Author Topic: Is everybody happy ?  (Read 9256 times)


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It is noticeable that the 'acceptance' thread, like similar topics in the past, is strangely quiet. What does this mean ?

1. Those who accept their busty condition are rare ?

2. They don't bother to go online as they have nothing to worry about ?

3. There is nothing more to say ?

It would be interesting to get stats on what percentage of men with breasts are happy to be that way.

Offline cafit

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Yo deBra,

I have some answers for you:

1. I've found some group-sites with some extremely weird (sometimes vile) individuals with this condition. Everything from being with themselves to sharing their "new found glory" with other pervs. As you can imagine, I said my piece and moved on (FAST).

2. Not to sound too bias, these perverts go online alright. You'll be a happy man never to run across these sites.

3. I only wish these guys had nothing to say. I feel they give the rest of us, with this condition, a bad rap.

To each, his own.............. long as they keep it on THEIR side of the line. My main (and only concern) is to find solutions/alternatives.

Not to hear how John Boy enjoys his "splendor" with his farm animals.

Some may say I'm very wrong, but I look at it as a form of deformity and sometimes experience major depression (when I really let it get to me).

Just trying to save money for thee BIG DAY!!!

Well, there's my answers.

Take care, Champ.

Offline crow

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It is noticeable that the 'acceptance' thread, like similar topics in the past, is strangely quiet. What does this mean ?

1. Those who accept their busty condition are rare ?

2. They don't bother to go online as they have nothing to worry about ?

3. There is nothing more to say ?

It would be interesting to get stats on what percentage of men with breasts are happy to be that way.

It s funny u say this as it is one place i havent posted, just went to the other ones............. 8)
This is a great site and all should be proud to take part........


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Ah, of course, I left out option 4.

4. If you suggest any idea of acceptance here, you are immediately tainted with arch-perversion, transvestitism, now it would appear bestiality to boot!!! Anyone want to suggest demonology or terrorism to complete the mural.

It appears that this site is a brotherhood of brown-cassocked, self-flagellating miseryholics who despise anyone who doesn't follow the disaster - surgery - salvation road like Rael in 'Lamb Lies Down on Broadway'

Perhaps we should get some gm sufferers to visit those with terminal cancer or who have had their lives wrecked due to some idiot's driving inability. Would having a healthy pair of breasts then appear so devastating?

Offline crow

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Ah, of course, I left out option 4.

4. If you suggest any idea of acceptance here, you are immediately tainted with arch-perversion, transvestitism, now it would appear bestiality to boot!!! Anyone want to suggest demonology or terrorism to complete the mural.

It appears that this site is a brotherhood of brown-cassocked, self-flagellating miseryholics who despise anyone who doesn't follow the disaster - surgery - salvation road like Rael in 'Lamb Lies Down on Broadway'

Perhaps we should get some gm sufferers to visit those with terminal cancer or who have had their lives wrecked due to some idiot's driving inability. Would having a healthy pair of breasts then appear so devastating?

It is all good what u say I jear u but most come here to get info on somthing that really bugs them.....Yes their is much worse out thier, and I have been through ir myself but to others this is all that matters........


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Debra, maybe most men dont like the idea of having "an healthy pair of breasts ". The male psyche may not like to except this and would like to differentiate themselves from females. What are you saying that everyone should be like females and vice versa. We know people may like to dress and/or act like females but that dont apply to all. Yes we all know there are many more serious and darn right devastating conditions then gyne. But look, this is a sight for gyne sufferers and i can guarentee over 90% here are here to vent and seek knowledge on dealing/remedifying gynecomastia. About you saying we should take heed of the fact were lucky we dont have Cancer, deformities (though alot of fellas here would call having breasts a deformity) or any other life threatening illnesses. Fair point, we can count our blessings but then theres millions of people out there who have nothing to eat and are in starving conditions, does this mean YOU never leave a scrap of food behind and chuck away, do you give to charity, in money form or physically. Im not judging you, but dont go judging the common male who dont want titties. Just cos some people dont like to toy around with the fact they have breasts and that they should just shut up and have them and consider they could be worse of is just stupid really. A human mind is more complex then that, to some having breasts is a curse and may lead to damaging mental problems, even to the point of contemplating suicide and sometimes doing it. Dont talk for everyone with the brush you have painted yourself. Your cool with them, good for you. Im not so are alot of other people, let that opinion be good for us to. Geez, put a cork in it.

Yes, I reckon that 90% on this board want to get rid of their gyne. That's why 90% of the board is given over to this.
This section is about ACCEPTANCE - please read the words on the header. If you don't accept your condition, then fine, but please post on one of 8000+ other threads.

Offline Worrier

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I think option 2 is most correct one. Lots of men have somefat on their chest to a degree. Particularly when they get over the age of say 25. Lots of men don't even know what gyne is. Doesn't mean they are comfortable with it though.

