Author Topic: Gyne sufferer - compression vests  (Read 4216 times)

Offline Jock

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I have developed gynecomastia over the last 6 months, just been seen by NHS and they reckon it has been caused by a combination of medication I have been on over the last 18 months.

I had a reaction to a general anaesthetic, and needed a jump start with the defrib, and have had a further 4 operations over the last year to correct the heart rhythmn probs that resulted from what started out as a simple day case op.

I've lost 5 months from work and in no position to consider a further op to correct at this moment in time, but I am now totally self concious about the problem. I read on the general forum about compression vests, is there any UK suppliers on line ? any info on type / quality / cost / etc. would be much appreciated.
Took the plunge and had consultation with Dr. Karidis 7th January 2009.
Surgery 26th February 2009.
Just wish I'd been able to do this years ago.

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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It sounds like you have been through the mill these last 6 months and from all you have said, I can follow your logic.

I bought my compressions vest online from  Although they are in the USA, I received mine within 3 days so the service was excellent.  I bought 2 types:

•   The 980 which has adjustable hook and eye fasteners up the front, for after surgery (it’s easier to put on when you have limited movement).  However the band that holds the fasteners would be visible through a thin shirt.
•   The 997 (Double Front Compression Shirt), which is a very tight fitting vest.  It hasn’t any fixings because it simply goes over your head and is practically invisible.  I used this one before surgery to hide my moobs and it did an excellent job in day to day use.  I think this might be the one for you.

There is a company in the UK called Euro Surgical Ltd that others have used but I have no experience of them so maybe someone else can help you out there.  However I did read on here a while back that they were a lot more expensive than Underworks even taking account of the postage.

Hopefully your doctors have sorted your medication and your Gyne has stopped growing.  By getting a good compression vest I would hope you can cope with the moobs before deciding what to do next.

All the very best to you.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline Jock

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Thanks TTFIt

Ordered some 997, seems crazy that they can be shipped from US for less than half of the cost to buy in the UK.

Offline Ross_Mk2

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Whoh whoh whoh!!! So this vest can hide gyno under shirts etc.. etc..? Are they uncomfortable to wear, and how long can you wear them for? Just for example a whole day with causing any pain/sore areas?

Offline bfg2000

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I received my vest fron Euro Surgical today and tried in on and if that's how I'll look once the procedure is complete, i'll be exstatic!

I'd been having second thoughts - I could live with it, but after this morning, no chance - roll on February!!!!

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
a nike compression vest purchased from jjb sports or any uk sports shot can hide gyne
i advise you to buy a size smaller than usual say if your xl try a L
i in fact am an XL and bought an M for post surgery just for the extra tightness.
I had my 2 month date on christmas eve so dont have to wear one anymore but i found it nice and warm so i am still wearing a nike one :)
Sounds toi me like youve been through the mill there so im not going to suggest surgery for your case as i feel that the risk isnt worth it (unless you know youll be safe to general anesthetics)
Good luck in what yopu choose to do and i know that its horrible having this condition as ive lived with mine upto last year when i chose to pay to get rid of them.
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline Jock

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I got my underworks 997 vests, what a difference being able to walk about without slouching and trying to hide them

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I received my vest fron Euro Surgical today and tried in on and if that's how I'll look once the procedure is complete, i'll be exstatic!


I got my underworks 997 vests, what a difference being able to walk about without slouching and trying to hide them

I know exactly how you feel fellas.  ;D

I started wearing the compression vests about 6 months before my surgery.  I was someone who had only recently developed gyne and the vests made me feel “normal” again.  It actually brought a tear to my eye when I first started wearing them as I felt that a huge weight of self consciousness has suddenly be lifted from me.  I know it was only temporary while I wore the vests, but it was like coming out of a nightmare while I wore them.  I knew then that the surgery option was definitely for me.

Offline lastwave

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I'd second the use of sport compression vests.  My surgeon said I could use the base layers I have for cricket (made by Under Armour and Canterbury).  They cost about £20 and are easily available - plus you can use them for any sport too!


  • Guest
I have developed gynecomastia over the last 6 months, just been seen by NHS and they reckon it has been caused by a combination of medication I have been on over the last 18 months.

I had a reaction to a general anaesthetic, and needed a jump start with the defrib, and have had a further 4 operations over the last year to correct the heart rhythmn probs that resulted from what started out as a simple day case op.

I've lost 5 months from work and in no position to consider a further op to correct at this moment in time, but I am now totally self concious about the problem. I read on the general forum about compression vests, is there any UK suppliers on line ? any info on type / quality / cost / etc. would be much appreciated.
Design Veronique ships around the world and has a UK division.  For our many UK patients, I prefer to individually fit each patient when in our office before surgery to insure propper sizing.

Body shaping garments are only a temporary contouring solution.  They do not help remove or treat gynecomastia.  When the garment is removed, the gynecomastia is still there.  They can provide an emotional band-aid for the stress of contour issues and bouncing tissues.

There is a theoretical advantage for the person losing weight.  Scars that evolve under pressure do better than scars without pressure.  These garments are designed to help with pressure and scar evolution.  With weight loss, there is the issue of skin shrinkage.  Pressure may help.  However, there are no studies to evaluate such issues.  Trying to desing such a study is difficult if not impossible.

You can see actual examples of Compression Chest Contouring Without Surgery for different types of gynecomastia here:

Compression Contouring After Massive Weight Loss

Body Shaping for Puffy Nipples

Body Shaping Compression Contouring for Overweight Male - This one shows the Black Vest in use.

Body Shaper Compression Garment for Severly Obese Male

Check out the multiple views for each patient.  Clink on the links to see other views of the garment and features of this design I prefer.  There are also Movies before and after body shaping vests to show how the compression vests stabilize jiggling and bouncing of tissue.  Pick the link to the format you prefer Quicktime or Windows Media Video.

A wet suit can also help.  Using a thin neoprene like Microprene can flatten the chest in water like a compression garment can help on land.  The after surgery garments do not work well in water, the wet suits do.  Both can be hot to wear, that is why I prefer a very thin garment.

We have many patients who have told me that the body shaping compression garments were a fantastic emotional help while losing weight, waiting for the gynecomastia to stabilize, or saving for the operation.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline Daniel_uk987

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Im gonna buy one on ebay and see how it works out!!
Wow if it does im going to be so chuffed! as im anxious about summertime... you must all know what i mean!
it sounds a bit uncomfortable!!


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