Author Topic: Finally over?  (Read 3065 times)

Offline monty

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I"m 37 and and as a child was  described as husky. Gyne has been part of my life as long as I can remember. This site is really is incredible because I hear the same things that I 've dealt with all my life. Shirts vs skins as a kid was avoided like the plague. Or the beach or even hot weather because it was harder to disguise my chest. Even with all my chest issues I managed to carry on a relatively normal life. I'm a big guy and played college ball and no amount of weight lifting and running would make them disappear. When I stopped working out they ballooned and I was living day to day as far as going to work was concerned and my wife knew how much of a problem it was but still could not understand the big shirts and tight undershirts. I don't really know where I'm going with this except to say yhat I can't believe I waited so long. Now That I"ve had the surgery(two weeks out) It feels so surreal. I'll finally be able to go to pool with my 5 year old daughter. So much needless suffering. So many years of feeling like a freak or that everyone could see em. To anyone contimplating doin it  call a doctor today. My new birthday is May 26th 2006. I'm no punk but I believe my gyne has led to me being less self confident and not as outspoken as I'd like. I truly  feel better equipped to face this world as a man.

Offline theblues

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Same here.

"Why don't you take your shirt off?! Come on, you're not 60, get some sun tan!"

I just say I can't stand too much sunshine, and go in the shade and drink a beer or two. Can't remember the last time I went swimming in a public place.  ;D

Offline ddaavviidd

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good for u ,   who was your p.s ?

Offline monty

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Janet Woodyard in Maryland, after she did a great job for my wife I decicded to go with her. Excactly one month out and things look great.

Offline jones357

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Can you take you shirt of yet? or are you still looking like a crash victim?  I am only 5 days out, so I look funny as hell.

Offline monty

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I could take off my shirt but I'd look like my dad ten years ago(no gyne). After I drop this 20 to 30 lbs and get some push ups under my belt things should be great.  Best of all I look great in my clothes and look acceptable bare chested.  Hey my man keep wearing your vest and be patient. Maybe even start walking and eating right. Now that youv'e had the surgery any excersise you do actually benefits you.


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