Author Topic: Post Surgery Madness (Caved-In Peck, Fluids!!!)  (Read 3946 times)

Offline Gyno Is Wack

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Hey Guys,

I recently had surgery this past monday (almost a week since). And I have noticed that there are several of the same concerns that everyone is addressing.

And honest to GOD, I wish my surgeon would have told me all of these things before hand, even thought I asked for a run down of what could happen.

The first thing is that both "boobs" are recovering differently. The left is the all-star right now, less pain, less fluid build-up, and much fuller in mass. The right side is little painful, full of fluid, and is slightly more concave in depth.

So it feels like a damn crater practically on the right side, the left I can feel it a little, but in a smaller confined area directly around the areola. Now it feels like muscle tissue was removed, but my surgeon a firms that my muscles were not harmed in any shape or form.

I could move my arms without pain after 3 days Post-Op. And I could seem to do push-ups slightly if I tried (but I wont test it).

So I would like for someone with a similar experience to help me out.

Also, for people that already have a compression vest, how often did it require you to drain the fluid while using the compression vest? How effective is it?

I got both "boobs" drained yesterday morning, with that damn HORSE SYRINGE. I couldnt even look with that huge bad boy sucking out a light-reddish fluid.

The left side is behaving itself after the first drain and is pretty normal, the right almost immediately filled back up with fluid and will require another drainage.

The last and final concern...

How soon (for those that fully recovered), did you fully regain feeling and sensation of your entire chest area???

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I can’t answer all your questions from my own experience because I’m only 3 weeks post op myself.  However I have read a lot of posts from other people who have had similar concerns to those that you raise, and all I would say is it’s too early to tell how things will turn out.  Give it time.  See your surgeon for the follow up appointments whenever those may be and discuss it with him/her.

Often the craters are an illusion which happen when the area around the outside is swollen leaving the centre which isn’t swollen, to look like a crater (a bit like a ring donut).  I would expect the shape of your chest (and mine) at this early stage to change shape a lot over the next few months before it finally settles.

Don’t panic .. just give it time, but remember we don’t all heal at the same rate.  Maybe have a good read of other peoples posts who are further down the line; hopefully that will give you some confidence.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline Gyno Is Wack

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Thanks for the advice, I will have some patience at this early stage. Its just amazing that the fluids will build-up quick enough so that it looks like you never had surgery to begin with. I guess the body is saying, "hey whats missing here, time to make it how it used to look!"

I also have a case of lose skin. But I really want this fluid problem to go away soon, its very uncomfortable walking around. I feel as if I have to tip-toe everywhere I go to feel some comfort.

Hopefully this compression vest will do the trick!  :D

Offline braveboy

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I also had fluid build up the first week post-op ,i could acually here my chest squishing around, but the second week it got better now i hardly have any so give it time everone heals differently. for the caved in peck you need to start massageing your chest it sould get better mine is very slowly.


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