Author Topic: Constant soreness  (Read 5240 times)

Offline Jared

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I'm hoping someone with some medical or personal experience/knowledge can help out with this one.

Back in 1994 I was young and stupid and did a 6-week cycle of Winstrol (stanozolol), nothing crazy, approx 50mg every 3 days.  Shortly thereafter I developed soreness and slight swelling under each nipple and saw an endocrinologist about it. They did the standard bloodwork and basically said it would eventually go away.

Here it is 2005, and I still have noticeable gyno in my chest and constant soreness. It has never gone away and I am an otherwise healthy, active and fit 33 year old. Not obese (5'10, 170 lbs), not a marijuana smoker, and no obvious indications of low testosterone or liver problems (was tested). I've seen different GP's about it and no one seems too concerned that this could turn out to be cancer or that it is causing me considerable distress.

I know several people here have gyno (obviously) but are most or all suffering with constant soreness, tenderness, etc? Is there anyone else who is otherwise "normal" but has this condition? How could that little bit of non-armotising winstrol continue to have this effect over 10 years later?

Thanks for the info and support,


Offline Daveo

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I would say that most or all are NOT suffering with constant soreness, tenderness, etc.

I was also "normal" when I had gynecomastia.

I think the reason you have it is that once you develop it past the age of 20 or so, it's not going to go away on it's own, no matter how you got it.  So if it developed because of drugs or whatever, it's going to stay.

I don't know if cancer is your main concern...if how it LOOKS really bothers you, that's what I would worry about.

Offline STILLgotIT

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I agree that Winstrol, especially that small amount, should not have caused your problem.

It could be that as you stopped the Winnie you natural test production hadn't kicked in yet and so your estrogen levels were elevated, relatively speaking.

Regarding soreness. I had surgery about a year ago and I also had constant soreness in the nipple area.

But, 1 year after surgery guess what? I still have soreness. It is different though. It isn't sore because of the gland... now it is sore because of the surgery. I don't know what happened, but my nipple area is painful if it is touched too hard. It has been over a year and I thought my probs would be over. Nope.

Offline vaio

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My gyne developed from steroids. Not the body building kind, but steroids to treat asthma. I can remember years ago when I had bad asthma, going to the hospital a few times and receiving a steroid shot, and also prescribed Prednisone (a steroid). Little did I know what it would do to me. My gyne developed soon after.

I havent had an asthma attack in years.My gp said I outgrew it or something like that. The gynecomastia still stayed. WHen I found out what the fat under my nips actually was, (when I foundthis site a few months back) I decided to do something about it.  
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Offline Paa_Paw

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I've not had any experience with Steroids or with surgery so I cannot address that part of the Question.

Daveo probably hit the nail on the head regarding adult onset gynecomastia being permanent.  Though the evidence on which I base this belief is anecdotal rather than scientific.

My Gynecomastia developed in 1949 (yes, I'm an old man) when I was about 12.  My nipples have always been sensitive and tender.  There is but a thin line between Sensitive - Tender and Sore - Painful.

It may be time to revisit the Endocrinologist. Another information source often overlooked by men is the one Doctor who probably knows more about breasts than anyone else--- A Gynecologist.


Post operative pain or numbness sometimes persists for years, as you are now well aware.
Grandpa Dan

Offline hypo

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I think the best bet would be to see a good endocrinologist who specialises in reproductive issues and get new pathology investigation to try and ascertain what is going on given the continued tenderness.

Perhaps your previous endocrinologist didn't test for estradiol or understand that gynecomastia develops well within the supposedly normal range, particularly if your testosterone level is low normal.

If you tell me where you live I'll get you contact numbers for all the best endocrinologists in your area that specialize in reproductive issues.

Offline STILLgotIT

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My gyne developed from steroids. Not the body building kind, but steroids to treat asthma. I can remember years ago when I had bad asthma, going to the hospital a few times and receiving a steroid shot, and also prescribed Prednisone (a steroid). Little did I know what it would do to me. My gyne developed soon after.

I havent had an asthma attack in years.My gp said I outgrew it or something like that. The gynecomastia still stayed. WHen I found out what the fat under my nips actually was, (when I foundthis site a few months back) I decided to do something about it.  

Vaio, those are a completely different type of steroid. Those are catabolic steroids. I'm not sure if this aromatize or not. You're problem could actually be more natural... wacky hormone levels as a kid. The asthma thing might just be coincident to that.

Offline jc71

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10 years and still have pain?  Sounds like it's there to stay.  Cancer is a different animal and if you fear you may have it, i'd specifically mention it to you healthcare provider to rule out any suspicions and give you peace of mind.


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