Author Topic: looks like killing myself is hard to stop  (Read 9964 times)

Offline crow

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Hey wow - look at it right !

What if you had cancer and got only days to live?

What if you lost a leg in a road accident ?

Where are you ?  Is it that bad ?

Count you blessings - you'd be surprised how many you have. It takes little effort to go out there and be good and something - especially if it's something you like doing - most people are apothetic losers.  Go out there and win !

Ya I agree with deBra...................
This is a great site and all should be proud to take part........

Offline ithoughtiwasnormal

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heyy i just read your post ihatemyselfalot.....yes you have gyne but the real reason your upset is because you gave up and started eating lots of food so you could run away from depression which made you fatter and fatter and then more depressed thus more eating...thats the reason you look like this...God didnt punish you and made you gain weight overnight !!

Sit down relax for a moment when i was 17 i had boobs and puffy nipples my stomach used to stick out i had thin arms and legs. I was ugly...but enuff remarks, complex issues sadness gave me enuff motivation  i needed to work out at home and so I did ! and lost 10 kgs within 2 months no junk food nothing...i felt soo good even though i had  the gyne (puffy nipples) then i started jogging in the park and lost more weight then i started gyming,gyming helped me get a better body and a great chest to overcome my gyne problem! i felt even better all my effort seemed worth it... i was in top phyical shape but i had puffy nipples my Boobs were completely gone....this is not the end remember if it doesnt kill you it makes you stronger...when ppl make fun of you laugh at it it ll only make you stronger and start a new life now !

-Lose weight !
-Keep a good diet!
-THEN start gyming

After that you ll see that you ll have the confidence to go to a surgeon i promise...i know i did !! trust me it will live in America and you have everyhing you need to start changing your life...

Taking away your life like this is im sorry but an act of a coward running away from the problem. Quitting and giving up is the worst thing you can do right now ! Start gettin serious with your diet and work out and it ll be all downhill from here !!

Do you realize how much you can change someone elses life if you achieve success ! tomm you ll be helping out ppl who had the same problem as you ! You ll feel great ! you ll be a great example so wat are you waiting for !! start working out !! =)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2006, 07:17:05 AM by ithoughtiwasnormal »
And I Cried And Asked God "Why Me,Out Of All Of Us,Why Me??!!"..Until I Found Out I Wasnt The Only One.

We Are Like Clowns Sad From The Inside,Happy From The Outside

Be Strong,Its Gonna be Ok :)

Offline seadyman

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ihate myself alot

dude i feel ya, ive had gyne since the 7th grade and im 22 now. it made me feel so shitty and depressed that around college time i sttarted smoking weed on  regular basis. i had know idea that weed contributed to gyne till about a year ago. i ent up getting the surgey and feel better already. as for girls alot of them are really understanding. its the coldhearted biatchs that say shit. freak those skanks anyway.just keep messaging on the boards and it should help you feel better knowing that your not alone .
p.s. im going bald at a rapid pace as well.

Offline tittyman111

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well put IthoughtIwasNormal. exactly what changed me as well. good diet, hard work. the hard work takes ur mind off the negative. its amazing how eating no junk food or soda, and staying with whole wheat breads, and lean protein and veggies can do wonders. i mean SERIOUS is key if ur fat.

Offline There_Is_Hope

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Stop with all the self-pity. If you aren't seeing results at the gym, you're not training hard enough. I went to the gym from the age of 16-19 without putting on any muscle or losing any fat. Why? Because I didn't workout hard at all, I didn't push myself, and I didn't do any cardio. If you want to lose weight, you need to do cardio. Simple as that. You need to stop eating garbage food. Simple as that.

I don't mean to sound harsh but the first step to change is YOU! What's the point of sitting behind a computer and posting these messages when you could be at the gym training, getting rid of the fat. I want a 6 pack, but without abs exercises, I could talk about it every hour of every day and never have it.

Good luck.

Offline ihatemyselfalot

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i know i am dwelling in my own self pity..
you people dont understand me at all
if i had one thing going for me i would not be sitting here complaining.. if i had a full head of hair i could make it look good but because i have a receeding hairline it makes me look bad.. if i didnt have that shit i wouldnt be concerned about my weight.. trust me i have nothing going for me in life yeh i am whining i cant help it.. and to the person who posted saying it could be worse i could have cancer well at least i wouldnt be living this messed up life

Offline crow

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i know i am dwelling in my own self pity..
you people dont understand me at all
if i had one thing going for me i would not be sitting here complaining.. if i had a full head of hair i could make it look good but because i have a receeding hairline it makes me look bad.. if i didnt have that shit i wouldnt be concerned about my weight.. trust me i have nothing going for me in life yeh i am whining i cant help it.. and to the person who posted saying it could be worse i could have cancer well at least i wouldnt be living this messed up life

U know it could be worse and yes we dont know your pain, but i lost many people including a brother at a young age and life is really priceles.......You have to look at anything that is positive and move on, it will get better.......You should go talk to someone if you have not already as us here are not experts on this kind of thing.................Everone feels at one time in theri life it is real bad and why go on, but you need to try to look up and say i can make it better.......Dont ever give up...............

