Author Topic: Couple of questions  (Read 2306 times)

Offline merlot

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Great forum... spent about 2 hours on here. Read lots about Karidis and Levick, who seem to be the top men.

Karidis is closer to me.

I've thought about this for some time now, and having just about finished a long term relationship, it's time to get myself back on the market again so to speak. One side is perfectly fine, absolutely normal, the other has always been "noticeably" different.

Couple of questions:

What's the chance of only needing the one visit for surgery ?

Also, is it normally just a local or a general anaesthetic ?

Offline phantom

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Hello merlot

Everyone is very different and no one here can predict your chance for the need for revision.  My surgeon, Mr Levick suggested that he revises around one in ten of his patients.

I hear that some surgeons do the surgery under general, or for minor 'touch-up' revision under local.  But general seems to be the norm in the UK.  Otherwise it's a general and a pill to make you feel 'woozy'.

Having had a general, I'd go for that EVERY time.  You really don't want to know what's going on as they butcher you! :P


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