Hmm yeah like gynefor said, sports could help.
But you're not fat so not sure how much it would. But f*ck it, you got a long time, might as well see how you look lean and trim.
Good luck!
yah - agreed. you don't have a bad case, looks mainly like the "puffy nips" bit that people talk about. the fact that your doc said it won't go away with surgery should be a good enough indication that you've got gland, not fat.
but yeah - 17 is young, i know it doesn't seem like it, but before you go the surgery route, take this year and next year (when you start college or whatever) to really test your limits, push your body to the max. in your case, because it's just those puffy nips (even then, it's not like super huge noticeably puffy nips) and because there aren't huge deposits of fat in your chest, i think if you work your chest carefully, you could get some good chest definition, put some muscle on you.
also, at 17, your T levels are still climbing up, and, as i've mentioned to other guys before, you - being young and 17 - should capitalize on that. dedicate yourself (just don't go crazy) to fixing your body naturally, and i think there's a good chance you'll look and feel better by your early twenties.
of course, working out isn't going to make the puffiness go away, but then again, having surgery now and getting docs to take out that piece of gland is not - in my opinion - going to solve all your problems, either.
i'm 25 and had surgery this past year, after strugglign with myc hest shape since early college - it helped, glad i did it, but what was more important was what i did prior to surgery - i really zoned in on listening to my body, and trying to get fit. i've kept that up even now, post surgery, and that's been more life-altering for me than this one little surgery.
don't get me wrong - the surgery will help, but in your case, you could reap so many more rewards (especially since you're still young - hormone-wise) and develop a great sense of responsibility if you take the high road for now, step it up at the gym, put on some good muscle - then, maybe after about a year, you can go ahead and get that gland surgically removed.