Author Topic: Age 22, Need some advice.  (Read 2821 times)

Offline coolguy21

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Hi everyone. My name is Joe and i have gynecomastia.
I dont remember exactly when it started, But i think it was around age 15 or 16. Right now I am 22 years old.
So I have had it for around 6 or 7 years.

I've known other kids that had the same thing, but its gone away for them. I thought it would leave me too and i kept waiting and right now im thinking maybe all hope is lost.

I dont know who i should turn to for advice. I thought maybe i should talk to my family doctor, but honestly im not sure how much they know about this issue. I've been reading about it on the internet a lot lately and i figure i know more than my doctor. Should i even bother turning to him with my questions?

Here are some of the questions i wanted to clarify on, because i didnt come across an exacty answer.

I have had a light case of gynecomastia for around 7 years. I think it has hardened under my nipple, but there is still some sort of fat between the gland and the nipple that makes it look swollen.
Is there any chance at this stage that it will still pass by itself?

Also, i have seen various medications that are suppose to help with these conditions, but none state a proper period after the symptoms appear that i can still take them.
What i mean is, Which of all those available medications are still viable 6 or 7 years after the symptoms have first appeared?

Can you personally recommend any medication that is good after such a long period?

Because i think some medications will only work when you first have gynecomastia.
It seems to me my puffy nipple and gland have stayed the same for around 4 years already.

Surgery is very expensive. Personally, I never imagined it would come to this. And now I have to start considering it seriously. It makes me really sad. I dont have an extreme case, but its swollen like a small marble, and it is obvious if you look at it from a profile like from the top or the side.

If you have any other advice for me about Treatment please tell me. I dont have anyone to discuss this with except people on this forum.
I dont need you guys to tell me stuff like "oh dont be shy" and "dont be self conscience", im a grown man and really self confident. You can save that for the 15 year olds that come in here. I just need the truthful facts and advice from your own experience.

Thanks in advance, Joe (alias)

Offline coolguy21

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Another thing ive noticed is that when i press hard on the swollen nipple and gland, it will excrete some sort of liquid out the center of the nipple.
Does this mean anything?

Offline lopher

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Another thing ive noticed is that when i press hard on the swollen nipple and gland, it will excrete some sort of liquid out the center of the nipple.
Does this mean anything?

Yes it means your in season my lactating friend. Stay away from horny goats who will chase you for your milky goodness... run... run... RUN AWAY ;D

« Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 07:15:04 AM by lopher »

Offline coolguy21

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Can you be serious for a moment?
This is really important to me and you didnt answer any of my questions :(

Offline jones357

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I have never heard of anyone leaking, but all jokes aside I would use that to my advantage.  I would show that to a doctor, and maybe you have something insurance will cover.  I don't know where you live, but in the US, it isn't something that is covered by insurance.  I milk or puss is coming out of you , there has got to be something more present.  I would definatley show someone that.  NOTHING SHOULD COME OUT OF YOUR NIPPLE! That is more than just the vanity that makes the rest of us have surgery. That is just wrong.

Offline lopher

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Can you be serious for a moment?
This is really important to me and you didnt answer any of my questions :(

Well standard advice would be to go to your Dr, get a refferal to an endocrinologist to get your hormone levels checked and ask your Dr about Hyperprolactinemia. Do you have any other symptoms like nausea, headache, impotence etc...?

It's probably nothing to worry about, but do yourself a favor and get yourself checked out. If your smart you'll use this to your advantage to get a free gyne op  :D
Personally i'd go straight to my Dr and in a nice but firm way be direct and say that you want the gyne to be cut out immediately, remove all the duct glands and tissue and send the excised tissue for pathology. Explain that this is tearing you up inside. Show him, squeeze them and leak some fluid onto his carpet... Then say there's nothing he or anyone else can say that will re-assure you until it has all been removed.
Then if you want for extra effect, crawl under his desk and cry like a baby  ;)

« Last Edit: July 06, 2006, 08:57:35 PM by lopher »


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