Author Topic: What are the risk of gynecomastia surgery?  (Read 5844 times)

Offline mephistopholes

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All surgeries of all kinds carry some risk, and some surgeris DO end up in failure resulting in more and/or bigger problem(s) than before the surgery.

I am aware that not all gyne surgeries are success.  Some surgeris don't succeed and result in more embarassment and more problem, and money flushed down the toilet.

For benefit of all members, can anyone post what are the possible risks associated with the surgery?

Is the Plastic Surgery Technology constantly evolving and improving that I can trust a part of my body so critical to another human being?

Does anyone have any reasonble stat about what is the possibility for surgery failure or dissatisfaction (I've heard of some who underwent pastic surgery and were DISSATISFIED, and brought this up to their Surgeon, and Surgeon would just say to his patient that to his eyes the surgery result looks just fine and satisfactory.  Surgeon would not accpet or agree with the patient's dissatisfaction.)  All these are my concern for a surgery that's gonna cost me in thousands of dollars.

Offline Mr_Nip

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Satisfaction is subjective and relative.  If you're expecting perfection then you won't be satisfied and your surgeon will tell you you look fine. 

Most surgeries give you what you paid for:  a more normal sized chest.  You'll be able to see scars if you look for them.  Some people show scars more than others.  That's reality. 

Some surgeries actually do fall short of making you look more normal and may require a revision.  You should do your homework when picking a surgeon.  Look at before and after pictures and ask a lot of questions about your individual surgery needs.   Get the details about how your surgeon handles revisions before the surgery is agreed upon. 

As for your question about surgery satisfaction statistics, I really doubt if any are available.  If they are available, then I wouldn't believe them.  I don't see how that type of thing could be measured accurately by surveys. 

« Last Edit: January 03, 2007, 09:29:29 PM by Mr_Nip »

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Offline reaper33

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hey mr nip, i agree with most part what you said, except, do not expect perfection, i dont think the guy wants perfection, what is perfection really, you will have to work your ass off to get chest that looks like a cinder block, now thats perfection, but i definitely think anyone who is spending money and taking the risk should expect to get back the chest they were born with, a normal chest not perfect, a chest that an average man should have not a bodybuilder,  and baptong, the only way you are gonna get the answers to your questions is going for the surgery, it had worked for many im sure it will work for you too if you are in good health, just find yourself a board certified surgeon a reliable one, and you should be good im looking for surgeons too and its not an easy job. good luck

Offline Mr_Nip

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...but i definitely think anyone who is spending money and taking the risk should expect to get back the chest they were born with, a normal chest not perfect, a chest that an average man should have not a bodybuilder,  and baptong, the only way you are gonna get the answers to your questions is going for the surgery, it had worked for many im sure it will work for you too if you are in good health, just find yourself a board certified surgeon a reliable one, and you should be good im looking for surgeons too and its not an easy job. good luck

It's not realistic to expect the chest you were born with.   I'm not trying to be a downer, folks.  I'm a proponent of surgery and I'm extremely satisfied with mine.  I don't have the chest I was born with, though, because I can see the slight scarring around my areola.  No big deal because you don't notice unless you're looking for it, but it's not perfect.  I'll bet that most satisfied people who've been through this ordeal would agree with me on saying to not expect perfection.  I think you know what I meant anyway. 

I agree 100% with the rest of your post which says the only way to find out is to go for it.   ;)

Offline reaper33

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hey mr nip, im having a lil hard time understanding your point, i mean if we cant expect a normal chest, than why get a surgery anyways, i dont really care about the scars, bottom line is are the nipples still gonna stick out of my t shirt after surgery, if thats the case then i guess its a complete waste of money, by the way im planning my surgery around spring break.

Offline Spleen

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Ultimately you risk death or disfigurement.  It's very unlikely, but you can't rule out the extreme.  The rewards are pretty clear but you need to use good common sense and weigh all the criteria: cost, the doctor, cosmetic result (good or bad), the severity of your case, complications, healing, etc.  Do your homework and try to keep your expectations realistic.

Offline nukem2k5

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Spleen's right.  You need to do your research to find the right doc, and try not to be discouraged by the risks if you're that sick of your gyne.

Btw, hi Spleen.
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
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Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline Mr_Nip

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Look, Reaper, stop trying to read between my lines.  I can't make it more clear.  DON'T EXPECT PERFECTION.  PERIOD.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I'll bet that most satisfied people who've been through this ordeal would agree with me on saying to not expect perfection.

Because..... GRS is merely a Fix and not a Cure

The chances of your post-operative chest looking like if you never had it in the first place are slim-to-none. Plastic Surgeons are not Magicians/Wizards. They are only human after all. They can only do so much.