Looking foward to hearing from you in the future that all is well.............

Offline Allan7865

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You dont want to leave this world by ending it yourself, not that way. There are many answers for our problems that exist from day to day.

Killing yourself will certainly leave all these problems and evreything that you know beyond your concern. But we may only live one life, and dont you want to at least give it a shot while your here?

Offline mtl99

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Dude, you are going bald, easy: shave your head, like the other poster said (and I agree), lots of women like that. You are fat:  I can understand, I was pretty big myself, and I started going to the gym. I hated it coz I thought that everyone was looking at me but the truth is nobody gives a shit about anyone at the gym--everyone is there to make themselves look better and that's what they're concentrating on. Maybe if you go to some sort of musclehead gym then you might get some wierd looks coz everybody there is probably really self conscious and competitive, so just go somewhere normal, like the YMCA. I hated going to the gym at first (especially the lockerroom), but after a while you don't really care.

Now, those two problems are easy to solve, it just takes time and dedication...The last issue, the gynecomastia, yeah I agree that one is a bitch. I worked out like a maniac but it still doesn't go away, so I'm going to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon that deals with that. I've read so many stories on here that really inspire me. No matter how hard you workout, this is one thing that might not go away...UNLESS you get surgery. So, the decision is simple.

Now I think that takes care of all 3 points. Try it. Push yourself out the door, get out there and fix the problems...then you'll be happy. You have nothing to lose.

Offline Hyb

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Dude, suicide is not the answer. I have just registered on the site and readin other guys' stories just cheer me. I am basically in your same condition and i'm 19: hair loss, gyne., double chin (PS: who doesnt have it??!?!? ;) ), and overweight. I still have it all, and I am planning on getting a surgery coz I feel it will make my life much better. Just remember: you dont live for what others say or think, u live for what YOU think. Don't change yourself to make other people happy, change yourself to make YOURSELF happy. As for girls... as u can read on the site, most of us guys with gyne. aren't great playboy casanovas... so, don't torture urself. If you feel uncomfortable showing urself around others,simple: don't do it. BUT DONT KILL YOURSELF. It is not the answer.. dont give up. Life as many great moments to give u, just like to every1. What you can do is improve urself. U said that u see no change by goin to the gym: KEEP ON GOING. U can loose the weight, u just have to be constant, dont stop it. And of course a proper diet.
As for the hair, see a dermatologist and have him/her tell u what determined it. There are some many lotions and other stuff out there that can help u (believe me, i know first hand); if u see it doesnt help, just shave it. Keep a short haircut. It works. For the gyne.: surgery. Just seek help by experts. You can improve. Every1 can. SOONER OR LATER. OK? remember: SOONER OR LATER, IT WILL HAPPEN.
PS: Work on your WILL POWER, coz it's the thing that helps the most.


Offline flex1appeal

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i know i am dwelling in my own self pity..
you people dont understand me at all
if i had one thing going for me i would not be sitting here complaining.. if i had a full head of hair i could make it look good but because i have a receeding hairline it makes me look bad.. if i didnt have that shit i wouldnt be concerned about my weight.. trust me i have nothing going for me in life yeh i am whining i cant help it.. and to the person who posted saying it could be worse i could have cancer well at least i wouldnt be living this messed up life

I am not into the self pity trip man. Physical appearance is not the end all be all to your life. If you don't like the way you look it's a matter of doing something about it. Crying about it won't resolve anything. Not trying to come off rude but you need to think about maybe getting yourself into something that will bring some fulfillment in your life. Talk to a therapist. You'd be surprised what wonders it can do for you talking to someone. Remember, we might not all have it as bad as the next on this site but we all have the same problem as you do just in different degrees. We do understand how you feel to some extent. Good luck to you.

Offline ihatemyselfalot

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Offline norfar1

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sheesh.... apparently you can afford to fix all of this. i'm figuring you'd only be afraid of the surgeon if you could actually afford to go to one.

why are you whining? just go get it fixed. start riding a bike, lifting weights, go to an endo to find out what's wrong, and then go to a surgeon and get it cut out.

i'm 24 now, i probably won't be able to afford surgery till i finish school (unless i win the lotto or something), and by then i'll be 29. i'll have not been comfortable with taking my shift off for a good chunk of my life.

you don't have to deal with that. you can afford to get this all fixed. so go get it fixed.

Offline ihatemyselfalot

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Offline ihatemyselfalot

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:( well look the world revolves around looks im obsessed with being such a damn fine looking man
theres no easy way out i gues


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