Author Topic: 7 months after  (Read 2249 times)

Offline lionsden

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I originally had my surgery in march.  Since then I have been back 4 times to remove hematoma.  7 Months later, there is still some hard stuff behind the nipples and darkness around them.  they have reduced in size, but he (mydoc) said we can try sticking a needle in there on emore time to remove any more excess fat.  The last thing I wanna do is go back AGAIN and got threw that again.  any insight, or relatable advice/stories would be much appreciated.. im soo confused!

Offline jc71

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For better results, ask him to stick a cannula in there to remove the excess fat.

I don't think a needle will do the trick.

Offline headheldhigh01

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did he say whether he thought it was scar tissue?  some people have said that regular massage over time can help that, though if the next visit helps finish it off and he's not charging you, take it anyway, get it done as right as you can.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline lionsden

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i think he said breast tissue left.
hes not charging, but its not the greatest thing to go in there that many times, plus its football season and i dont wanna be out of the game because of it..
its soft when i wake up.. but then as the day progresses gets hard


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