Author Topic: Tell me what you think  (Read 2821 times)

Offline gyneOK

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I had a really long thing typed out but this posting thing timed out on me soooo.

Brief summary.  23yr old professional student.  I have had the condiition since maybe 10 years old.  Seen a PCP (primary care provider) at 16 and was diagnosed.  He said it could go away and if it didnt I could get a blood test and determine if I needed hormones.  I never did it.  No insurance until now.  Past few years and past summer I exercised at least 5 times a week.  Two hours a day was my regular schedule.  I weigh 236 or so 6 ft 1 and I have a large build.  I tend to stay around this weight regardless of anything I do. I've been down to 215 but it took a very restrictive diet and 3 hours of exercise a day (6 days a week).  The posteriolateral fat around my midsection hasn't ever went away even when I weighted 210-215 with nearly same muscle mass as I have now (i estimate i have 5 lbs more muscle than I did then).

I may have sleep apnea.  I recently seen a PCP and he gave me antibiotics and referral to sleep clinic.  Insurance won't cover it.  I am going to get this taken care of for sure in the next few week after test blocks.

I contacted a plastic surgery office that is associated with the university I am attending and the secretary has received my information but the PCP I seen at 16 didnt document my gynecomastia.

The breast tissue aches occasionally (once or twice every week or two for several hours).  It may be accompanied by weight gain or at least general swelling along with breast tissue swelling.  It could be caused by exercise I suppose (stretching of fascia and associated ligaments that support the breast).

So I want to know if this is something that could be covered by insurance?  I think I probably need to see a endocrinologist first.  If I get to see the plastic surgeon in the next few weeks hopefully he will refer me correctly.  What kinds of question should I ask?

What are your opinions? questions? comments?

Offline gyneOK

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I see roughly 30 people have looked at this.  Although people consider me confident this is still a difficult thing for me to do.  I think about this daily, when I put on clothes... I wonder if people can notice all the time.... I wear tank tops when I workout and am constantly concerned that someone can see my chest through the loose clothing.  

So although I realize there isn't a whole lot that can be said about it.  I think it is still appropriate to leave a comment if you can.  I just opened up one of the most personal aspects of myself up for opinions and support.  I am not expecting either but hope for both.

Have a good one guys.

Offline Bradley07

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well, from your 2nd post you *are* expecting something from us. but in the end it does not matter at all what we think...if it bothers you that much, the you need to go see a plastic surgeon for a consultation. apparently it does bother you so hearing it from us won't make much difference.

Offline Mr_Nip

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I see roughly 30 people have looked at this.  Although people consider me confident this is still a difficult thing for me to do.  I think about this daily, when I put on clothes... I wonder if people can notice all the time.... I wear tank tops when I workout and am constantly concerned that someone can see my chest through the loose clothing.  

So although I realize there isn't a whole lot that can be said about it.  I think it is still appropriate to leave a comment if you can.  I just opened up one of the most personal aspects of myself up for opinions and support.  I am not expecting either but hope for both.

Have a good one guys.

Dude, you've got to chill out a little and be patient.  Sometimes it's hard to look at every post and leave a meaningful answer without thinking about what we post.  If I don't have time to think about what I'm posting, especially in a case like yours where you shared so much information, I wait until I have the time to give my reply post some thought.  Some of the people who looked at your post may be new here as well and don't feel they should be giving advice yet.  Anyway, I understand that you've shared some things you've not told others.  I remember the first time I did.  The same thing happened to me and I felt the same way.  Just take a deep breath and understand that you may not get fast answers or even the answers you want.  You ARE WELCOME here, though.  ;)

After all that I'm actually running short on time, but here are some quick answers:

Most insurance companies don't cover gyne surgery.  I have heard of some that will if there's pain involved, so you may want to check.  I wouldn't hold my breath, though.  

I agree that you should probably see an endo, but the plastic surgeon can give you an idea of what your options are with surgery.  Surgery is probably going to be your best option for getting rid of it because by this time it's not going away by itself.  

Ask the PS for before/after photos, if he does lipo and gland excision or just lipo (if just lipo, then go see a different PS), and how much the surgery costs and what's included.  

Once again, WELCOME!   ;D ;D ;D

I come from nowhere
And you should go there.
Just try it for a while.
The people from nowhere always smile.  -  Frank Zappa

Offline gyneOK

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Thanks guys.  You're all right I just need to chill.  I just freaked out a little when I realized that I had finally posted pics of myself when very little people has seen me with my shirt off.  lol and then so many people have looked and no one said anything I guess I felt like a side show.

I think its even more difficult because I have rejected its presence for a while now and I just faced it head on.

Thanks for the reality check.

Offline supaaman

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Pretty standard, average case.

Doesn't look too bad, but if you'd rather have surgery, then I am sure you will get a good result.  It's most important to seek out a reputable surgeon, which can be researched through posts here.

Insurance won't cover unless you are Canadian or a Euro.

From experience, researching and posting here is therapeutic and you will feel much better (with or without surgery) - knowledge is power!
JCF  Success Story - Surgery Aug 23, 2006

Offline gyneOK

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Sweet... I wouldn't have to lie about that one.  It does freakin hurt sometimes.  I don't remember if I put this in there but it gets real tender and aches about 1 day out of the week sometimes 2 days.

Offline Mr_Nip

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I read somewhere that most claims are denied at first.  It's during the appeal that the insurance company looks at the situation and if pain is involved will sometimes reverse the decision and cover the surgery.  I can't remember where I read that so take it with a grain of salt.  


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