However lots of guys also don't really care about how they look. The only boobs they care about are their wives. The only person going in for surgery is their wife , to have bigger boobs ;D

I know guys like that. And they probably dont't know much about the internet let alone accessing this site.If they have man boobs doesn't mean they like it , they are indifferent to it I would say.

The only boobs I enjoy playing with or being played with are a girls. I think most guys are with me on that.

The reason this part of the board is quiet is as givemerespite has said is because most on here don't like having breasts. It doesn't mean all are rushing tomorrow to get surgery, they just want advice on how best to deal with their condition and to talk to other guys who are going through the same thing.

I have never heard anyone get slagged for wanting to keep their boobs. It is just when they try to impose their beliefs on others or nonce about. And in my opinion it is  thick to try to guilt trip people by saying what if you had cancer or something or visit a cancer ward and talk about gyne. Some guys right or wrong h8 having gyne so much they  because so depressed they isolate them selves or develop serious mental health issues.  These people deserve our sympathy and encouragement not that kind of rubbish.

oh and  telling people to get off a board isn't great . What if someone told you to stay on the acceptance part where hardly anyone posts?.Bit illogical really.

Offline badluck

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I'm 23 years old, african-american college student; standing at just barely under 6 foot 3 inches, with an athletic build (somewhat lean), weighing about 208 lbs. being generally athelic i feel that my gyne stands out even more than it would if i were slightly chubby or something. as a youth i was always thin, I developed and notice my gyne at about 13 yrs old and was basically trumatized by it. misguided by lies, i didn't know what the hell it was and thought it would just go away on day. eventually i realized it wouldn't. my nipples didn't really look so bad when they were erect, but when they weren't they looked bad; and at their worse times were huge (just mainly the nipple itself... it was VERY puffy). i got my nipples pierced in hopes that my nipples would become permanently erect due to more lies and false information. i found out that it was gyne, a non-life threatening breast cancer, last year. when looking at my chest started bothering me again.

Debra, it's hard for me to believe that you as a woman, could know what it like for a man, to have breast similar to that of a woman's in any way. it doesn't matter if the nipples are slightly puffy or if they're full, outright breasts. to somewhat put things in perspective, i'm sure you wouldn't be just saying "it could be worse, there are worse things going on in the world" if at puberty, you clitoris suddenly started looking like a male thingy... or rather a penis. that embarassed you and you felt like you have to conceal. I'm sure you wouldn't just want to "accept" things as they are.  as givemerespite noted, most men don't want a "healthy pair of breasts" ... women want that, not to mention a normal woman doesn't REALLY want her man to have them. she'd perfer them to be like most normal men's nipples/chest. if she accpets her man with his woman-like chest, she's just "putting up with it" and not trying to make the guy she's with feel worse about his condition. once again, a woman wouldn't want to have a "nice healthy penis" ... a man wants that... and your normal straight male doesn't want a lover with a penis.

I read your post about there being worse deformities, conditions, etc. out there. and of course that's true. but that arguement, though always true, it also almost always a ridiculous one to make. the reason being that you can always say that. for instance to a person with HIV you could say: "it could be worse... you could have AIDS," to a person with AIDS you could say: "it could be worse, you could have AIDS and a broken leg," to a person lying on their death bed from cancer you could say "well yea, you're i pain and gonna die soon, but hey it could be worse... you could be being kept alive, not allowed to die, only to be tortured in every second of you conscious life," or something. you can ALWAYS have a worse situation than you're in, so that whole "it could be worse" thing is bullshyt in the end to the one suffering. saying that usually also says "it could be worse (so stop bitching)." this in no way really makes a person feel better about their situation. this view is one that says you should just accept things and not want to nor try to improve your situation.

Gyne IS a deformity/condition/etc. it just is. it's a type of cancer. this in and of itself is more than enough of a reason to want to rid yourself of it. and when you factor in the fact that it usually develops/reveals itself/etc. around puberty, an often influential period of our lives, the reasons are even more reasonable. hell, without preparation, a boy who masterbates before developing sperm and/or knowing that one day it will come out will be surprised and possibly freaked out initially about something natural and healthy. a girl will be freaked out by her first period without being informed and prepared for it, and might still need comfort,etc. for something that's supposed to happen. so how the hell is boy to take gyne?? something clearly unnatural, in spite of how common it might be. clearly unnatural to be boy as he sees his friends the same age as him, all without this condition. and when they see his condition they point laugh and make fun. how is one to be prepared for this?? And then he's just to accept it  because things could be worse? you gotta be kidding me! you have a lot of nerve trying to bring up that arguement. when you tried to make everyone feel like they aren't a victim and they have no right to feel the way they do about gyne you messed up big time.

for the people who can accept this and it's not a big deal to them, that's fine. no persecution. for people who say that those who are not like the acceptors of this cancer, SHOULD BE like the acceptors of this... you really should keep that to yourself, or try to honestly put yourself in our position.

