Author Topic: Scar Tissue Instruction and Resource Links  (Read 10542 times)

Offline chopemoff

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Hey everyone, was doing some reading up on Scar Tissue healing and found some great stuff. This page has a good 4-5 paragraphs on the formation of scar tissue, surface, and muscle scars and how to deal with them. Very good read. Also has techniques for finger positions, how to work the muscle "cross-fibrously" to get the most out of massage and heat and cold therapies to maximize benefits.

Of all the reading I did, almost all the sites recommended Cocoa Butter and/or Arnica cream for aiding in the breaking down of scar tissue, be it deep or surface. Vitamin E directly on the scar was said to have varying results, and in some cases even made the scar worse.

It was recommended to take Vitamin E interally however.

Here's the link and then the summary of the article:

In summary:

Work with the scar as often as you think about it.

It is possible to overwork an area, but not likely that you will with the scar tissue.

Use heat to bring blood to an area, cold to take blood away from an area.

Generally speaking, you will want to take the blood away from an area before you work with scar tissue so that it will hurt less to work with it (the cold of ice will also numb the nerves so you can work with the scar tissue).  You will then want to work with the tissue that is deeper in the muscle, using cross-fibering, while it is cold.  When you are done, you will want to heat the area to bring blood in and carry away the toxins which are released as you break up the scar tissue and open up the area.  (Too much time with the heat can cause an abundance of blood in an area, which can cause swelling and a different kind of pain.  Generally, 20-30 minutes with the heat is a safe bet.)  You will want to use moist heat if possible (i.e. a wet washcloth warmed up in the microwave or something comparable), as it will draw more fluids to the area and encourage the muscle to return to its natural state.  (Don’t get the heat so hot that it burns you.)

Working with the scar tissue may hurt initially.

Pain should decrease over time, but may not fully go away.  Be prepared for this, but don’t psyche yourself out.  It does get better.

Be patient.

The human organism is amazing in what it can do, if given the time and resources it needs to do so.  If you re-injure the area by doing more than it can handle (i.e. bungee-jumping two weeks after surgery), don’t expect your body to respond well.  Also, eating well can have a huge impact on how quickly the body will heal.  With regard to scar tissue, nutrition plays an important role in how quickly the body will be able to develop feeling in an area and breakdown the scar tissue.  It needs the vitamins and minerals to build tissue, create chemical connections, and carry away toxins.  Make sure you give your body what it needs dietetically.

Here's a link from the Breast Cancer Society:

"The body has an amazing capacity to heal and tissue regeneration starts immediately after surgery.  Within the first 3-4 days skin has started to form followed by shrinkage and sloughing of the scab after 7-10 days.  From 5-6 days and up to 60 days, the body focuses on laying down collagen fibers which form cross linkages and thus a matrix that strengthens over time. Full tissue strength can take three months to achieve and on occasion upwards of a year."

Anyway, I hope this helps resolve some of the confusion on Scar Tissue therapy. I've been only massaging, and in a random way. I'm going to commit to hot/cold massage at least once a day, and then cross-fibre massage another 1-2 times a day. I can tell already though that even the "amature" massaging I've done has helped a lot in shrinking my scar tissue so far.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 12:21:13 PM by chopemoff »

Offline Techhie

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Thank you very much for this info!!!
9.0 weeks Post-Op! And talk about Excellent Results! WhewHew!!!

Offline PeterBateman

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I am 5 days post op, and have arnica gel prescribed by PS.  How 'hard' do I rub?  I feel swollen after doing it for 5 minutes each side, 3X/day.  My chest actually feels worse after....

Offline uk2000

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u shudnt massage till about 6 weeks post op.  u will cuse yrself pain otherwise, and increase scar tissue.
yr chest must be stable as in healed before u massage else u will damage the tissues underneath.
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

Offline PeterBateman

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No offence, but my PS is one of the best in our large area, and he specifically says to start now...the idea being to massage out the scarring, and get blood moving through it to rid the area of blood and crap.  Thats my interpretation for it.  My problem really is how HARD do I rub?  I've gone a little easier with it now, and it seems to not bug me as much.  Thanks for posting.

Offline uk2000

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i would not agree with yr surgeon.  it takes about 4-6 weeks for yr chest to heal internally to a "stable" change.  inside internally it is still recovering, if u start rubbing and massaging this area to early u will only cause further damage to the internal tissues,even witout realising.
my advice would be to start really really light at 3-4 weeks, then at 6 weeks slowly start increasing the intensity of the massage.
the whole point of massaging is to soothe out bumps and to promote blood flow to the area, and with the attempt of breaking up scar tissue if any is formed during the recovery process.

Offline PeterBateman

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Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be a di-ck, but your advice I assume is coming from your PS - the same PS who has now THREE times put you under for revisions?  Maybe, just maybe, massaging earlier, like my PS says to do, could be the difference in the final outcome???  Like I said, no offence meant, but I see your footnotes of surgeries there and wonder.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2006, 09:40:03 AM by PeterBateman »

Offline braveboy

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pete follow dr.lista directions as he knows best and has done hundreds of these,if you are woundering how hard to rub call the office and ask i'm sure they will know.i know i'll call them 10 times a day if i have any questions.

Offline PeterBateman

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Thanks braveboy.  I will.  Whens the big day?

Offline braveboy

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Offline PeterBateman

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Offline Techhie

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where does one buy arnica cream? is it over the counter? thanks for any replys. ???

Offline PeterBateman

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any health food/supplement store may carry it.  call and ask.  

Offline Bradley07

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i got my arnica pills from gnc.

Offline chopemoff

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as far as I can tell from the research I've done, Arnica can mildly help with scar tissue.

I have arnica cream which, when rubbed on 3 times a day, is supposed to help with swelling as well. I also ordered a stronger version of Arnica pills called "SenEcch". These pills, taken over a 4 day period are intended to be taken the day of surgery, but are clinically proven to reduce swelling quite a bit. They should be here first week of November, I'll let ya know how they do to reduce swelling.

I'm at 4 weeks post and massaging 2-3 times a day and I'm frickin' giv'n er man. Knuckles in there, diggin. I find the best time is in the shower when you're all soapy or when applying arnica to the pec. I began gentle massage at the 3 week mark.

This way it's nice and slippery and you can slide over the muscle across the fibre (up and down, rather than side to side). I also began really pressing hard with my thumb and the tissue seems to squish apart and spread out, almost like really really hard playdoh would.

Dunno if that's helping, but it seems to be flattening out ever so little.

Apparently, massaging takes a LONG time to finally work out the scar tissue. At 3 months if it's still there I'm going to look into getting cortisone shots. That apparently can eliminate it after 2-3 sessions.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 11:44:31 AM by chopemoff »


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