Author Topic: Extra Skin removal ???  (Read 4078 times)

Offline fajast

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Hi, I am 26 and after viewing my pics, Dr Baranski concluded that fat + gland removal will be done PLUS he thinks that after 3-4 months we will have to see if extra skin removal is needed too ??? in that case I will have to undergo another surgery and there WILL be additional scars running towards armpits.

Now has anyone ever had this part done? how do the scars look like. Can I see some pics of the scars if there is any one who has had his extra skin adjusted later on.

Is it possible to get the skin removed/adjusted during the 1st op as I will have returned to my country by 4 months.

Thanks guys, need help.

My pics:

Offline jones357

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Sagging skin was 1 of my biggest fears, before and after surgery. I was beside myself for the weeks leading up to, and 2 weeks post op.
Sagging skin can be repaired, however, the price you pay is a big 1. There is no way to hide the scars, and those scars are very noticable, and very large.
Most Dr.'s recommend that if you have sagging skin, to do nothing about it. ( because of the scarring )
Luckilly, I didn't have any extra/sagging skin after surgery.
You do have a pretty severe case of gyne ( in my opinion ). Sagging skin might very well be a proble for you. It all depends on you age, and your skin type.
If I was you ( and I know this is easier said than done ), I would hit the gym, and diet my a$$ off for a year. This will give your skin the time it needs to retract over time

I worry about saggy skin too, but I think it is better than a full breast to some degree.  I would not have the skin removed, because you will be in the same or worse boat.  If you skin sags, you probably won't notice with a shirt on.  You may with a shirt off if you lean forward, or jump.  If people think you last weight, they won't think much of it.  If you have the skin removed, you won't look any better with your shirt on, but for the rest of your life you will have a huge scar to explain every time you take off your shirt.  

Billy- I am 1 week PO, but still swollen.  Do you think I am in the clear if it is not sagging yet?  Did you have stretch marks? I do, but not on the part of my chest that he worked on.  My PS said strech marks are a concern.

Offline fajast

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Sagging skin was 1 of my biggest fears, before and after surgery. I was beside myself for the weeks leading up to, and 2 weeks post op.
Sagging skin can be repaired, however, the price you pay is a big 1. There is no way to hide the scars, and those scars are very noticable, and very large.
Most Dr.'s recommend that if you have sagging skin, to do nothing about it. ( because of the scarring )
Luckilly, I didn't have any extra/sagging skin after surgery.
You do have a pretty severe case of gyne ( in my opinion ). Sagging skin might very well be a proble for you. It all depends on you age, and your skin type.
If I was you ( and I know this is easier said than done ), I would hit the gym, and diet my a$$ off for a year. This will give your skin the time it needs to retract over time

BillyBoy do you mean that I go for the op and then if I have some sagging skin, I should go to gym and basically work on my chest? because if you are asking me to go to the gym to reduce this **** then like most others, I have already worked out a lot but the muscles hide behind this gyno and nothing is visible, it doesn't even reduce
>:( . I will definitely not go for skin adjustment (incase I needed it) but can anyone post any pic of someone with sagging skin? Thanks friends

Offline jones357

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I think if you grow your chest muscles enough, you could fill a large portion of you extra skin.  That is what I will try if it happens to me.

Offline Lifes2short

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Guys, I am not a doctor so I don't pretend to be an expert, but I am one day post op so I you can rest assured that I have done some research.

My body and skin look similar to yours and my doctor told me that my skin shoudl stretch back nicely.  I think alot of it has to do (1) with your skin and (2) making sure you keep the right compression vest on post surgery.

My boobies were about liek yours and he thinks it will bounce back nicely.  Depending upon how quick you are to move on this, you can follow my story and see how it turns out.

If you look at my post history you can see my story and my pictures.

Worst case, even if you did have to have some skin tightening later I don't think it is that bad of a procedure, but you woudl probably have a little scaring. I would look at female breat reduction before and after pictures to get a feel for how they make the cuts. Obviously your case is nowhere near oversized female breasts, but perhaps it will give you some feel for what post op scars look like for this type of procedure.

Offline fajast

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Lifes2short > thanks man, so how are you now? do you have excess skin? Hey! I got the idea and looked at some breast reduction pics but the scars are really huge  hope it will not even be close enough in Gyne cases. :-[

hope to hear some good news from you.


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