Author Topic: Andractim Gel Logg!! 22/m  (Read 9174 times)

Offline Ricky2006

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Hello every one..Before i start i want to say the spelling in this is not going to be that great . And now with that out of the way.... i have seen a few of these logs out there for this gel.. I recived this gel about a month ago..from the allsaints website, i have two tubes ... and was deciding if i wantied to take it or not. Today i decided to take it , mostly due to the fact that im tired of this (gynecomatia)... its summer time and i always have to makes excuses on why icant go to the beach or activities where i have to take of my shirt.. ANd slo wearing "wifebeater" shirts or smillia shirts.. i saw a blog baout the a "wifebeater" compression shirt  , which has worked wonders... but anyways.. the reason why i am writing this is so i oculd help other out in this problem i know ur pain .. its more pychological but it can tear ur self esteem .. atleast from my problem expecally in the summer time. A little abot my self:
Im 22 years old ,  i first started to see the symtoms of this baout  3 years ago ... im in great shape i run ever other day baout 2 milies and work out the days i dont run .... im not that big of a health nut interms of eating i liek to eat what ever .. but im not fat .. im 6 feet tall , and weight 185 pounds.. i have to be in shape becasue i am in them ilitray and it is a necaassity for my job  in the military ... my gyno is abo mild .. when i make a mucle with my pecs u can see all the mass inside dropp to the bottom of my chest .. which makes my nipples look flatten .. its not that bad but noticible .. when i figure out how to put pic on this i will be posting picutres ..
Okay guys so here we go :
day 1 (2:30 pm)
Rubbed about 2.50 grams on each my chest and nipple area..I rubed it in for abot 2 min each application to make sure it was all in ..  the gel smells of rubbing alchol . probbaly has some of it in it so it can enter your skim fsater..
ps if any of u guys have any question dont be affraid to ask .. and if anyone out there has tried this gell plz feel free to give me some advice ... all is wecomed
« Last Edit: July 28, 2006, 10:02:49 AM by Ricky2006 »

Offline Ricky2006

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hello thakns for posting.. well its day 4.. i have not posted everyday i have been pretty busy and alos i woul dnot have a lot to say .. wel i have been applying the gel at baout 1:30 or 2:30.. evcery day and then waiting about an hour and going to run or to hte gym ..well the gland under feelslike mush ... its very soft, ubt it looks like it is getting smaller.. i hope it is working ..

Offline Ricky2006

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well its day 6 .. about putting it on in the morning .. .. yes this is true but im trying it in the afternoon .. do u know if it makes any diffrence?well i can surely say that the gyno is getting smaller .. i think in like another week i will be able to wear a wifebeater..i have been putting them on around the ouse .. but im going to give it a week more.. i been runnig almost every day .. not really concerned wiht ganinig mucle more about cardio and lossing wight ... :)the area where the gyno was feels very sorft .. the gland is not hard anymore ..the gyno that wrapps around my chest to near my underarms is significantly reduced .. but what i wonder is where is the gland going ?lol

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Andractim is supposed to be taken in line with the natural circadian hormonal rhythm, In plain English this means the morning.

If you take it later in the day it will have a more profound supression of the HPTA and as a result a lower testosterone level, this can cause some people to suffer from fatigue.  

Also by taking it later in the day you are more likely to suffer from insomnia.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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It should only be used if prescribed by a qualified doctor.

Offline Ricky2006

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yeah i have seen where u are supost to take it in the moring .. yeah i think tomarow im going ot take it in the moring. but i have not been feeling that tired .. i partied last night till  5 in the moring and woke up at 11 and went for a run .. but yeah i htink im going to start to take it early .. but the question i have is where is the gland going.. i can tell that is is getting smaller way smaller is fading from the top to the botttom of my chest the nipple area looks like it is protruding (mispelled) more but the side of my chest near my arm pit is signific alnyly reduaced.. im wearing a little tighter shirts now.. so so far so good.. thakns for the info guys.. i will  change the time i take my dosage....later guys wish me luck

Offline Ricky2006

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day 17
today was a great day .. wheni woke up . and was brushing my teeth  i saw my cehst and its looked a hella of a lot smaller... and my nipples wre not hard either .... i really think tihs cream is dooing the job... i have been taking it right wheni wake up as suggested . ..i have not been wearing a shirt around the house and my famly has not really been noticing the gyno.. i even asnwered the door wit out a shirt and the person could not telll.. well guys i will keep u posted .. later fellas

Offline norfar1

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what is this stuff? does it remove old gyne?