Like Nip said, do not 'Expect' perfection. You 'may' be in for a big let down if you do. More than likely, there will be some irregularities to your post-op chest such as a concavity (too much removed). Or, your incision scars do not heal as well as you had hoped.

Sure, I suppose Perfection 'can' be attained. Anything is possible. Just don't Expect it! You may be in for a Rude Awakening if you do my man!

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline reaper33

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hey grandpa bambu, i think your chest looks totally perfect, even your scars are not visible, i dont know why you feel that way, but honestly you had a serious case of gyno, and your ps did an excellent job, i think a person is a worst critic of himself, anyways you guys have been through this ordeal,the term perfection may mean something different to each individual, however can i at least expect to wear normal clothes after surgery? considering i have puffy nipples and ill most probably insist on lipo and excision, and do you think traveling to dr bermant will be worth it, coz there are no good ps in Chicago, thanks for advice.

Offline gabbyhey

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Here's the risks I faced with my surgery:

1.) Death  (it can happend anytime they put you under for surgery.  So uncommon, its not worth worrying about.)
2.) Disfigurement.
    a.  I had a nipple graft.  As with any graft, there is the risk that the skin won't take.  Meaning I could lose my nipples.  You can greatly reduce this risk by quitting smoking.  I did.  That's how dedicated I am to get this fixed.  Still, this is unlikey as well.
    b.  Some people could have concavity, like mentioned before, which is when they take out too much tissue and you have a "dent".  Would you rather have nipples that stick out of your shirt, or a slight dent underneath your shirt?  I think most people here would rather go with that risk.
    c.  In some cases there may be fluid build up, but plastic surgeons are using more drains now and bulbs that gather that fluid.  It's a little gross emptying out the bulbs, but I can handle it.
    d.  Infection.  My doctor gave me keflex, an anti biotic.
    e.  Pain, of course it depends on your surgery.  I had a pretty indepth surgery.  I got Lortab pain pills to take care of my pain.  It helps, but there still is a lot of discomfort.

That's the risks I was informed about.  They could have told me that there was a 50/50 chance of dying during this surgery and I would still have done it.  Was it worth the risk?  I am already happy with my results and I haven't even seen my chest yet.  I'm on day 3 of recovery.  Still bandaged up.  Even with the bandages on with a t-shirt I still look 100 times better.  I've already got a flat chest, i just have to wait and see the bruises and how the nips turn out but even if they don't go as good as I planned, I'm happier now than before.  I don't expect perfection either, I just expect to look like a normal guy in a tank top or a t-shirt. 

By the way, some people may have noticed I've been on here a lot lately.  I do have a life, I'm just sitting in bed recovering with nothing else to do and nobody to really talk to.  Thanks for being around guys, it really helps.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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By the way, some people may have noticed I've been on here a lot lately.  I do have a life, I'm just sitting in bed recovering with nothing else to do and nobody to really talk to.  Thanks for being around guys, it really helps.

At 30 something posts...  Geeze, and I have 2600 something posts  :o.  However, I consider this my hobby and I get great satisfaction out of helping others.  :)


Offline gabbyhey

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Yeah, 30 posts though in like 2 days.  I'm on pace to beat you Grandpa.  Yeah this is the first place I can freely talk about this problem that has been the "obsessive secret" of the last decade for me.  It's a lot off my chest.  (literally too!)

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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hey grandpa bambu, i think your chest looks totally perfect, even your scars are not visible, i dont know why you feel that way.

To be honest dude, my chest is not perfect. A very big improvement yes, but not perfect. You can see the scars (if you look close enough), I have a concavity on the LHS and there's more Lipo work that needs to be done. I guess 'perfection' is subject to interpretation. I see 'perfection' as attaining a post-op chest that looks as if you never had Gyne in the first place. Which, in my opinion, the chances are slim-to-none.

We have to stress to the newcomer that if they choose to have the Op, there may be some irregularities in their post-op chest. They have to understand that GRS is not a 'Cure', but merely just a 'Fix'. 

Can i at least expect to wear normal clothes after surgery? considering i have puffy nipples and ill most probably insist on lipo and excision.

Yes, you should at least be able to expect to wear 'your choice' of clothing without being stared, pointed and laughed at.

Do you think traveling to dr bermant will be worth it, coz there are no good ps in Chicago, thanks for advice.

Sure, there have been many favorable reports on Dr. Bermant. He sounds like a reputable surgeon. Go For It  dude!

« Last Edit: January 07, 2007, 11:41:14 AM by Grandpa Bambu »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Yeah, 30 posts though in like 2 days.  I'm on pace to beat you Grandpa.

Your present stats say 17.5 posts/day.  ;)

Yeah this is the first place I can freely talk about this problem that has been the "obsessive secret" of the last decade for me.  It's a lot off my chest.  (literally too!)

And doesn't it feel oh sooo goooodd!   :D



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