Author Topic: could artificial sweetners be a cause?  (Read 4555 times)

Offline rebaguy

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I have recently been diagnosed with gynecomastia.  I noticed that one of my nipples had a hard lump under it.  The doctor sent me for a mammogram.  I was in shock...just couldn't believe this.  Since they decided it was gynecomastia and not a lump/tumor the doctor did several blood tests.  Now, all my hormones came out normal.  My liver/kidney function is great.  I'm at a loss here as to what is causing my problem.  I'm 28 years old.  I'm not taking any medications.  I have never done sterroids.  I don't drink much alcohol...only a few drinks on the weekend usually.

Anyway, while I was with the doctor the last time I mentioned how my blood sugar has been a little crazy lately.  I have hypoglycemia (chronic low blood sugar).  I got to a point earlier this year where I could not drink a big sugary drink without my blood sugar skyrocketing, then crashing from it.  So, I switched to diet drinks.  When I mentioned my recent switch to diet drinks and sugar free stuff, the doctor said I should probably shy away from Nutrasweet and anything like Diet Coke.  He told me there was not conclusive medical evidence but that strange things happen to some people when they consume it.  I wanted to know if anyone else has had problems because of Nutrasweet or similar sugar substitutes.

Offline hazzard623

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just dont drink and diet drinks. water is all u need.

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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when did u first notice the lump? how old are you
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 01:33:22 PM by captaincalboy »
8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline oldgynodude

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I believe some cases of gyno just don't have any
'identifiable' causes (blood tests normal, no history of gyno, no roids, etc. etc.).

Offline Paa_Paw

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Aspartame is made from a plant extract that has a high amount of phenylketone in it. For a small segment of the population, that stuff is really bad news as they are unable to deal with that chemical. Asparagus also contains a very high level of the same compound.

For most of the population, this is not a problem and the only effect to be noticed is strong smelling urine.

Oldgynodude is correct in that most cases of Gynecomastia do not have any identifiable cause.

While not a disease, Gynecomastia should be checked out though because it can be a symptom of several rather severe conditions.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Paa_Paw

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Keep in mind that saccharin was banned briefly by the FDA because it too produced tumors is susceptible lab animals. The ban was lifted almost immediately because it was the only sweetener that some people could use and they would not stand for being deprived of it.

I live in Southern California where it is hazardous to breathe the air. Not breathing, on the other hand, is quickly fatal.

Anything, taken to excess, can be bad for us. There are three different types of artificial sweeteners, you can simply pick the one you are most comfortable with or alternate to limit your usage of any one. As someone has already pointed out, you could simply drink water.


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