Author Topic: Not even 1 pounds loss  (Read 8978 times)

Offline moobius

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for breakfast, i'd recommend eggs. a solid source of protein + healthy fats and the last thing you want to do in the AM is eat a bunch of carbs (ie spike your insulin levels) and then go sit behind a desk for 8 hrs...

Offline stargraphicas

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Hey guys
Sorry about the long delay in the post.  Ive been super busy and in and out of town.  

In response to the above post, insulin levels will be affected regardless of what you eat, that is true.  But what we want to avoid is the spike.  I think most nutritionists would agree that spreading out your meals 5-6 times a day and allowing your metabolism to operate at its peak level is much more beneficial than worrying about insulin levels.  But to each their own.  The main goal is to limit your caloric intake, regardless of how many times you eat a day.  I think the last thing anyone on these boards need to worry about is stuff like IGF-1 or gH.  Simply cutting body fat is key.

Eggs are great for breakfast, but I would recommend a good fiber cereal like the other poster.  Not all carbs are bad, and you need carbs in your diet for your body to operate optimally.  The best time to get them is in the morning, too, since you have all day to burn them off.

Get a good fiber cereal and you'll be fine.  Switch it up every so often with eggs, and keep a good ratio of whites/yolks as in 3:1 or so.  

We are all throwing a lot of information at you, I hope you are doing ok.  Everyone is throwing some great stuff out there, but remember to keep in mind that first things first, eat clean and limit your calories.  That is the most important thing before anything else.  

I would also recommend a George Foreman grill.  I usually cook up 5 or 6 chicken breasts and put them in the fridge.  Fast and easy and you can take them to work!  The smallest is under $50 and a great investment.  

You are making great progress.  Awesome!

Follow me as I shed body fat in hopes of reducing the appearance of gyno:

Offline GodWasAngry

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Get a good fiber cereal and you'll be fine.  Switch it up every so often with eggs, and keep a good ratio of whites/yolks as in 3:1 or so.  

i agree with everything except the ratio should be 5:1..
if he makes an omelet with 6 eggs that means he'll have 2 put 2 yoks and that's just too much, they do have good qualities but they also have loads of cholesterol and a person in his status (300 pounds) should not eat 2 yoks a day... im not even touching the calories yoks have.

i had another point but i forgot it :P

Offline stargraphicas

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I actually agree with you as well...I always eat 5:1 whites to yolks.  I dont eat more than one yolk in a sitting, or in an entire day actually.  Some people just cant take that many whites to begin with though, which I find funny, because now I cant even stomach full eggs.  Too oily!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2006, 08:44:39 PM by stargraphicas »

Offline GodWasAngry

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hey i've got a little question that is not worth openning a new thread for...
do you think walking for 50 minutes twice a day 4 days a week is considered as cardio? (for someone with 13% body fat)

Offline stargraphicas

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You should try cardio that gets your heart rate up. For someone who is 13% body fat I think that simply walking is not going to challenge your body enough.  Plus, do you really want to spend 2 hours out of your day walking around?

Cardio can be considered anything that jumps your heartrate up.  Walking itself is recommended for people with alot of body fat who cant handle the stress that actual cardio does to their bodies.  If you can handle running,biking, swimming, or playing a sport, you should definately do so.  

But you've already got the dedication down, which is impressive (2 hrs 4 days a week?  Thats half the battle right there!)  Definately get into some things that boost your heart rate up.  You'll see much better results in shorter time.

Offline TheHolyOne

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Breakfast - 336 calories
Rice Krispies - 1 1/4 cup - 124 calories
Milk 1% - 1 Cup - 102 Calories
Bannana - 1 - 110 Calories

Snack - 80 Calories
Apple - 1 - 80 - Calories

Lunch - 378 Calories
Canned Tuna - 3 ounces - 100 Calroies
Mayonaise - 2 T. Spoons - 198 Calories
Bread - 1 slice - 80 Calories

Snack 2 - 70 Calories
Orange - 1 - 70 Calories

Supper - 561
Chicken Breast - 2 - 516
Brocoli - 1 medium stalk - 45 calories

Snack 3
Milk 1% - 1 cup - 102 Calories

Total Calorie Intake 1527

Just a update. I've started a little "log" of what I eat on a daily basis. This is everything I ate yesterday inlcuding a rough estimate on how many calories I ate too.

