Author Topic: Surgeons in Vancouver?  (Read 2358 times)

Offline brwndominator

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Hey guys, im very new here... I'm 19 and i think i have a moderate case of gyno... from reading other threads I've heard a lot of good things about Dr. Fielding... but i doubt I'll be able to go to Toronto any time... does anyone recommend a surgeon in BC? I guess the prices would range... but does anyone know how much i could expect to pay? Thanks for all your time and patience..
« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 11:10:56 PM by brwndominator »

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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Hey BrwnDominator. I had my first surgery in BC with a Dr Demienzuk (spelling likely off) I would definitely not recommend him. I know there were a couple names tossed around as decent BC surgeons, except I'm fairly sure they operated in private clinics, thus you are forced to pay more obviously.

If you're just getting an excision the surgery is completely covered in BC. I don't believe lipo is often covered, so you will have to pay for that if required. The cost of lipo treatment for gyne ranges from doc to doc, it all depends on where they're doing the surgery and how much they wish to charge for the equipment/time.

Hope that answers at least part of the question.
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