Author Topic: Pre and post op pics Dr. Lane Smith SLC, UT  (Read 4874 times)

Offline wasatchm

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had surgery 8 days ago with Lane F. Smith in SLC, UT, happy with results so far.  will post follow pics at 15 day, 30 day and 60 day periods.
my gyne was asymmetrical (severe gyne on one side and minor gyne on the other side)

Preop front view:

8 days Postop front view:

Preop left side view:

8 days post op left side view:

preop right side view:

8 days post op right side view:

all comment are appreciated,  I'm keeping my fingers crossed hoping my skin will tighten and I can for once have a normal male looking chest

Offline Drastic99

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Is your nipple going in or is that just the lighting?

Congrats on getting the surgery done though.

Offline wasatchm

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yes,  the side that had the major gyne is slightly slanted) or I guess you could say sticking in.  I'm hoping as the swelling goes down and my skin tightens it will flatten out more.  

I didn't think the skin started to tighten til the 2nd week but the surgeon said it's started to tighten already.  I'm exciting to see what it will look like one and two months out.  hopefully I can before all is said and done I can lose 20 lbs, put on a bathing suit and look in the mirror and decide if I actually want to going swimming again (used to do it every week til I hit the teenage years).


Offline wasatchm

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Here are some 16 days post op follow up pics

Preop front view:

16 days Postop front view:

Preop left side view:

16 days post op left side view:

preop right side view:

16 days post op right side view:

well,  16 days post op and I'm sure any swelling that was making my breasts stick out is now gone.  my breast that had major gyne still sticks out (probably 3/4 inch, compared to 1 3/4 inches before the surgery).  yet I was expecting it to be more flat (like my left breast that had minor gyne before surgery).  the surgeon told me he would remove all breast tissue and leave a small layer of fat.  yet I can still grab a big handful of something on my previously major gyne side.  is it possible this is muscle.  I would love to think so.  all in all, I'm about 90% happy with where I want to be with my left breast and 70% happy where I'd like to be with my right breast.   the right breast (which had major gyne) now looks like it has minor to moderate gyne. my left breast (which had minor gyne) looks fairly close to normall.  

all in all, I'm still glad I had Dr. Smith do the surgery.    my next appointment with him is in 3 weeks.  

any comments or opinions would be appreciated.  

Offline jc71

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You'd know if it was muscle.  The before pics were pretty bad on the right side.  I'd be interested in hearing what he says in 3 weeks.

Offline wasatchm

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around $4500 total (included anethesia and facilities charges...they have a real nice operating room).  

I think with some chest exercises my smaller breast could look pretty good.  however, with the larger breast (even though it is now much smaller) I'm not sure if it would help.  I mean lifting weight builds muscle, but does nothing to get rid of the fat that is already there correct?  I think there may still be to much fat there for muscle to appear visibly on my larger breast.  

oh, I did read that if you have so called man-boobs, doing pushups (while having your feet up one a chair) will help to give your chest a more masculine look.  it that true?  

I'm gonna try and lost 20 lbs over the next month and see if that reduces any of the fat around my breasts.
I'm still a bit puzzled the surgeon didn't take all the fat out of both sides (except for a small he had stated before the surgery).  unless it's better to remove a chunk of the gyne, let it fully heal and then let the skin tighten... and then do one more surgery to remove the rest.   I don't mind doing it that way, it's just I don't have another $4500 for a follow-up surgery.  he did say he would do a touch up surgery for free (if needed) but I don't know if he would consider removing the rest of the fat a "touch up" surgery.   I think if he thought I would see another considerable improvement to a second surgery he may make me a deal.  he seems very meticulous to detail.  even seemed to get pumped up before the surgery (while he was drawing on my chest)  I think he may have wanted to do my surgery caused he considered it more challenging than he is quite young (don't know that he has done a lot of gyne surgerys in his career).

by the way, you can view pictures of Dr. smiths work at:

Offline uk2000

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considering wot yr chest look liked b4, that is a big improvement.
no yr chest is not flat, and wot u are grabbing may still be gyne and fat.  but u have to consider the rest of yr body shpae as well, and the fact of how much u had taken out.

think of this as a step forward.  start training, eating right, loose more weight overrall.   then see how u look, and if yr not happy then, im sure u cud go for a revision.
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

Offline jc71

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Wasatchm - Did you have it done at LDS hospital?

Offline wasatchm

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no, I did not have it done at LDS hospital.  I did some price checking and LDS hospital (through IHC) was the most expensive place to have the surgery done... $1500 (excluding surgeon fee and general anethesia fee).  alta view hospital facilities fees were around $1100.  the cheapest facilities fees I found was $875 at utah surgery center (of bangeter highway).

Dr. Smith has a certified operating room (w/ General anethesiologist on hand) at his murray location.  that is where I had it done.

Offline wasatchm

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Here are some 16 days post op follow up pics

Preop front view:  
40 days Postop front view:
Preop left side view:
40 days post op left side view:
preop right side view:  
40 days post op right side view:

that for the replys.   my last checkup with Dr. Smith was 5 days ago.  he said my larger breast is still swollen (that may by why it is much larger than the smaller breast).  he said my skin will do A LOT more tightening over the next 3 months.  it will be interesting to see (once my large breast is no longer swollen, and my skins has finished tightening) how close to a normal male chest I have.  I desperately need to drop 20 lbs also.  maybe that will get rid of a little of the fat around by breasts.

Offline wasatchm

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by the way, has anyone had experiences with any of the following to improve the look of the male chest?

1) body sculpting cream - supposedly can help tighten the skin

2)transdermal fat burner - (lipoderm, etc).  helps reduce fat in those tough to lose weight fatty areas.

3) elevated pushups- I read on a fitness web sight doing pushing (while your feet are elevate from the ground at least 18 inches) will improve the upper pectoral muscle which can elevate and give a more masculine look to those men with gyne.



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