Author Topic: Sports after surgery  (Read 2982 times)

Offline G-Man99

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Hi, I'm doing a lot of sports (jogging, basketball and soccer are the one I practice the most). I think I have a case of glandular gyne and I'm thinking about surgery but I would be curious to know how long can it take after a surgery to start jogging again and playing soccer and BBall.


Offline billybob2

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jogging id give a couple days and no contact sports for 2 weeks is wat i told.

I forgot about the not contact sports and played some basketball like 6 days after surgery and now it's all swollen =/ SO WAIT!!! I'm confident it'll go away soon tho.

Offline jones357

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jogging id give a couple days and no contact sports for 2 weeks is wat i told.

I forgot about the not contact sports and played some basketball like 6 days after surgery and now it's all swollen =/ SO WAIT!!! I'm confident it'll go away soon tho.


I asked the same question and people said more like 1-2 months. I run a lot.  I am 12 Days PO, and I have not started running yet.


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