Yes Boobs
My results were with Andractim prescribed by my specialist as a replacement at the time for testogel given my hypogonadism.
They were not amazing, much less than what can be expected for many people- but they allowed me to live with the condition a lot easier.
The gynecomastia was far less breast like, and was far easier to conceal than before. It made a big difference to me psychologically- but is dismissed by people like vaio.
Drug treatments like Andractim are less likely to work after gynecomastia has developed over two years and reductions in glandular mass tend to be less. This is because the glandular tissue becomes fibrous and less responsive to treatment.
Still it did a job for me even if in my case that was just making life easier for a year or two until surgery.
Those that are likely to have complete resolution are those whose gynecomastia developed within the last year to two years.
I have showed the clinical evidence- time and again!
Incidentally Glenn D Braunstein M.D and Eugene Shippen M.D are two of the leading endocrinologists in the world-
Vaio says they are liars!!!!!
Vaio says that I am putting words into his mouth, I ask how?
They say;
Andractim shrinks gynecomastia and can reduce/resolve it in a statistically significant number of people
Vaio says
It cannot.
How am I putting words into his mouth?
How is he not saying they are liars?
Tell me Vaio, please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you have finished doing that;
Hypo, you say that gynecomasita reduction is such a sensitive subject that before and after photos are not posted? That’s nonsense. For crying out loud, there are pictures of woman who had labia reductions on the internet! You can find any picture of anything on the internet.
Most of the photographs you are referring to relate to surgery.
Of course you get before and after photographs with surgery- that is the nature of surgery. It doesn't tend to work that way with drug treatments or other sensitive medical issues.
If what your saying is true and you can get anything;
Kallmans Syndrome is a condition that exists- can you go and get me a photograph of someone who has Kallmans syndrome please?
Get me the photograph now!!!!!!
Also I want photographs of a man with hypogonadism before and after treatments to see the very real differences in muscle mass development that occur.
If you don't get me those photograph to prove your point-
Maybe you'll realize it is because it is not so easy to come by and that it is deliberately held on medical sites that need passwords so clever guys like you and your genius use of google and yahoo can't view them
Right all that out of the way........
I have given you another set of before and afters no less than my own, irrespective of your opinions on them.
You answer my questions you know what I wont lower myself
Just answer my questions now.
When you are not able to answer the questions, when you fall foul of them and are completely unable to answer the questions or complete the tasks to prove the validity of your own points- I will be doing this;
You must wish you never got into this because you are out of your depth
Added following Vaios last post.
If you look at my side photograps I went from having titts to having little gynecomastia.
The front photographs are a little harder to determine, I apologise I never realised they were going to be used as evidence otherwise they would be less conspicuous.
I concede that my arms are at a different position and further back to make me look better in the after photograph- BUT- look at the breast tissue, does anyone seriously think I had anywhere near the amount of breast tissue?
I am telling you for a fact I did not!!!