Author Topic: 16, gyne since 13? maybe.  (Read 2628 times)

Offline cookie

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  • Anger due to gyne.  Seriously.
So, I think, yes think I've had it since I was 13.  I wish I could remember.

My problem to me, is very bad.  The tissue underneath is roughly 3 cm in diameter, and very convex shaped, if you catch my drift.  It's squishy, more on the right than the left.  My right side is a bit more noticable than the left, and is slightly bigger.

So, when I was younger I found a lump under my left nipple (I think it was left), and it was very hard.  It hurt.  Quite a bit actually, and I was very worried about having cancer (I was young, ok?). So I went on the websites, like all of them,  and found out that it's called gynecomastia, yay.  So I had it for about 2 months I'm guessing since I first figured it out, and then reading all those descriptions about puberty and the imbalances of hormones etc... I became a little bit more confident that I was going to be okay, and that it would go away.

So, a while later, I noticed, I had the same thing on the other side.  It hurt aswell.  So I kept living, 'knowing' it would all go away.  So hooray, one day I notice, it's pretty much gone from one side.  I was very happy and waited for it to leave the other.  But no, it came back, so I still had two little 'discs'.

So now, I'm 16 and a half.  I'm extremely self-consious, not of the way I look, but for every way imaginable.  These things on my chest are pissing me off.  My nipples are puffy.  the tissue is soft now.  Just recently I've noticed it more and more.  I'm afraid.  I don't tell anyone, including my parents.  My friends (2 of them) tell me they had a small lump that went away in like a month.  I could have a girlfriend, but I'm not putting myself through that, or putting through her that if you know what I'm saying.

My sister has a large hormonal-imbalance (if that's the term), and has gone to plenty of doctors... but I'm just not wanting to say anything to parents, they're kinda awkward to talk to.  So I'm trying to find a way to ask to get my a doctor's appointment.  I'm by no means unhealthy.
I want a way to stop my body from producing so much estrogen, because I'm predicting that's my problem.  Are there pills or medications for this?  Anything?

I'm in complete shape aswell.  My high school yearbook put me in the section for celebrity look-alikes and I am pretty much a replica of Brandon Boyd of Incubus (band, if you don't know).  Both look and body.
picture if you want.  I just have the gyne, if you know what I mean.  I could be taking my shirt off wherever, whenever.

Can anyone help me? :(

Edit: I'd also like to add, this is what my problem looks like, I think.
...maybe even a bit less.  But it's something for me to worry about
« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 12:38:06 PM by cookie »

Offline cookie

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Would Andractim work? :-/ the tissue there is pretty soft.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 03:23:22 PM by cookie »

Offline supaaman

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Just get a doctor's appointment.  Tell him your concerns and that you would like to be referred to an endo.  The most likely case is that you have (or had) a temporary hormonal imbalance - the cause of most gyne.  In some people the gyne goes away, but in many cases it does not resolve.  If you have had it 2.5-3 years, it's unlikely to resolve on it's own now.  See an endocrinologist for sure because of your sister's condition.  Make sure your hormone levels are normal before considering surgery, otherwise it can come back.  If you need to be treated for a hormonal imbalance, the endo will prescribe.  If you have questions about the results, there is a guy here "hypo-is-here" that is very knowledgable on the subject and he can interpret the readings from a hormonal assesment for you if the endo was not clear.

Your case sounds like a common one, but do the endo first to rule out hormonal problems which can be symptomatic of more a serious underlying problem.  Don't worry about it though.  It's likely not something serious, and even if it is, it can be treated.

If all is well, you can consider surgery, although I would recommend waiting a couple of more years before you take that step.  It's possible (although unlikely) that it could resolve on it's own before you are 18.

Take care.
JCF  Success Story - Surgery Aug 23, 2006

Offline cookie

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Thanks.  Doesn't really make me feel any better at all though.

So I'm guessing after that, surgery is really my only way out? :(

Offline cookie

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oh, actually.  if I'm imbalanced... does that mean it can still go away?

Offline supaaman

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Mostly, the imbalances are temporary, so you don't need to do anything.  The endo will monitor whether it is a more chronic condition, but the 13-16 age range is typical for adolescent onset (most common type of gyne).  If it is a more chronic condition like your sis' then it's possible you may need hormone treatment.  If gyne's been present for a couple of years, it's very unlikely to resolve on it's own (even once your hormone levels are normal).  At that point, you can either live with it or elect for surgery.  Not huge though dude.  I'm 37 and have had this condition since 13 too.  I'm going for surgery soon, but it's been 24 yrs of living with it.  As the years go by, it becomes less of a deal than at 16.  I felt how you once did, and trust me it becomes less of a deal... and you have already taken steps to deal with it.

Offline damnips

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I basically have the same story, however, I developed gyno in 8th grade and I am now 18 and out of High School.  I was lucky enough to basically hide it, but it definitely hurt with girls.  I would keep my shirt on when I would "fool around."  I'm getting Andractim from a current member of these Boards that had a tube and a half left.  I will let you know how it goes if you want me to.

Offline cookie

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That would be cool.

Offline cookie

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I'd like to update

it's either my imagination, or the temperature in here is cold... or my glands are shrinking?


I hope they're shrinking.  Nipples are still puffy and look good when 'erect'.

Offline hiufung88319

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It still have chance to go away,may be you would find some pill for help.If in 18 it doesn't go away,surgery is need
I promise when the gyne problem fixed,i will try my best on everything.I will study hard and become Sith Lord ;)

Offline cookie

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oh, so a pill would help?

Offline hiufung88319

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No for all people,you may search the post in there and make your decision.The pill is quiet expensive.

Offline cookie

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  • Anger due to gyne.  Seriously.
do we have a new for this pill?


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