Author Topic: financing surgery  (Read 16599 times)

Offline jmarlene

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i am the mother of a 17 year old with gynecomastia.he has had it for years and there are no signs of it going away.he has dealt with it pretty well outwardly but i do know that it deeply upsets him.weve discussed it and he has decided that he wants surgery for it.however since it is considered cosmetic insurance wont cover it.i am a single mother with terrible credit and am already working 2 jobs to make ends meet.does anyone know of any financing options that may be available?

Offline Mr_Nip

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Are his grandparents an option?  

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Offline jmarlene

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i would like to try to find an option besides them but i know they would help if need like to exhaust all other possibilities because they have been such a huge help over the years.however they also know how stressful this has been for my son so i know they would be willing.

Offline Mr_Nip

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i would like to try to find an option besides them but i know they would help if need like to exhaust all other possibilities because they have been such a huge help over the years.however they also know how stressful this has been for my son so i know they would be willing.

Believe me, I'm a parent and I understand how you want to reserve the grandparents' help until as a last resort.   Don't count them out, though.  Keep them in the loop with the gyne topic.  Maybe you could pay a portion of the cost and work out repayment arrangements with them for the rest.  
The thing to remember is just how important this is to your son.  This gyne doesn't just embarrass men without a shirt.  It affects every decision we make.  It affects what we wear, who we date and marry, what we do for fun, what sports we play, what job we do, our confidence, our self worth...  Well, you get the picture.  
One thing's for sure:
He's a lucky teen to have you on his side.  I'm glad the two of you are communicating.  Many of us on these boards would have loved to have that situation at his age.  Good luck and keep us posted on how things are going.  ;)

Offline headheldhigh01

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if i had known what this was at age seventeen, i would have worked two jobs myself.  you are a hero to be caring and doing what you're doing, but if his wages went to a special account, i think he might be very willing to help pull some weight too.  (and if not, don't say you didn't try.)  thumbs up at you.  
« Last Edit: October 02, 2006, 06:42:24 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline jmarlene

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thanks for all of the encouraging words-i cant imagine what its like to go through this firsthand.i can only be there for him and do whatever possible to help him.i will be having a conversation with my parents about this so he can get the surgery and hopefully enjoy the rest of his senior year.but please keep us in mind if anyone discovers a financing option in the mean time.thanks again!!

Offline headheldhigh01

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i know how you feel.  so far i've drawn a firm line at armed robbery   ;)

Offline Paa_Paw

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As a parent, I can understand your reluctance to ask the grandparents for help.

As a grandparent, I would be hurt if I learned that my help was needed but not sought for any reason.

The boy should be able to take an after-school job and contribute as well.

Anytime a load is shared, it seems so much lighter.

He is a lucky Lad to have such a caring parent as you.
Grandpa Dan

Offline jackmac

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this post is like W :oW for me because i am 25yr old but i still live with my parents and tryin to finish my college and i have told them about my condition and stuff. my whole family know but no one seems to care about it. specially my mother she is like u just fat go run..  ::)  and i hate her for saying yet my dad is little supportive but he don't seem to have any opinion for it .he just want me to get surgery..   i have enough money to cover my surgery i think 7k is more than enough, but now my real question is how do i find a good surgeon in my area. i been to one and he look like he never did this kind of surgery. so i don't wanna take risk.

but i must solve this in next 2 yrs at most. b/c i am tired of lonely life and want to get married.

Offline Mr_Nip

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this post is like W :oW for me because i am 25yr old but i still live with my parents and tryin to finish my college and i have told them about my condition and stuff. my whole family know but no one seems to care about it. specially my mother she is like u just fat go run..  ::)  and i hate her for saying yet my dad is little supportive but he don't seem to have any opinion for it .he just want me to get surgery..   i have enough money to cover my surgery i think 7k is more than enough, but now my real question is how do i find a good surgeon in my area. i been to one and he look like he never did this kind of surgery. so i don't wanna take risk.

but i must solve this in next 2 yrs at most. b/c i am tired of lonely life and want to get married.

If you're 25 you are free to get the surgery and you don't have to discuss the matter with anyone.  Having the family's support would be good, but you deal with the cards you've been dealt.  As for the surgeon, I agree with your not wanting to go to one you're not confident in.  You could do a web search for plastic surgeons in your area or you could post that question in the appropriate country's board on this site.  You may want to consult with several before making a final decision.  Read the posts here of people who've had surgery and you'll get a pretty good idea of what questions to ask the surgeons you consult with.  I wish you well.

Offline jmarlene

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i understand why you want your mom to be supportive. it is so much easier when your family stands behind you and truly understands what you feel. im so sorry that she doesnt seem to understand the situation. are you comfortable talking about it to your dad? it sounds as if he may be a little uneasy about discussing it but maybe he will go with you when you do have surgery.if surgery IS what you want, it sounds like you have more than enough money for it and researching plastic surgeons in your area is the next step.good luck to you.

Offline jackmac

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yes guys i have found a doc near my house only 10 min away in car.. so its very close.. and he seems good. i mean from his site and the cases that he did with man's problem. i hope he can solve it.

yet there is one little stupid thing about him if do not go with his idea or surgery or whole thing than i have to pay him 150$ for consultation fee. so i think they are looking for serious people who want surgery. not just come get free check up and leave. i don't care about 150 but if get right feeling and guidance from his talk than i will go with this procedures. hope to solve this. before next summer. so i can just run or walk and try to loss some weight.

and  about parents i don't even care no more lolz. i know i am old enough yet they will be happy after wards when they find out their son is not gay or weirdo and solved his personal problem.  ::)


Offline headheldhigh01

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that's probably the high end of the consultation range, but if it gives you a clear sense of the guy and what to expect (or beware of) it might still be worth it in the big picture.  if you go with him, i'd hesitate to ask but almost wonder if he'd count it against the cost of an op  ;) 

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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He's a lucky teen to have you on his side.  I'm glad the two of you are communicating.  Many of us on these boards would have loved to have that situation at his age.

I kept my gyne issues bottled up inside for 31 years.  :-\

Most of us suffer in silence...   :'(


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline Ernster86

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I feel for you, it's a shame but most insurance companies wont cover the costs so in the mean time we just put up with it and suffer. Good luck with getting the money for surgery :)


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