lift iheavy weight the muscle breaks down and then goes into a repair the muscle growth is a bit liek scar tissues.......thats why those who over train never get big....bewcause they keep destroying the muscle before it has a chance to repair   (Laymen terms)

I would eat plent of Tuna,Past & carbs.......make sure u eat protein after every sessions ....i like to carry a small tin of tuna with me..:).

Fat & Muslce are two different things...just like wood * can't turn into wood and vice versa.

If you train hard enough the fat will burn off to feed the muscle growth....but for the stomach fat , its best to do a little cardio too......hope this helps :)

Offline Worrier

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Marks on the button with that. I would also say eat plenty of beef if you want to build muscle.

British beef preferably , but I hear American beef is almost as good :P

I ate loads of beef while losing weight and providing you do enough running etc , it won't make you fat. I hear it's good for the old testosterone lvls too as it contains zinc and other stuff.

Offline markashleigh1979

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British beef preferably , but I hear American beef is almost as good

I second that :) but i don't know about the american beef being as   EAT BRITISH  ;D

If you can get hold of Gurnsey milk , buy some. Drink a glass every day/other depending on your shape. Guernsey milk is very high on protein and saves you buying expensive protein drinks.......But we warned it is very rich in cream and butter if you are trying lose eight becarefull.....but i think drinking a glass after every workout (Muscle building session) will do you good....there is more protein in a glass of that milk than two tins of Tuna :) .  :o

Offline Tired

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And the most important thing about eating is that you get MORE calories into your body then you burn off during 1 day.

Another reason why you see alot of skinny people who work out every day. Sure they train hard, but they don't eat enough.

Offline fiXXXer

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hey guys. i just joined a golds gym over here. I have some questions.
Does being sore mean u are growing muscle and does the fat go away while your building muscle?
Will the fat in my gut go away while lifting weights or do i need to target it.
What should i eat?
i know tuna is good for u. what else?

Being sore means that your muscles were, as said, either worked out (good) or over-worked (bad).  In either case, you should not work muscles that are currently sore, as they are in the process of healing, and this will lead to chronic fatigue and more problems.
Weight loss has three options:  Cardio (running), Lifting and dieting.  Cardio is good to keep you in shape and to build endurance, and to be part of your workout plan, but it should not be all of your plan.  When you lift weights, you body burns an increased amount of calories for something like 24 or 48 hours, which is why one can lose lots of weight with just weight lifting.
Lastly, your diet:  This is the most important part of any exercise/weight loss program.  You should, as said, eat plenty of protein after your workouts.  Stay away from soda, candy, processed foods, fast foods, etc.  Carbs will give you energy, but also limit those if you are trying to lose weight.

You do not need to 'target' a specific area in which you want to decrease fat.  By doing cardo and lifting, you body will burn more calories, and eat away the fat where it needs to be.  By 'working' a specific area - sit-ups for abs, bench press for chest - you are increasing the muscle there.  And, while the increase in muscle will help burn calories (as maintaining muscle burns more calories than maintaining fat), the muscle itself will not descrease the amount of fat.

One last, and the most important, thing:
When working out/training, you should follow a routein that is set with these guidelines:
#1  Work speed/technical drills (If you do a martial art, here, is where you would perfect techniques and forms, footwork, etc).  This is at the beginning of your workout, or early in the week.
#2  Next, you work strength and muscle - bench press, curling, situps, pushups, squats, etc.  This comes after the speed/technical part of your workout, or on a day after said workout.
#3  Finally, you work on endurance and stamina - running and cardio.  You should have a complete day of rest after such a workout.  This will be at the end of your workout.
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Offline moobius

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soreness is due to lactic acid build up. when you don't workout and then hit the gym, your body isn't used to that activity and is not very efficient at clearing lactic acid. as you workout more, your body will get more efficient at eliminating lactic acid and the soreness won't last as long (if you even get sore).

you dont' necessarily have to be sore to stimulate muscle growth, nor does soreness (from lactic acid) mean that you can't workout that muscle group again.


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