Author Topic: Most Depressing Summer Ever...PLEASE HELP!  (Read 2919 times)

Offline yanks2112

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So far, this has been by far the most depressing summer for me.  Not only that, it is probably going to be my last summer as a "kid".  I'm 21 years old now and I'm a junior in college.  Next summer I'll probably be interning somewhere, so this is probably my last summer to have fun.

My summer has been terrible.  I wouldn't say I have a major case of gynecomastia, but I do have puffy nipples which I find to be totally embarassing.  They shine like crazy, and the fact that my skin is pale due to not being in the sun makes it look worse.  

This summer has been a killer, because I've had to turn down so many things that I wish I could do.  First off, this girl that I like asked me to come to a pool party at her house last week and to the beach this past weekend.  I had to come up with two bogus excuses just to avoid the situation.  And it sucks, because I know she likes guys that like to do the same things as her.  She loves swimming and going to the beach in the summer.  I love all of that stuff too , but I just can't get myself to actually do it because I'm afraid of what she might think.  

Second, today is the 4th of July, and my cousin is having his annual BBQ.  I know it's going to be a blast, but I made an excuse not to go, because like most BBQ's there's a pool and I'd look like a complete jerkoff being the only person not swimming, not to mention the fact I would have to take my shirt off in front of dozens of girls. The rest of my family went, and I'm on my own to find something to do.  Not only that, but my best friend knows I didn't want to go (he doesn't know the reason), so his girlfriend invited me to her house for her BBQ/pool party.  I gave him the excuse that "I'll probably drop by for a little bit later."

And to top it all off, a bunch of my friends are going to a waterpark this weekend, and I had to give them the excuse that I'm working.  YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I WANT TO DO ALL OF THESE THINGS, BUT I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO ASK MY PARENTS ABOUT SURGERY!!  MY MOTHER ALWAYS TELLS ME IM SO SELF CONCSIOUS....YES I AM!!

They definitely have the money for the surgery, it just takes coming up with the courage to ask them and actually convince them that it's worth it.  I'm so lost and depressed, I've missed out on the last 5 summers, and the best years of my life which included senior year of high school and basically all of college thanks to this f***ing deformation.  Sorry to waste your guys' time.  I just had to vent....Thanks.

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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man I feel ya. I have a simular situation. (20 years old, missed many beach trips/pool parties since middle school) It sucks big time. Especially for me because after two surgeries im still not normal looking  ::) still puffy  ::)
8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Yep!  Gyne Sux.....    >:(

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline snugs

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You really have two choices at this point. You can either continue to let gyne run your life and spend your summer posting on this forum, or you can learn to deal with it and actually enjoy yourself.

We all know gyne sucks. I've got it but I don't let it stop me from doing anything but wear really tight shirts. In the past few months i've gone to pool parties, had friends over to hang out on the lake, and dated (and banged) several attractive women- all without a problem.

Here's an example: a few weeks ago one of those girls i've been seeing invited me to go out to her parent's lake house on a saturday. I didn't make up some excuse about work, i said hell yes i want to go. Not 5 minutes after getting into her parent's boat her dad asked me if i was gonna go tubing. I didn't hesitate, or throw out an excuse about being sore from the gym or not feeling good or something, i took my shirt off and dove into the water. I spent the rest of the day without a shirt on. I got to have a blast being thrashed behind the boat (her dad had way too much fun torturing me), instead of sitting at home and playing World of Warcraft and wishing I was out having fun with a hot chick.

What effect did my chest have on this girl's opinion of me? None at all. If anything she digs me even more after that Saturday- we've gone out several times a week since.

Does my chest bother me? Hell yes. I still look at myself in the mirror every time i put on a shirt to see just how noticable it is. I prefer to keep my shirt on in public.  I just scheduled an appointment with my surgeon a few minutes ago because I fully intend to go through with the surgery. But i do NOT let my chest keep me from doing the things i want to do.

I hate to be harsh with you but you need to sack up and learn to deal with it. Go to the waterpark this weekend. Talk to your parents as soon as you can. You could print out your post from here and show it to them, but that's the weak way out IMO. Quit wallowing in self pity and do something to better your situation.

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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You really have two choices at this point. You can either continue to let gyne run your life and spend your summer posting on this forum, or you can learn to deal with it and actually enjoy yourself.

We all know gyne sucks. I've got it but I don't let it stop me from doing anything but wear really tight shirts. In the past few months i've gone to pool parties, had friends over to hang out on the lake, and dated (and banged) several attractive women- all without a problem.

Here's an example: a few weeks ago one of those girls i've been seeing invited me to go out to her parent's lake house on a saturday. I didn't make up some excuse about work, i said hell yes i want to go. Not 5 minutes after getting into her parent's boat her dad asked me if i was gonna go tubing. I didn't hesitate, or throw out an excuse about being sore from the gym or not feeling good or something, i took my shirt off and dove into the water. I spent the rest of the day without a shirt on. I got to have a blast being thrashed behind the boat (her dad had way too much fun torturing me), instead of sitting at home and playing World of Warcraft and wishing I was out having fun with a hot chick.

What effect did my chest have on this girl's opinion of me? None at all. If anything she digs me even more after that Saturday- we've gone out several times a week since.

Does my chest bother me? Hell yes. I still look at myself in the mirror every time i put on a shirt to see just how noticable it is. I prefer to keep my shirt on in public.  I just scheduled an appointment with my surgeon a few minutes ago because I fully intend to go through with the surgery. But i do NOT let my chest keep me from doing the things i want to do.

I hate to be harsh with you but you need to sack up and learn to deal with it. Go to the waterpark this weekend. Talk to your parents as soon as you can. You could print out your post from here and show it to them, but that's the weak way out IMO. Quit wallowing in self pity and do something to better your situation.

Thats a very encouraging lil story. Its prolly soooo true (esp for us with mild gyne "puffy nipples") I have had two surgeries and im still not flat, but im going to stop letting my mild gyne ruin my summer. I went thru too much suffering and $$$ to be afraid like how i was pre op. The contour of my chest is nicer now, and my nips arent as puffy as pre op (easier now to make them erect too)  so im gonna let loose this weekend.
          Thanks snugs

Offline yanks2112

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I live in the NYC area.  Does anyone know who the "good" surgeons are in this area, and what they usually charge for the surgery?  I have puffy nips, so it would be excision with some lipo.  Thanks

Offline dallasguy12

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I can relate too. I just got home from a vacation in Texas and was with my girlfriend and her pretty sisters (who also have pretty friends). We all know how much pretty girls like to swim and sunbathe :P

We've all been there man. I still go to the beach. I even run shirtless (I have the puffy nips, they're pink, cone shaped, and ugly) but I don't want to allow gyne to give me regrets about how I chose to live my young adult life.

Sometimes you have to suck it up. You learn a lot about yourself, and other people when you bear situations like that. Hopefully one day I'll have them corrected but until that time, I'm going to make the best of it and you should too.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 03:06:48 PM by stoavio »


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