Author Topic: dr saed marefat northern va  (Read 3646 times)

Offline desi

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hey guys,

need ur help here..

went to dr. marfat yest, it turns out he offered excision with tumescent lipo.. he does lipo first and then removed the gland.. dunno if this is the procedure followed on a regular basis..

ok, so he does abt 15-20 per year.. his staff is good. he says complete flatness cant be achieved without actually cutting the gland out.. (excision).. i was pretty happy to hear that answer. he checked me overall, and i told him my concerns, symmetry, etc..

when i asked him how many incisions he makes, he said he will make as many incisions as he wants to get everything out. but usually, he says he will make 2 incisions, one uder the armpit and one below the areola.

he also told me that he can easily remove abt 600cc of fat from each side, just bythe  look and the feel of the chest area.

i later called his office in the evening and his secretary offered me that i can speak with one of the past patients. she will get back to me today and let me know if the previous patient is wiling to speak with me or not.,

he has a rev policy upto a yr i believe. again, anesthasie op room is the patients liability.

he showed me more pics that he has on his website. 2-3 pics were really ok types.. some were amazing! a complete transformation.

I asked him how much gland is removed. He said , 'all of it' .. the only thing im afraid is it may cause indentation/concavity. i did not ask him abt this, but the pictures he showed were not indented/concave. i kinda assume at this point that he gave me this answer to not get too technical as to why a small piece of tissue might be left behind.

He also said this cure is permanent. the procedure is abt 2 hrs long.

i really liked his demeanor and his professionalism. he was to the point and told me that mines is a very stariaghforwd case and i need exc + lipo. i shud be ok.. that was good to hear..

i dont want to be judgemental based on proximity and things i want to hear.

i hope to get some feedback from you all. can u think of any other Qs for the doc??


oh! and his website:

Formerly, 'Fattgayee', as in 'Torn Apart' or more so 'I am Screwed' :)

Offline desi

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oh and btw, this was my 5th consult. :)

Offline mephistopholes

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I've also haid a consultation with Dr. Marefat.  His staff said they've moved from Washington DC office to a new location in Arlington.  The place didn't look much like a Docs office, but I guess that doesn't matter.
What I was a little dissapointed is that his examination of my condition was more superficial than what I expecting.  He just asked me to lift up my shirt and pinched my nipple area.  He said my condition is not severe, and thinks that I'll be pleased with the result of surgery.  However, based on his impression of me, he did mention that there is no guarantee, but the chance of something going wrong is very slim.

His price is about $6000 including about $500 for pathology (examining the breast tissue for cancer - I liked his staff's honesty in mentioning pathology fee).  He does gyne surgery about 15 - 20 times a year.

He said he'll do TRADITIONAL lypo instead more advanced lyo (the name of which escapes me right now) and then excision to removed the glands underneath my nipples.

WHat do you all think?

And Fattgay, if you are going to choose this doctor please keep us updated about your progress.
What do you all think

Offline desi

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hey baptong.

i appreciate they mentioned regarding the fees for pathology. yea, the office was kinda small. i think the traditional lipo is called tumescent adn newer techniques include utlrasonic??. what other Qs did you ask him? are u satisfied with his consult?

he did quite a decent examination on me. checked from sides, from front. i dont think he wanted me to remove myshirt, then he saw that i was wearing a vest underneath, so he said ok, remove ur shirt and ur vest. im still waitin for his staff to get back to me. will call them tomorow if i dont hear anything by then.

i will definitely keep everyone posted here..

i plan to make a decision by mid of next week hopefully, i dont want to keep postponing...:)

Offline mephistopholes

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It sounds like the Doc examined you more thoroughly than how he examined me.  I asked him what are the risks and he said there could be miscoloring in skin pigmentation and few other things that doesn't affect the symmetry and contour of my chest.  To re-iterate, he did say he wants a best result for me, but no surgeon can guarantee the result (which I'll have to agree, but the way human nature is wired is that when you pay something like $6,000 for a service, you'd want the best possible result.)  The consultation didn't last very long.  It was only about 25 min. 
What most concerns me is that he merely said that he thinks I'll be pleases with the result of the surgery and did not go into much detail as to what I can expect my chest to look like after the surgery.  He said that my case is not a server condition.  If so, I'd have to consider very carefully if I'll do the surgery especially given that this was my 1st consultation.  I'll have to interview other Docs in my area.
Also, based on my reseach the national avg price for gyne surgery here in U.S. is from $2000-$4000, and this Docs price is $6000 which is a lot higher, but if he really knows what he's doing money should not be a priority. 
Fatgayee, what was the price quatation you got from this Doc?  And what other Docs have you consulted with other than Marefat and Richardson if they're in DC or Baltimore area?

Offline desi

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i dont know really, all i can say at this point, is docs r humans also. there r too many variables in a surgery. if i opt for him, i really hope he does his best.. and i do hope everything turns out fine.. dude!! im nervous....

Offline mephistopholes

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How much is he going to charge you for the surgery and everything else?

Offline desi

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baptong, did they give u any references for their past patients?

Offline mephistopholes

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The staff said they'll try. 

Do you have the most confidence in this doc amongst 5 docs you've been to so far?

Offline desi

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