Author Topic: pills dangerous??  (Read 5105 times)

Offline lopher

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nolvadex is liver toxic??? i'd like to see some science to back that claim

Yeah i got prescribed tamoxifen as well by my doc so when i read this i got a bit worried :-/

So anyway i typed "tamoxifen nolvadex liver" into which i use to search stuff.

anyway these are the first 3 links, so no bias:

it talks mainly about chick cancers in the early points about it, u know like cancer of the uterus etc, so i ain't too worried about that  ;)

anyway at point 10 it says:

Although tamoxifen can cause liver cancer in particular strains of rats, it is not known to cause liver cancer in humans. It is clear, however, that tamoxifen can sometimes cause other liver toxicities in patients, which can be severe or life threatening.

the second hit down is:

which says:

Tamoxifen can cause abnormalities of liver tests and other blood tests, and patients taking it should keep appointments for blood work to monitor for these side effects.

then the third hit down just looked a bit lame as it didn't look like a pro site, if u know what i mean so ignored it, so the fourth hit is:

which basically makes the same points so i couldnt be bothered to bore u with the same info, lol.

i never believe so called 'facts' either lol, people say on the internet, so i just usually type something into google and get real genuine info on something i want to check.

Offline ovuca

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Certain anti-estrogens and aromatase inhibitors can help battle the signs of gyno, especially if done right after the onset (Gynecomastia induced by androgenic steroids can usually prevented/treated this way.).
After some years though, endocrinological attention gets less effective, as the tissue hardens. In your case, I'd say give it a try, but most likely you'll get very disappointed.

I tried "Rebound XT"  (aromatase inhibitor) from designer supplements, one of the better ones. I did see some improvement, but not satisfactory by any standards. That's why I had surgery 2 days ago.

Call Gruff anything you want, but at least he sits on some information.

Offline jones357

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I thibk drugs are okay if prescribed by a dr. who knows your history,  buy I think using a drug to treat a flared gland as a resuly of steroids is realistic.  Maybe even when you first notice the condition a puberty.  But, if you have had gland for 10 years and it hasn't grown,  chances are the drugs will be treating a condition that no longer exists. So, the drugs will lower an estrogen level that might not even be high.

Offline swe

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I am now waising my time so send u a comment:

Are you calling me an a-hole because i'm tellin' you to go to a DOCTOR and check if it can be cured with medicines?? Or r u one of those business men who r trying to advertise for surgey...where you take grands of dollars from people who can be cured with very less amounts of cash??


Offline jones357

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No swe,
I am calling you that, because after I took time to reply to your post, you called me an un-intelligent person, with an un-intelligent reply.
Fact of the matter is, you're an 18 year old punk,who after making 22 posts in 2 months, seems to have enough knowledge about gyne, to call other people un intelligent.
On June 13th, you ask us if we know anything about pills curing gyne.
On June 16th ( a whopping 3 days later ), you come in saying you went to your Dr. (1 doctor) and he says pills can cure it. And then, in the same post, refer to the Dr.'(s) (multiple doctors) you've been seeing.
Now, these must have been some awesome Dr's, as since those visits, you have become Mr. knowledge about gynecomastia.
You and the other nitwit that tells people to "fukk off" when he can't think of anything intelligent to say, will have a happy life together.
Gawd, the newbies on this site have gone down hill on this site rcently.
No wonder people leave this site, and never look back.

You really summed this punk up.  If he has any respect for himself he will change names or wither away. Anyone who curses out people they have never met online for disagreeing, when they themselves are working with incomplete infromation is socially challenged.  

Maybe we should give this guy a break.  He is obviously so mad about his gyne, that he is taking it out on us.  Kind of link a drunk who yells at people during an AA meeting, who are trying to help.  Just say you sorry "SWE" and let's move on with something more productive than this.

Offline swe

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your reply to the my first question:

"Find new Dr's.
Medicine can NOT cure gyne. (in almost all cases)"

well it seems your a professional doctor now by having more than 200 posts and it seems your intelligents r more than specialized doctors.

How stupid can a human be????????
I'm telling you all doctors told me gyne (or lets say my puffy nipples) can go away with medicine, and now you give an intelligent reply claiming medicine almost never works?...hahaha

well just want to let you know by posting bullsh*it on internet, you dont become one doctor.

Its good you have self confidence, but isn't just too much doc.? And thank you for your information regarding my posts...they make a good couple with your brain.

and let me tell you why people never come back to this's because of your fuc*king stupid replies to their important questions

Offline swe

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your reply to the my first question:

"Find new Dr's.
Medicine can NOT cure gyne. (in almost all cases)"

well it seems your a professional doctor now by having more than 200 posts and it seems your intelligents r more than specialized doctors.

How stupid can a human be????????
I'm telling you all doctors told me gyne (or lets say my puffy nipples) can go away with medicine, and now you give an intelligent reply claiming medicine almost never works?...hahaha

well just want to let you know by posting bullsh*it on internet, you dont become one doctor.

Its good you have self confidence, but isn't just too much doc.? And thank you for your information regarding my posts...they make a good couple with your brain.

and let me tell you why people never come back to this's because of your fuc*king stupid replies to their important questions

Offline swe

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your reply to the my first question:

"Find new Dr's.
Medicine can NOT cure gyne. (in almost all cases)"

well it seems your a professional doctor now by having more than 200 posts and it seems your intelligents r more than specialized doctors.

How stupid can a human be????????
I'm telling you all doctors told me gyne (or lets say my puffy nipples) can go away with medicine, and now you give an intelligent reply claiming medicine almost never works?...hahaha

well just want to let you know by posting bulls*it on internet, you dont become one doctor.

Its good you have self confidence, but isn't just too much doc.? And thank you for your information regarding my posts...they make a good couple with your brain.

and let me tell you why people never come back to this's because of your fuc*ing stupid replies to their important questions

Offline merle

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We all have a choice in what and who we believe, but civilized discourse requires courtesy and politeness. That seems to be missing in part of this thread. It is time for it to return.

Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
The first book on Gynecomastia

My newest book: Facing the Truth of Your Life is very relevant to members of this forum. It could save you a lot of unnecessary pain and time.

Book books are available on Amazon. FTTOYL is also available through your local bookstore or on Audible or iTunes.

Offline Yoshi

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surgery can cost up to $6000 .

More :(

Offline hazzard623

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  • zap that gyno
lies unless u get scamed ^^

Offline hiufung88319

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So,if your docotor say the pill is dangerous,i think you might ask what is the dangerous.Before my surgery,i had found 4 surgoen for advice.They all say that no pill can cure.In addition,3 docotor avoid help me for the surgery because they never face gyne.
I promise when the gyne problem fixed,i will try my best on everything.I will study hard and become Sith Lord ;)


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