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well said, though one detail, gyne is an abnormal growth technically rather than cancer -- though that didn't stop me from believing differently for years till i found this board.  

i'm all for acceptance for those who choose it, and this board should be respected for that.  on the other hand, it shouldn't be an excuse to bash those who choose surgery any more than the other boards should bash those who don't, and i usually try to speak up in both cases.  a fellow sufferer is a fellow sufferer, even those who don't regard it as suffering.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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Yes, definately option 4 then!!!

Merle - I suggest you delete the ACCEPTANCE section of this board altogether - nobody is going to post in a meaningful way here - it is merely a trap for the unwary so that the frustrated can vent their anger on anyone who dares to stray from the hate 'em - hack 'em philosophy.

It appears you are not allowed to listen to nor respect anyone with the alternative outlook, so this view cannot be exercised on this site.

Offline cafit

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Yes, I reckon that 90% on this board want to get rid of their gyne. That's why 90% of the board is given over to this.
This section is about ACCEPTANCE - please read the words on the header. If you don't accept your condition, then fine, but please post on one of 8000+ other threads.

Hey genius (deBra), do you even know what the word ACCEPTANCE means? Well, here's your first and only lesson........

ACCEPTANCE: 1. The act or process of accepting 2. The quality or state of being accepted or acceptable 3. belief in 4. Favorable reception; approval

So as you can see, the word ACCEPTANCE can be construed many different ways by many differnet people. It's all in how you look at it.

It can mean acceptance to a botched surgery gone good, acceptance to an alternative method (which would make a persons condition less noticable), temporary acceptance to ones own psyche in the effort to deal with a (sometimes) extremely depressing condition.

Personally, with all due respect, I beleive you are being very close-minded, one-sided, and completely ignorant to the wide range of veiws noted everywhere on this site. So for you to suggest anything to Merle is like a clown giving lecture tips to a science professor.

Do a little research next time.

In any case, have a great day.

Offline Worrier

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Yes, definately option 4 then!!!

Merle - I suggest you delete the ACCEPTANCE section of this board altogether - nobody is going to post in a meaningful way here - it is merely a trap for the unwary so that the frustrated can vent their anger on anyone who dares to stray from the hate 'em - hack 'em philosophy.

It appears you are not allowed to listen to nor respect anyone with the alternative outlook, so this view cannot be exercised on this site.

And today on who  gives a f@ck. ;D.Stroll on luv.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2006, 05:55:56 AM by Worrier »

Offline Paa_Paw

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When I first visited this site, I almost left without coming back because I was looking for information to give my daughters and daughters in law. Since the condition runs in my family, I do not want any of my grandsons to reach their teens and think that they are alone.

What I found instead was a site that seems to draw people who want the have surgery as opposed to the small number who are looking for help in coping with their condition.

When the surgery first became available about 20 years ago, there were some success stories, but also some cases that could only be called mutilation. The rate of success has greatly improved since then. Likewise the failure rate has diminished greatly.

I did stay around, because of the tendency to see a cosmetic surgeon first then complain about the result later if it was  less than perfection.

It was evident that there was a logical sequence that, if followed, would insure that there would be little to no chance of regrowth and reduce post operative dissatisfaction to near zero.

Hypo was almost alone at that time in encouraging hormone tests and consultations with an Endocrinologist.  I not only agree, but suggested as well that a Psychologist should be seen prior to surgery.

The torment that a young man goes through because of gynecomastia can be horrible; Having been there, I know all too well. I stuck around simply in the hope that I could minimize that torment for someone. That motivation is the only thing that keeps me coming back.

More than ever, I support consultation with an endocrinologist re: hormonal issues and a Psychologist re: emotional issues. Both, before anyone even seriously considers Surgery.

In this age when information is so widely available and up to date,  It is totally absurd for any young man with Gynecomastia to think that he is somehow deformed and that his only salvation is cosmetic surgery. He should be aware of the option, bot not to the exclusion of other information.

The fact that two of the most common surgical procedures are breast augmentation for young women and breast reduction for young men; borders on being perverse.

Grandpa Dan

Offline angel_allen

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Im happy with my boobs.
They are real too (38B & BMI 24.2)unlike some of the fat lardys on this forum who if that bothered by them only need to get off there lazy as#holes & work out a bit!
That said, the only people who try to make fun of my boobs are in my opinion dickheads who arent worth conversing with anyway. >:(
Folk who mention them in a jokey kind of way "hey! love the man boobs!" are fine with me. ::)
Ive no problems taking off my shirt on beaches either. :)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 04:56:54 AM by angel_allen »

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What a subjective question. So much of life is self interpretation. I see guys on his site who have a major case and don't "appear" to be as concerned as others with what I would consider a less severe case.

I was never happy with this but about 3 years before my surgery I started going to counseling and got on 10mg per day of Lexapro for generalized anxiety disorder and depression.  The combined therapies have helped me tremendously.

Guys who aren't should seriously consider counseling. Like every other profession, you have some therapists who are horible and others who are awesome. Be patient and find a good one.

Now I've had the surgery and I'm even happier.


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