Author Topic: What do I have to do?  (Read 1774 times)

Offline keelo

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Its been awhile since I've realized that I have a serious problem. Nothing has changed. I'm still mentally breaking down and wishing that I was somebody else who didn't have to live like this.

I'm 17....i went to 2 docs. The 1st one sent me to another, because he thought he would be better fit for the surgery. And we i went to see him, he was a total male thingy and told me that he would not perform surgery on me because he would make me look worse than I already am.

Now I don't know what to do. I'm still a virgin because I am scared to get close to anybody. I make up lies to girls telling them why I can't hang out with them. Whenever I think about it, I always picture them staring at/feeling my chest or them telling their friends and laughing about it.

I have so much anger built up inside of me due to my low self esteem. I started training to make me feel better about myself and to take out some of that aggression in a positive way. Now I'm thinking maybe this was a mistake. Fighting is something that I enjoy and would love to do competitively. But you know, doing that requires you to take your shirt off in front of a large crowd, and I just cant do that. It is something that me and other people feel I would be good at....but I just cant.....and people dont understand why I dont fight. They never will I guess....probably think Im just scared. And I am, they just don't know what I'm scared of.

Sometimes I try to forget about it and just live in peace.....but it always comes back to me. Some days it will just hit me.....its never going to go away.

I'm at the point in my life where something needs to be done. I am not a happy human being. I've thought about suicide many times. But I would never do something that would hurt my loved ones like that. But if I am going to be on this earth for many years to come, I want to be happy with myself. I don't want to feel this pain anymore. You guys know what I'm talking about.....the pain of being lonely.....and some of you may know the feeling of being unable to fullfil a dream.

I don't know what I can do now......should I try to find a plastic surgeron? The thing with them is that I think they may just want my money and not do a good job. I want the best.......I dont have much money but I will work my ass off everyday to fix my life.

My mom is supportive because she hates to see me unhappy. She feels pain through me and I dont like to see her sad either. Unfortunately I dont have the power to fix it.....I need some help. She doesnt know what to do either.....she made all the appointments to see if I could get something done.....but nothing came out of it. I waited months to get my appointment, and it ended up being the worst day of my life. I cannot accept myself like this. I refuse to live this this for the rest of my life.

Offline reaper33

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hey man, you did not really mention in words that you have gynecomastia, and you never mentioned if the doctors ran any tests on you, and what was their verdict. assuming that you have gyno, i feel exactly the way you do, i have gyno, had it for 2 years, im 21 now, i was a bodybuilder always part of the hip life, but it all came to an end when gyno kicked in, its one of the worsts things that can happen to a guy, if i were 50 and got gyno i wouldn't mind it, but we are in our prime years man, these years lost will never come back.that really pisses me off, and the fact that surgery is the only expensive and risky option really depresses me, this pain is more psychological than we really think. i feel the same way you do when it comes to girls, im a pretty attractive guy and still mange to demand attention wearing three layers, im really crazy about a girl at work, and she likes me too, but she doesn't know that i have gyno because i do a good job hiding it, im too scared to ask her out because im afraid that she might turn me down after knowing this shit. i saw my general physician and he said its fat, but did a mammography on me, the reports are not in yet, so i dont know what my situation is like, surgery is the only option that everyone says, on this website, but im in college and work part time, but im still looking to get this done because its destroying my professional and personal life, i live in Chicago and we dont have many good surgeons here, and im looking for some one who offers financing or some type of payment plans, and even after a successful surgery it takes about six months to an year to get beck the normal chest. anyways dude try seeing a endocrinologist if you can, give me your updates, and ask me any questions you got, good luck. 

Offline Mr_Nip

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To answer your question, yes you should see a plastic surgeon.  Don't get hung up on the fact that they want your money.  That doesn't make them bad.  Heck, I want money, too.  :)  GP's generally don't have a clue about gyne or what to do about it, as you seem to have experienced.   At age 17 you may also want to see an endocrynologist to make sure your hormones are OK.  If they're not balanced, then your gyne could possibly return after the surgery.  An endocrynologist can help you balance the hormones if they're messed up so the gyne will stay gone after surgery.  Consider yourself fortunate.  At age 17 you know what's going on and you know there are others like you.  I had my gyne for 30 years all alone before finding out what it was and that I could be rid of it.  Hang in there and keep us posted.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2006, 07:34:25 AM by Mr_Nip »

I come from nowhere
And you should go there.
Just try it for a while.
The people from nowhere always smile.  -  Frank Zappa

Offline keelo

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The docs said I do have a minor case of gyno. I dont have big boobs, just big puffy nipples. I heard you can get them from smoking pot but I really believe i got them from being overweight.

What are my nipples going to look like during the 6 month-year healing process?

Offline flex1appeal

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It is said you can get gyne from smoking marijuana but hard to pinpoint if that is what caused yours. Could be a combo of weight gain and marijuana. But I would suggest not smoking marijuana and eliminating at least one possible cause for the future. Especially if you do get surgery to rid yourself of what you have now. No need to have it return and it certainly can return after having it removed. That's why it is important to see an endocrinologist to make sure your hormone levels are stable and to reduce any negative influences you encounter that can promote regrowth. As for what will your nipples look like during the healing process? Can't give you an exact answer bro. People vary for results. I would recommend you have gland excision done as well as lipo and not just lipo only.


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