Author Topic: Propecia Question - I'm still confused :(  (Read 11868 times)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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PM me I can help with a personal recommendation- I am in the UK.

Offline puff916

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You seriously have me thinking to quit now, but how do u know so much about finasteride?  Also I would like for you to debate with the people on They have forums and have people who seem really knowledgable and I feel it would be one chaotic but a good learning experience.  People do make crazy claims as I am in dental school and see some wierd stuff on how some people think Fluoride in water is some government conspiracy.  Thanks Hypo...I might just stop now...and my gf has been naggin me to stop anyways...haha...wonder why.

Offline staypuft

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Thanks Hypo for all the help.  I can definitely appreciate the detrimental effects of the drugshowever I mentioned it as being "the lesser of two evils" because as someone in their mid 20s early MPB has an immediate psychological effect that far outweighs any long term consequences.  I can honestly say that maintenance and small regrowth of my hair has bought me greater joy than my breast concerns have caused me grief at this stage.

As ignorant as I know it seems, the notion of taking Propecia or similar drugs until such time as I'm married or settled is a real game plan in my life so everything else revolves around mitigating its side effects I suppose.   


Offline Paa_Paw

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While we on the west side of the Atlantic may have corrupted Hypo to the extent that he now spells it Gynecomastia instead of Gynaecomastia; He too is in the UK. I'll bet he can find an Endocrinologist for you.
Grandpa Dan

Offline yumyumfood

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isn't it true, however, that once you have surgery to remove the gyno (assuming the surgeon is a good one, and removes all of the existing gyno), that you will no longer be at risk for this particular disorder? haven't there been studies where men have had gyno removed only on one side of their chest and then gone through steroid cycles and gotten gyno again, but only on the side that hadn't previously been operated on? aren't there claims that once you get rid of it successfully, that it will never again return? a little peripheral to the issue of messing with one's hormones, i know, but still.. gyno issue standing alone.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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The fact is it is very difficult for any surgeon to remove all the glandular mass.  In fact most surgeons would not want to do that even if they could, because it would often result in deformation of the chest.

So while theoretically if all the glandular mass is completely removed, it cannot come back in actuallity, glandular mass almost always remains.  What remains can be acted upon by your hormones.  If you have a hormone imbalance then the gynecomastia can return.

In some men post surgery the vascular alteration of the chest can make it more difficult for the gynecomastia to re-develop, in others it can return with ease.

The story about a bodybuilder, where the gynecomastia only returned on the side not operated on is perfectly possible and explainable by the above.  However you will find FAR more stories of bodybuilders who have had multiple surgeries because the gynecomastia could and did grow back.

It is so important to have a hormone evaluation prior to surgery.


Offline yumyumfood

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interesting. would say it is very probable that one's pre-existing gyno could increase on a hormone altering drug such as propecia? or will the situation most likely stay as it was developed prior to taking the drug?

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Your hormones are personal to you, they are your own endocrine chemistry set and you don't have a clue as how they interact and work in a synergistic manner.  A myriad of hormones come together and the Hypothalamus, pituitary, liver etc all regulate this delicate balancing act.

To put it bluntly;

If you f-c-u-k about with that you invite anything you get, your own personal chaos theory.

To put it diplomatically;

No one and I mean no one in the world can give you even a half baked answer let alone a definitive answer as to what the result would be.

I prefer bluntly...

Chaos theory, Russian roulette, dice, wheel of fortuneā€¦.. ::)

« Last Edit: January 04, 2007, 06:50:46 PM by Hypo-is-here »


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