Author Topic: Just a few quick questions  (Read 1901 times)

Offline Young_Gun

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Hey everyone, this is in regards to my photo thread, which I can’t reply in due to the forum being down the other day, so apologies for making another thread.;action=display;num=1163604741

First off, thanks for the replies everyone. Much as what I thought, now to do something about it.

Now, I know working out, improving diet, cardio work an so forth has very little effect in some case’s, sometimes can even make the gyno more obvious, but with the amount I have, would seeing a personal trainer to target the areas I need to, and sticking to a diet be any benefit (other then improving my health) in my case?

I don’t expect some sort of magical fix, I’m a realistic person I know I need the operation, but more so wounder wether it would perhaps help what I have, and in return result in a much better surgery outcome when the time comes?

Would I go and see my local GP about Endocrynologist’s? Or is this something I need to track down for myself?

Thanks everyone!

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Go see your gp and show him your chest/gynecomastia (I know it is difficult) and ask for a referral to an endocrinologist.

If he or she is not helpful tell me what city/state is nearest and I will obtain contact details for endocrinologists in your area.....but try your gp first.

Offline flex1appeal

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I just want to add that there is no way to target certain areas for fat loss unfortunately. Weight loss occurs in individuals differently. You may lose off your chest but then again you may loss of your love handles. A personal trainer cannot hit a specific target and guarantee that you'll lose fat in that one region. It just doesn't work that way.

Offline Young_Gun

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Oh yeah, I know you can’t target select areas. I am friends with some fitness freaks, and more so just sitting down with them right now and looking at diets and work out plans ect to lower body fat % overall and build more muscle to see what we have to “work with”.

I have not tested my body fat % yet, but at a guess it’s clearly quite high.

Interesting when you do some research on the fitness forums, there have be a number of guys much worse then myself “fat” wise, come out looking quite good after serious diet, nutrition and gym work.

I know I need surgery, I guess I’m just looking at things to do, that are a benefit to myself and helping the problem (to some degree) before having to fork out $5k+ on surgery bills. Plus, if I'm happy with the results from getting myself in shape, there wouldn’t be any point in spending the $5k..  

I had trailed some very heavy medication around 10 – 12 years old, one of the side effects being it playing funny buggers with your hormones, so I’ll be off to see my local GP to talk about this more as well.


Offline Young_Gun

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working out and lifting weights is always a good thing nomatter what.  weight lifting might improve the chest area for obese people but looking at your pics, you are very slim and practically have no fat to lose.  

Hey jologs1,

It’s hard to tell from the photos as I took them on a web cam older then time it’s self, I would not class myself as obese by any standard, however are over weight. From sort discussions with trainers I need to in general improve my health and body. Without knowing my current Body Fat % yet I am just speculating but it would be up in the 20% realistically.

If I can get myself down to a more toned 10% and under there will obviously be a huge improvement, but the out come of my chest is anyone’s guess until I see a doctor and pull my finger out and actually do what I have posted.



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