Author Topic: Do I have Gynecomastia?  (Read 4195 times)

Offline manzeer

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First off try and not being depressed. Try and look at the positive things in your life. You even found this board as an outlet and resource of information. Plus at 16 you have a lot of life to live. Especially if you do have gynecomastia you can take care of it sooner in your life and move on. Not being a doctor I don't want to diagnose you from some pics on your post. But as a sufferer I would compare yours to mine and others that have posted on here that do have it. That said it would appear you do. Talk to your parents about your concerns. Show them this website. Print off some of the stories that people have posted about their lives growing up with gynecomastia. That way they can read them right away and you don't have to search around for them and possibly lose your parents attention. Then, ask if you can make an appt with a qualified plastic surgeon in your area for a consultation. Yes this all seems so daunting, but hang in there you are not alone. Smile....

Offline headheldhigh01

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to answer your question, pretty bad, i'd call it a 7 or 8 on the 10 scale, which lets you follow the advice above. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline wolfman

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Yes u have gyno a severe case i would say 8 or 9 on a 10 scale. first u must see a doc or ps and before surgery if u have one u must loose a lot of weight on the pic u looked very overweight. if u loose weight before the surgery the result will be much better.

Good Luck and keep fighting

i finally feel like im a man

Offline jake33304

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Ok, now that you have this support structure in place and we are ALL pulling for you. You need
to take some action here, and NOW.

If you're not already doing so, you need to get to the gym, start off with some easy cardio. Acclimate,
by starting off with 5 min/day. You can do five min. right ?  Go everyday, and every other day kick that time up
a few minutes, until you reach 20 - 30 min per day of cardio. Watch as your weight drops and your
endurance, energy, and most importantly your confidence RISE. You are an awesome person, probably real
cool also.  When you feel comfortable start doing some weight training and pack on some muscle. I know
you can do this, and a lot of guys I've seen in your condition have risen above this, and I have total faith
in your abilities to pull this off. Imagine, just imagine the superhero in you emerge and a new you rise and
over come this major obsticle. Let nothing, NOTHING stand in your way of  your progress.

You are an awesome person. Stay cool.

Jake Burroughs
Awe Entertainment

Offline Maroney39

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Thanks guys. Anybody know of any good surgeons in Maine?

Offline Jamessidis

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No but you can go in Montréal, that is were I had my surgery and now I'm sastisfy, my PS did a great job (even if at the beginning my chest was anormal  :-\ ) otherwise you can go in Toronto. Everybody here are sold to Dr. Feilding (or something like that)  ;)

Offline frisou

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Who did you have your surgery with in montreal ???

Offline State_Property

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Ummm  u need to get started to be honest if u had surgery today it would take at least 2 probably 3 trips to the table to get ur desired results u need to diet and excersie 5 days a week. should help but here are the main points u should follow., is a good article but really u should only eat foods like the following
also count calories im gonna estimate u should eat no more then 3100 a day to lose a few pounds every week. drink nothing but water.

Oats (oat bran, steel cut, whole grain- not instant)
Rice (long grain, brown)
Sweet potatoes
Black Beans (also provide 7g protein per 1/2 cup!)
Green beans
Asparagus (these veggies also have a nice diuretic effect on the body!)
Brussel Sprouts

Chicken breast (boneless, skinless, cooked thoroughly)
Egg whites (cooked, never raw)
Fat Free (skim) milk
Fat Free KRAFT Cheese (very limited quantities, we want to learn to eat real foods remember!)
Turkey Breast
Buffalo/Bison (Ground, Sirloin, Roast)
Extra Lean Sirloin
Extra Lean Pork
Tuna (canned in water, fresh-pack envelope, whole fillet)
Seafood (Crab, lobster, shrimp; no butter)
Salmon (a great source of Omega 3s! It's an essential fatty acid)
Whey Protein or Whey Protein Isolate

Pumpkin seeds
Olive oil
Peanut Butter
Almond Butter

2.excersise if ur self conscious about ur chest u don't need to work that but will need to focus on back, legs and arms. also here something to note.

Most people only associate weight training with building muscle and increasing strength. Few people realize the impact weight training has on fat loss. Here's why: Weight training increases your lean body mass. Increasing your lean body mass speeds up your metabolic rate so you burn more calories at rest and the number of calories you burn at rest (your basal metabolic rate) is directly proportional to the amount of muscle. weight training always accelerates fat loss, although it happens primarily through an indirect mechanism. Muscle is metabolically active tissue that burns fat, and lifting weights builds muscle, therefore weight training must be a part of every fat loss program.

Take before and after pictures to record ur progress and it will take time but as ur body starts changing u will feel the confidence, self motivation and everything else that comes with living a healthy lifestyle. Then after about a year to 18 months (think u will not even be in college yet) and u will be feeling like a million bucks already, make an appointment with an endo if u wish or with a ps to get the surgery u worked so hard for, this will also give u time to save $ if that an issue. so GL and i hope u took the time to read this. only recommend these to get started
Any cheapo Multivitamin
and a protein supp. like this


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