Author Topic: Discount for students??  (Read 3173 times)

Offline bossman

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Does dr fielding give discounts for students??  Im 19 years old and in high school just finishing up some credits?? Would I get a discount??

Offline bossman

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Offline supaaman

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I have heard/read that he does have a student discount.  Also ask if there are any provisions within the OHIP for surgery coverage for 19 yrs and under?  (I have read before where some guys that were teenagers had it covered because of their age).  I don't think their PS was Fielding... it may have been in BC actually.  The excision with Fielding is covered, it is just a matter of how much he will charge for Lipo.

If I recall correctly, you had a very mild case of gyne so it's possible you may need little or no lipo, reducing your cost.

Hope that helps.  Best way to find out is to book a consult (it's free).  He's a really nice guy and surely he will do the best he can for you.
JCF  Success Story - Surgery Aug 23, 2006

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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I am a university student (21) with a rather mild revision case and I'm being charged $640 for a one sided treatment from Fielding.

I'm not sure if I should have pressed the "Hey, it's minor!" or "Hey, student!" cards, but that's what I am stuck paying at the moment..
May ye' spend half an hour in Heaven before the devil knows you're dead.

Offline brebguy

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you are getting a revision ? meaning its the second time you are going under the nife ?

who did you first surgery ? was it fielding ?

thanks in advance !!!
take care
surgery did not work...:-(
Dr. Fielding (TO - Ontario : 416.766.8890) on august 9th, 2006 and revision on september 21st, 2007

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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Nah it was a surgeon back in Vancouver, all covered under MSP (BC health). He didn't do a wonderful job, in fact it was quite dissapointing, but the price was right.

I didn't expect Fielding to charge me full rate for such a small case but he isn't easy to contact and I need to get the money in as my surgery is on August 2nd. I still don't even know if he's doing the right side of my chest, which has a very minor case..

Offline supaaman

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Hey Timmy,

I think $640 is pretty cheap.  Just because it's minor doesn't mean it would be way cheaper.  As you could imagine they probably pay the same for the O.R.  and have to go through all the same steps as a more extensive case.  Sure it might save him 30 minutes of time to do a minor case, on one side, but anytime they do a surgery it's going to be relatively the same cost to him.

Offline Tim_Hortons_Coffee

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Yeah good point. I wish I had have asked more about it but I was on 2 hours sleep during my consult and it was all I could do to stay aware.

Maybe Fielding can use the extra 30 minutes to make fine microscopic finishing touches, like a fine artist! Though I guess there's always the remote chance he won't  ;)

Offline babble

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That include OR costs and other fees?


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