Offline Ricky2006

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day 25
the results are coming slower . i can tel that my chest is getting smaller , the gland under my arm pt is almosall gone.. i have began working out harder on my lats to hide it more.. as for my chest  the cream seems to be workin from the top of the gland to the bottom.. the glad is shrining to my nipple.. i still have anout a quarter of the first tub and a whole other tube of the second tube.. i will make the desicion to get the next tube when im about half done with my second tub.. but so far so good.. well guys later  wish me luck

Offline damnips

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Where on your chest do you apply the cream?  On the nipples themselves or what?

Offline willy27

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where do u live and please send me a tube lol :P

Offline Paa_Paw

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This is a prescription drug.

Its primary use is as a transdermal form of hormone replacement therapy in older men who have Testosterone deficiency.

The drug should only be used with competent medical oversight and preferably only after testing of hormone levels.

For use in the treatment of Gynecomastia, there is some controversy. It is of value for only a small number of selected patients.

Unsupervised use of testosterone and its metabolites in a person who already has normal Testosterone levels may lead to reduction of the normal output of testosterone while the surplus is converted to Estrogens. In short, you could make things worse.

Clearly, tampering with your reproductive physiology is NOT a Do-it-yoursel Job.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Hypo-is-here

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This is a prescription drug.

Its primary use is as a transdermal form of hormone replacement therapy in older men who have Testosterone deficiency.

The drug should only be used with competent medical oversight and preferably only after testing of hormone levels.

100% correct.


For use in the treatment of Gynecomastia, there is some controversy. It is of value for only a small number of selected patients.

Yes and no.  It is not regarded as controversial in some countries where it is routinely prescribed, which countries like it and which don’t has as much to do with endocrine politics as it has to do with the validity of its use.  According to all the controlled clinical trials Andractim has a fairly successful track record in treating gynecomastia, reducing and sometimes resolving the condition- at least in men whose gynecomastia is still in the proliferation phase.  It is not as successful as surgery in statistical terms and it will fail to work for those where its use is not indicated.  Again I think the important point is the fact that it is supposed to only be used in a clinical setting via prescription- which you have rightly pointed out.  


Unsupervised use of testosterone and its metabolites in a person who already has normal Testosterone levels may lead to reduction of the normal output of testosterone while the surplus is converted to Estrogens. In short, you could make things worse.

Clearly, tampering with your reproductive physiology is NOT a Do-it-yoursel Job.

There is no may about it, using testosterone or Andractim which is the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) WILL undoubtedly suppress the bodies Hypothalamic- Pituitary- Testicular Axis (HPTA) and reduce male hormone output.  

However Andractim will NOT increase estrogen in any way, neither will it increase gynecomastia- it simply cannot do this as DHT reduces estrogen and itself cannot be converted into estrogen.  But this fact is hardly a charter for self medication and you are quite correct to say it is not a do-it-yourself job.

DHT is only ever prescribed by an endocrinologist when indicated and only after a PSA test has indicated that there is no underlying disease of the prostate.  If an individual unknowingly has prostate cancer and takes DHT that WILL accelerate the growth of the cancer and COULD kill!

If an individual is interested in Andractim then they should speak about it with an endocrinologist who has an interest in reproductive endocrinology.  If you are in the US you will most likely find that your endocrinologist is not too interested in its use.  If you are in Belgium and its use is indicated you will find yourself with a prescription.

Offline reymysterio

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Hi everyone! I'm 23 years old and I began to hate my chest when I was 13. When I got mammography only a moderate iperplasia of mammary tissue emerged and the main problem was due to fat. My endocrinologist said that my situation could improve with time. Now my chest looks noticeably better thanks to mesotherapies and weight loss (I've never been excessively fat)and now I only have puffy nipples. Is there a way to solve this problem avoiding to go under the knife??

You can find the success before sweating only on your dictionary.

Offline Ricky2006

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day 47
hey gys whats up.. so i have not posted in a while.. the military is taking over my time ... but itws all good... well i have been workingout like a beast .. once again the gland looks like it is disolving from the top down into my nipple.. im on my second tube.. but too son to say if im gong to buy another tube.. since having this stuff in my body .. i have gotten great gain in my weigth upper chest is lookign good, makes the gyno look smalller.. i rread it soemwhere in this site..when i take my shirt off its kinda of hard to tell that i have gyno.. it looks very mild now.. me and my freinds have been playing strip crazy 8's wiht girls and they can not even notice i have best friends does not even notice.. the only time it is notice when some one looks at me form the side..i have been wearing tigher shirt , im feeling better of my self.. beeing going out and having a good itme... well guy.. talk to u later


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