Author Topic: PUFFY NIPPLE, NO GLAND?  (Read 10755 times)

Offline tittyman111

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Ive been to two docs, one was my PS. both said my puffy nips are extra skin/alil tissue...i had my op which just removed some tissue so it would lay flat...well it didnt lay flat 20 days later. there dosnt seem to be any swelling.

Has anyone had similar gyne like mine? im thinking that if he cut out a ring of skin on the nipple it might tighten up? because even before surgery my nipples would look perfect when they got hard

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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I have not read any other cases like yours on here....most people have glandular tissue removed (thats what I had)
8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline j1ggastyle

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Ive been to two docs, one was my PS. both said my puffy nips are extra skin/alil tissue...i had my op which just removed some tissue so it would lay flat...well it didnt lay flat 20 days later. there dosnt seem to be any swelling.

Has anyone had similar gyne like mine? im thinking that if he cut out a ring of skin on the nipple it might tighten up? because even before surgery my nipples would look perfect when they got hard

I have the same issue as you. I had the surgery,which removed some gland tissue behind my nipple, but the nipple is still puffy. I have an appt tomorrow as far as might next option, but I don't have too much money to spend again. This is really bothering me. I work out 5 times a week, but yet I'm scared to remove my shirt.

Offline rocketrob

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Same with me... 3 ops   1 tissue removal = 2 puffies still and an indent on the right side that would make you sick!

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Yeah, over the past 2 years that I have been reading the boards, it seems that 'Puffies' are more difficult to correct.

I didn't have puffies, just a large breast mass.

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics


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Ive been to two docs, one was my PS. both said my puffy nips are extra skin/alil tissue...i had my op which just removed some tissue so it would lay flat...well it didnt lay flat 20 days later. there dosnt seem to be any swelling.

Has anyone had similar gyne like mine? im thinking that if he cut out a ring of skin on the nipple it might tighten up? because even before surgery my nipples would look perfect when they got hard

"Puffy Nipples" is a common public term for gynecomastia. 

The problem is the the term puffy nipples is a phrase that mean so many different things to so many different people.  Words just do not convey the actual problem very well - images do a little better, but still are not the same as an actual in office evaluation with your doctor.

Putting up pictures (using standard views before and after surgery) is one way to discuss what the problem was before surgery and what has happened.   Options depend on what is really going on.

Let us try to look what I mean by the problem of the words only descriptions.  "Large nips", "puffy nipples," "puffed nipples,"  and "puffy nips" are a common terms many give to a problem that extends to the region about the areola.   The nipple is actually the central raised structure inside the pigmented areola.

"Puffed nipples" can be a problem for some that involves long nipples above the areola where nipple reduction alone helps.

"Puffy Nipps" can be a problem behind the areola that can take many forms.  The deformity is usually a varying combination of fat and gland.  The gland can be firm or soft, spread through fat, or be a condensed mass.  There is a thin muscle under the areola skin that can flatten tissue when stimulated. Unfortunately it is impractical to keep stimulating these muscles.

In many of these patients with "puffy nipples," there was no firm tissue under the areola, just fat and soft gland.  Here is one example of puffy nipples in a muscular male.  Here is another example of   puffed nipples.  Here is another patient with puffy nipple gynecomastia.

"Puffy Nipples" can also be a combination of gynecomastia and big nipples.

I prefer my Dynamic Technique that adapts to the problem found during surgery to minimize such issues as residual deformity after surgery.

It does not take much to disturb the cut look of someone with a low body fat % such as a bodybuilder and I have sculpted many.  Bodybuilding can help with fat and muscles, but will not help with gland and you cannot pick where the fat comes from.  My bodybuilding patients typically tell me that what is on top of the muscle gets pushed out further in making bigger muscles. 

You can find some examples of pictures before and after gynecomastia surgery

Here - Gyno and BodyBuilding

Puffy Nipples and Bodybuilding

Here - Gynecomastia and BodyBuilding

Here - Gynecomastia Treatment


Here - Gynecomastia BodyBuilding.

I would suggest looking beyond each link's first page at all of the views for each patient to better understand the difference in the look before / after surgery.  There are other examples of lean patients, but thought this would be a good start.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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