Author Topic: Does zinc help Gyne?  (Read 3632 times)

Offline d3ll

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I used to be an extremely unhealthy eater, i was permantly pale, skinny (i mean really skinny, like someone anorexic - even though i wasn't) I used to only eat chips and fish, cookies chocolate and crisps. Now my lifes gone through the roof, i have more friends, look brown, full of colour, gained a bit of needed muscle and weight, much more energy, i have a girlfriend. Only one thing thats stood in my way for the perfect life, Gyne, maybe my gyne has (puberty gyne) come because of my bad eating, however i still don't think i'm getting enough zinc into my system. Im 14, got some zinc tablets downstairs...(for my dad) - how much should i be considering taking per day? (don't want to get the squits tho  :D )

Cheers Fellas

Offline Vanatu

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Congratulations on the change of lifestyle but i don't think zinc will help your gynecomastia. If i remember correctly the RDA for zinc is 15mg, it probably says on the bottle how much you should take.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The human body does some odd things in order for the species to survive.

The reaction to famine is one of those oddities. Aparently to ensure an adequate supply of nutrition for the infants, Breast enlargement and even lactation is not uncommon.  In fact both conditions were noted among the male survivors rescued from prisons at the end of WW 2.

In most of the men, The condition slowly resolved on its own when they were provided with proper nutrition.

With respect to zinc, I do not know.
Grandpa Dan

Offline bassplayer

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Im 4 months post op and my chest is puffing out again. To be honest i took zinc and vitix for months before my op it didnt do anything. I also took rebound xt and it made my puffy nip worst. It does break down the gland but made it seem puffier. Aslo i have taken 6 oxo after my op when i started noticing the puffyness again. it also didnt help . .

Offline ganjaman

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i use to barely eat anything too... only was eating dinner and very small amount but ive been taking zinc on and off for a while now and i think it might be helping as the gland doesnt feel as thick idk

Offline marctrex

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Zinc (or better yet ZMA) will lower your estrogen levels slightly, but only slightly.

6-oxo and Rebound XT lower it more than ZMA, but don't expect any amazing results.

Vitex really does not effect estrogen levels, but it does lower prolactin and progesterone.  

If you want to shrink the mass of your glanular tissue the only way you can really do that is with a powerful prescription grade aromatase inhibitor.

FEMARA (LETRO) is the strongest and will work the best for reducing the size of glanular tissue.  It's really powerful though and has some potential side effects like loss of libido, the rebound effect, etc.

ARIMIDEX and AROMASIN are other good choices.  Not as strong as FEMARA, but has much less side effects.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2006, 10:49:45 PM by marctrex »

Offline ganjaman

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paw paw do you have an article about the world war and breast enlargemnt?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Sorry No I do not have an article about WW2 and breast enlargement.

I was a Medic in the USAF from 1955 through 1963 and since I had the condition myself, I had a personal interest. The fact that starvation will sometimes precipitate an increase in the pituitary hormone Prolactin was one bit of odd information that I found.

Like many people my age, my mind is cluttered with a lot of trivia; Most of which is quite useless.

In a severe case of malnutrition, This could be something worth checking out. The originator of this thread indicated that he was malnourished and had recently made major changes in his eating habits. So my otherwise usless trivia could be an important piece of information for him.


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