Included in all of it I did a my 1 hour workout. Mostly speed walking. Throw in about 15-20 minutes of a light jog and a climb up a mountain that is probably 150 feet high at about 120 degree incline.

It's all going well so far. I've cleaned up most of my habits but I also feel that I'm not getting enough calories. I feel about 500 more calories would do me good.

Offline stargraphicas

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I almost forgot that the sole purpose of this thread was to help you out.  I am indeed impressed right now.  You are doing what many people dont do: they plan on plan but dont actually take action.  

I hear what you are saying about the calories.  Dont even trip about trying to get the low calories right now.  If you feel you need to eat just a little bit more, do so.  You are balancing and managing your calories, which at this point is your main goal.  If you need to bump up to 2000 calories, do so.  Either way, you are doing phenominal.  

I think we've all been throwing a ton of stuff at you and alot of it is good advice, but I think many of us (including myself, to a high degree) forget that you are just working to get yourself into a manageable weight.  You should be proud of the fact that you have cut out fast food.  That you are filling your body with wholesome food shows great dedication.  I cant say enough how impressed I am.

Just remember to stick with it.  You are probably going to cheat one day (not that its an excuse, keep avoiding these days, but they might happen).  Dont beat yourself up over it.  Take that day, reflect on it, and weigh the positive (eating fatty foods) with the negative (making you fatter).  

Keep us all posted and dont ever hesitate to email.  I have a new email

Man, I cant wait until you are in great shape, because there is no doubt that that is where you are going to be.
Big ups!

Offline IlluminaZero

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Even if weight loss is your focus do not be overly concerned with pounds lossed. The weight machine can be deceiving. The most accurate tests are body mass indexes and just personal observation when you look at yourself. Oftentimes the weight people lose in the short term is simply water weight, and secondly sometimes you will actually gain weight depending on your workouts as you gain in lean tissue. (Which isn’t a bad thing by any means even if you are trying to lose weight, as the lean tissue will help with metabolism.)

Also IIRC a pound of fat is 3500 calories. I remember taking a health class of sorts and the secret to losing weight is expending more calories then you consume. I remember the recommended deficiency is around 500 calories a day, so that (in theory) you will lose around 1 lb of fat a week.

This is just another echo on the importance of calorie counting, reading back it seems someone else posted enough so i'll just leave it at that.

Also this is just a theory of mine but try to optimize your sleeping habits as well. Believe it or not, 2/3rds of the calories we burn is burned as we sleep. Contrary to popular belief, the body is amazingly active while we are sleeping... Although the exact benefits of sleep don't seem to be fully understood to this day.

Congratulations and good luck dude. I understand how hard it can be to adjust your own eating habits. It's not only just an issue of self discipline, there are often social aspects as well. (Like eating with your family.) It's worth it though, persevere.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2006, 11:53:20 PM by IlluminaZero »

Offline rocketrob

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Yo... man..... as a trainer for 12 years I can simply say this...... Stay away from SUGAR and keep your portions healthy not huge.... when I say sugar I mean all breads(except ezikiel bread) commercial cereal, pop, white pasta, potatoes,canned soup.... Keep your protein nice and high....

Only carbs should come from Ezikiel bread, Buckwheat oatmeal, organic long grained rice, and fruits that are low on the glycimic index... ie... small berries, apples, oranges, and cherries...
Keep your dairy to a minimum(except eggs)
watch your milk and cheeze comsumption.... Minimum please

Lots of veggies

1 multi vit per day
1 calcium per day
2 pottassuim per day

I run a weight loss clinic, so if you have any other questions    give me a shout!

« Last Edit: June 27, 2006, 09:35:12 AM by rocketrob »

Offline rocketrob

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You start the day of with too much sugar..... rice crispies and a whole Banana.... SUGAR!!! The Banana is high on the GI index... look up the GI table.... will help you along the way... anything over 55 on the Index should not be touched.....and bread at lunch.... Sugar

curb a few things as I have mentioned, stick to it(no cheating)   you will lose weight my friend!!

« Last Edit: June 27, 2006, 09:41:21 AM by rocketrob »


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