Author Topic: Surgery with Bermant on Friday!  (Read 10070 times)

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
Great results.

I could swear I ate something resembling that piece of gland cooked medium-rare in garlic butter last night  :o


Offline Daveo

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Hahaha I know.  I eat 8oz of chicken breast usuall 5 nights a week and I'm starting to get sick of it because of the resemblance.

Offline headheldhigh01

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i saw that for about a tenth of a second and i almost ralphed.  i'm definitely staying vegetarian  :D  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Daveo

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Here's some more pics!

First documented picure of my gyne...1-20-2004

After attempting to fix the gyne by building the chest and losing fat...10-15-2004

16 days after very successful gyne surgery with Dr. Bermant...2-13-05

Offline milk_caps

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great pics??

couple of ?
 is it the pictures or did it get worse when you were trying to workout? it looks like it got a bit bigger-- mine got worse but instead of sagging mine got pointier
(if that's even a word).

also- after you recover and are able to start working out, will you be able to continue to workout your chest reguarly - weather it's maintaining your physique(which is great) or making it bigger- and what i mean by that is--- if you start to bench press, this will more then likley not comeback because your chest is getting physically bigger because of the lifting of the weights.
it will just get bigger like a regular chest since most of the gland is gone.
it would only comeback if there was a hormonal problem right???? and not from the lifting of the weights.

bottom line- i need your regular chest workout routine because it is cleary working and i would love a chest like that. .  thanks for all the pics brother!!!

Offline Daveo

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  • Surgery with Dr. Bermant January 28, 2005
Thanks for the compliments!

Yeah, it definitely got worse after I started working out.  In fact I could almost tolerate the way it looked before I started developing my chest more.

Right, I should be able to workout regularly and build some more muscle without any gyne coming back.  If it does I'll probably shoot myself (half-joking).  If it did it would have nothing to do with the working out, correct.

So here's my chest workout...

Flat bench - 4-5 sets of reps of 5 (occassionally I'll do sets of 8 )
Incline bench - 3 sets of 8
Dips - 3 sets of 8 (work your way up to this by doing assisted dips, then when you get stronger use a dumbbell to add weight)
Lately I've been doing 3 sets of 8 dumbell press on a flat bench to try and even out the two sides(right is a lot stronger).
I'll finish up with 3 sets of 8 of tricep pushdown and/or 3 sets of 8 machine flies(bad for your shoulders, but I do them anyway)

Those all include a warmup set or two, then a transition weight, then the last set is always to failure(hopefully).

Pretty good workout, I hooked up with a few amateur powerlifters, so they approve of it.  My one-rep on bench is about 225, so I'm not really strong, I'd like to get to 250 in the next few months (I weigh 180).  Also, doing squats will help your entire body to grow, including chest.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2005, 03:35:48 PM by Daveo »

Offline Blarneystoner

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that gland looks like the stuff inside a pumpkin. thats kinda gross how in the picture he just rested the gland on your bare skin after he took it out!  :P
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline Sheldon

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MIne is bigger than that.

Offline Cellar_Door

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Quite the thread bump!

Surgery completed. Mission accomplished!
2/6/09. Dr. Karidis, UK.


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