Author Topic: blood makes one puffy  (Read 11881 times)

Offline buddy

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Just when I though I was through the worst...My left side mas now swollen up almost to the same size that is was before I got it drained. It happen within about 48 hours of getting the blood drained. I am debating on if I am going to call my surgeon today or wait until Monday to ask. He does not prepare me for things like this. A real non-communicator.

Can anyone give me an idea when the swelling will finanlly go dow on its own? I am almost 4 weeks post op.

Offline flex1appeal

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It's funny cause I am almost 2 weeks post op and my left side is pretty much drained and swelling is minimal but still there. My right side I keep stretching and straining when I toss in my sleep and now I have a knott where my incision was (back near my armpit actually) and my right side is noticeably still swollen and soft to the touch like it has fluid in it. My doctor tells me it should go down withing 1-2 more weeks which would put me at 4 weeks post op. I am hoping this is true. I have not had any drained from me. I am trying to be patient and let nature take it's course.

Offline oracle_911

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My original surgery went great. I had drains. Two days later I had a look under the bandages, and all looked great! The right side didnt even have any redness / swelling. (just an empty pocket). Then the day after I pulled somthing and got a hematoma on my right side. A few days later my P/S opened me up real quick, and used his finger to remove the old clotted blood.

It was gross, and the stuff he got out looked like about 5 TBSP of jed jelly.

It looked back to normal right after he did this, but it filled with fluid (not blood) again, so it's a bit puffy again.

I have to see him next week to maybe get this fluid taken out. (as I got my drains out with the procedure as well)

Glad to know im not alone with this healing business.

Offline jones357

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Just when I though I was through the worst...My left side mas now swollen up almost to the same size that is was before I got it drained. It happen within about 48 hours of getting the blood drained. I am debating on if I am going to call my surgeon today or wait until Monday to ask. He does not prepare me for things like this. A real non-communicator.

Can anyone give me an idea when the swelling will finanlly go dow on its own? I am almost 4 weeks post op.

Did you wear a compression garmet?  I got mine drained and the doctor told me it may or may not be a once a week thing for a while.  For the next day I wore a really tight under armour a the swelling stayed down.  I recently started running, and I can feel a small sack filling back up in the same area.  I don't think it is enough to drain though.  I would get yours drained again, and then compress it and lay low for a few days to let the healing start.

Offline jones357

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Just when I though I was through the worst...My left side mas now swollen up almost to the same size that is was before I got it drained. It happen within about 48 hours of getting the blood drained. I am debating on if I am going to call my surgeon today or wait until Monday to ask. He does not prepare me for things like this. A real non-communicator.

Can anyone give me an idea when the swelling will finanlly go dow on its own? I am almost 4 weeks post op.

Offline billybob2

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well now most of the swelling is gone and of course I got some scar tissue on the left side. I really don't care though because it is in the normal range, I look good in a t-shirt and no1 notices when I go swimming. All in all, I'm satisfied. Hopefully all the skin will tighten up soon as well.


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