Author Topic: is there any hope for 17 year olds? please help  (Read 9027 times)


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hi im new
ive had puffy nipples since i was around 14 1/2 to 15 i cant really remember and im pretty sure its gynecomastia but i havent had this confirmed yet but im going to the doctor in a few days to see what she thinks.
i was hoping it would just be fat but thats seems unlikely because im 5'10 and about really skinny but also not a lot of me is muscles most of what i have is fat but it only shows in my chest and stomach a little but i think i can feel the balls but they are above my nipples not under them is this normal? .. my nipples arent as bad as some of the pics ive seen but bad enough to keep me away from the pool and make me only wear dark shirts. I also just turned 17 a month ago so what i was wondering is if there is any hope that it will still go away on its own or does it sound like surgerey is unavoidable : ( ?? please respond im really depressed and scared so i need a little advice before i go to the doctor.
my parents told me they were late bloomers and went through puberty later than most kids but my voice started changinf 8-9th grade i didnt know if that would matter or not
i also dont smoke marijuana or do any drugs that might affect it
or excercise very much sadly
if any of that  infohelps

please respond cus this is really starting to affect my life and i dont know who to talk too
thanks : )

Offline wolfman

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if u are that skinny it is probbebly gyno. you are 17 and there is a small chanse tha it may go away but its not a big chans. go see a ps and let him take a look.

Good luck

i finally feel like im a man

Offline Mr_Nip

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I think gyne is pretty much there to stay if it's been there already for a couple of years.  At 17 though, the hormones could still be doing some crazy things inside you.  An endocrynologist could tell you about your hormones and a plastic surgeon will probably be required for getting rid of it if your hormones are balanced.

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Offline Mr_Nip

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One more thing:
If you're going to a doctor, make it an ENDOCRYNOLOGIST.  Even good GP's generally don't have a clue about gyne. 

Offline ninja_mission

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Yeah, def. see a doctor.
And dont under any circumstances take the 'dont worry about it, it'll go away on it's own'.
Find another doctor who'll recommend hormone replacement or an op. But do it fast.


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yea so i went today and she said i had very little tissue buildup if any at all and its an extremely minor case also my chestbone points inward making it look worse than it is..she said a lot if it is probly fat because i gained 20 pounds in the last idk..she said that im still in puberty and im a late bloomer and that itll go away hopefully but to keep coiming in so she can check on it so idk really what to think


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