Author Topic: Letrozole log, I'll kepp you posted  (Read 9225 times)

Offline plato

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I started taking letrozole, which is supposed to help with gyne, tonight, and I'll keep you guys posted. For the record, I'm 18 and have had gyne for about 4-5 years, I'm in decent shape, not chubby etc. I'll update progress, or lack thereof, every week. Wish me luck!

Offline plato

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ON day four, I dropped the damn Letro on the ground and it broke! I have some Nolvadex and will be using that this month and start on the Letro when nolva runs out.

Thus far, the outer layers of the glands seem setatched from the core, and they are more tender than normal, and the nips are lessy puffy, although I'd need measuremtns to tell if the glands actually shrank. I'll still keep you posted about the Nolvadex, and the Letro again next month.

Offline tim77

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Offline jamaica_boy

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I took Nolvadex for about 6 weeks, about 30mg per day. I noticed that my chest began to shrink starting from the outside (i.e if each breast were a circle then the fat started to dissapear starting from the outer circle towards the nipples at the centre). I could  feel a difference in the ammount of tissue in my chest as the weeks progressed and my nipples started pointing more downward and outward (towards my arms). I also noticed that i lost fat on my buttocks, thighs and hips. I ran out of Nolva before i was able to get the results i wanted. I have read that Letrozole should be more effective since it blocks the formation of estrogen as opposed to Nolva that just prevents the already formed estrogen from causing breast growth.

so i'm sorry to hear that Plato has dropped his letrozole because i really want to hear how that works. I ordered some (30 X 2.5mg pills) and it should arrive in two weeks. I plan on ordering more 2 weeks into it (if i get desirable results with no adverse side effects) so that this time i may be able to have enough to go for a longer time (say 3 months) and hopefully be able to change the puffiness of my nipples.

I'm curious to know if it is possible for someone to have gynecomastia without actually having a  significant amount of glands because  i can't seem to feel anything that feels different from the rest of my chest just behind my nipples.They are quite puffy though, i just cant feel the "little ball"  that most describe behind the nipples that should be the glands. I am wondering if this will help me to achieve better results since i may not have the glands behind the nipples that would only dissapear with surgery. Or maybe it could be the case that my glands will start to be more apparent as more of the fat goes away. I'm not terribly overweight, i'm 6 feet tall and i now weigh 180lbs. I work out a lot and have a medium  athletic build. My abs are not chiselled but is more or less flat. I will try to post pictures of my body soon, especially before i get the letrozole.

I would love to read anyone elses experiences with letrozole or nolvadex. Are there any doctors that could offer any information/advice?

I'm sure as most of you do, i spend a lot of time thinking about my chest and how i could possibly make it better. I have started a very rigourous workout since the beginning of the year and it helps but i am not yet satisfied.

thanks to all who have posted!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 03:08:36 PM by jamaica_boy »

Offline plato

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I'll be back in business with the Letro soon, and pills this time in case I drop it again! Right now the glands are definitely less solid and they are broken up, as compared to one solid mass behind the nip. I can't honestly say that they have shrunk yet, but I'll keep you posted!

Offline kennyb

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Where'd you get teh Letro and how much did it cost?

I was taking some raloxifene for a while but it screwed up my moods...made me depressed.  So I just couldn't take it.

I've had gyno for a long time.

Offline jk_2k8

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From reading these med logs in the past it seems that none of these pills completely rid you of gyne. I'm not discouraging plato's ventures with the stuff, just saying that if you want it completely gone, surgery is the best choice given a good surgeon. Did you get a prescription for these pills from a doc plato or are they OTC?
Age: 16
Gyne since: 13
When's surgery: My 18th B-Day

Offline Hypo-is-here

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He didn't getting them from a doctor or over the counter.  He IS self medicating and has obtained them either via a bodybuilding pal, from an illegal source or via a dodgy internet site.

It is upto him what he does, but he is his own guinea pig and is highly unlikely to know what he is doing...maybe he will get lucky.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 01:25:09 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline plato

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He didn't getting them from a doctor or over the counter.  He IS self medicating and has obtained them either via a bodybuilding pal, from an illegal source or via a dodgy internet site.

It is upto him what he does, but he is his own guinea pig and is highly unlikely to know what he is doing...maybe he will get lucky.

Nope. My dad is an MD and agreed to read up onnit, as endocrinology is not his specialty. Said that trying it for a few months probably won't cause any harm, but I should play it by ear. Tamoxifen is prescription, the letro I broke was research for my hamster(Letro is not generic and cost 300 a month), but now I have samples...meaning free.

Offline plato

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As for the update, I've been taking the nolvadex for about 5 days. No side effects so far. The gland has continued to lose hardness, and is beginning to lose it's shape. I'll start measuring to judge any possibly increase in size.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Nope. My dad is an MD and agreed to read up onnit, as endocrinology is not his specialty. Said that trying it for a few months probably won't cause any harm, but I should play it by ear. Tamoxifen is prescription, the letro I broke was research for my hamster(Letro is not generic and cost 300 a month), but now I have samples...meaning free.

sure ;) dad thinks it is ok despite not being qualified and medicates his son without pathology and other med is for a ethical or issues of efficacy there then.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 03:17:53 PM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline samgyne28

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hypo - chilax.
you guys keep taking th epills and keep us posted on your progress.  Also, let us know about side effects..  Thanks.

Offline plato

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The tamoxifen has really causes no side effects as far as I can tell. Letro is more likely to cause sides, althogh I didn't notice any for the short time my hamster was taking it. I have noticed that the glands kinda have a tingly feeling at times, which is scary, because tingling usually means growth from what I've heard. Measurements will confirm it though. It might tingle during growth as well as recession.

I want to start taking the letro now, but my source insists that I must finish the nolva to see if it helps before going on to the more potent drug.

Offline plato

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sure ;) dad thinks it is ok despite not being qualified and medicates his son without pathology and other med is for a ethical or issues of efficacy there then.

I'll be getting the pathology tests withing the next few weeks, but it probably will come back clean and clear. I don't have other problems associated with low test, chronic liver disease, pituitary tumors etc are possible, and I'll get them checked, but not likely.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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What can you expect from pathology tests?

The results will be invalid.

Estradiol in the blood will have no bearing on estradiol biologically due to the blocking of estradiol at the estrogen receptors.

Also your HPTA results, LH, testosterone etc will all be altered as a result of the Tamoxifen and again be invalid.

I am going to leave you to it as I don't think I am saying anything you want to hear.

Hope you get rid of the gynecomastia, best of luck.


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