Author Topic: Proper Andractim Diary  (Read 7412 times)

Offline ihatenipples

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Hey hey how you guys going?

Well after reading all the andractim diaries here, I decided to order the stuff myself, and I will be doing a PROPER andractim diary.  Heaps of the diaries are either too good to be true (andractim_test) or sort of fade off towards the end so you can't tell what happened.  I might not update the first few days because nothing is likely to happen, but after that I'll try to update every day, and keep going until I finish my two tubes.  I can't take any pictures because I don't have a digital camera, and don't know how to work my mums.  Also I dont really wanna store pictures on my computer of it, or have it on the internet in case someone recognises me.....sounds stupid but whatever.

I can promise this diary is not a fake, I've been affected by gyne enough to know how cruel it would be to give people false hope that this can help them if it can't.  If you don't wanna believe me don't, but you can feel free to ask any questions to verify or whatever.  I'll give you a little history of my gyne.

Im currently 18 years old, and got gyne in one nipple when i was about 13.  Back then I didn't really give a shit, but I still noticed.  After about a year it came to the second nipple, and over the next two years kinda went on and off in both nipples.  However, for the last 3 years they have been constant to both nipples, and have frustrated the shit out of me.

I'm not gonna say it's ruined my life or anything, but gyne has been my main worry over the last year and a half, and has caused endless stress, etc.  My friends tease me about wearing black shirts all the time, but that's just because my nipples show through any other coloured shirts.  I'm sure you all know how much of a pain it is having to choose your clothes so carefully and still feeling self concious in them so I won't go on about it.  My case of gyne isn't big, its just puffy nipples that show through shirts.  I don't mind without a shirt on much, because I can squeeze my nipples and they go hard, looking normal.  Even with big nipples, it doesn't look extreme or anything, my main issue is it showing through most of the shirts I wanna wear.

Im gonna start using the andractim tomorrow morning, and also start up a running routine.  I'll apply the andractim after I've finished running and had a shower, if you can think of anything wrong with that then tell me.  Otherwise, I'll probably update in two days or so and keep it constant after that.

Oh, and my future posts won't be so long and boring, I just thought it necessary to kinda let everyone know the past and extent of my gyne.


Offline ihatenipples

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Yeah that makes perfect sense, thanks heaps for the tip.  Im thinking of taking pictures on my phone camera and hiding them lol......but the quality on my phone is pretty shocking, dunno if it would make a difference.  But still, if there is a difference I will definetely be able to tell by the end of the two tubes, and tonight I will have a good examine to try and observe everything I can of my gyne before I start treatment.

Oh and by the way, I didn't mean any offense to your andractim diary, that was one of the only ones that actually had a conclusion to the treatment, so sorry if I came off that way.

Offline ihatenipples

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Day 2:

Ok its the end of the second day, for the past two mornings I have applied 2.5g of the gel to each nipple, using rubber gloves.  I saw that tip in sir puffalot's post (very inspiring btw) and thought it makes sense since none of the skin on your hands will absorb the gel.  Any thoughts on that?

So far there have been no changes noticed, except when I've felt my nipples throughout the day they're sometimes hard, which is unusual.  Usually unless its really cold or i pinch them my nipples are pretty puffy so I guess thats kinda encouraging.

The lumps under my left nipple (I have two directly under my nipple kinda rectangular shaped, both are bigger than the lump under my right) seem a bit smaller but I'm fairly sure this is just hopeful thinking, as 2 days isn't enough to warrant any changes I think.  Still not losing hope!  Hoping im the one in four who actually get big changes from andractim.

I'll start posting everyday now and keep you updated.


Offline ihatenipples

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Day 4:

End of day 4 now, noticed a few TINY changes but not sure if it's just me.  The lumps under both nipples appear to be slightly smaller, not softer as most other people have experienced but just smaller.  This however gives off the feeling that there's more fat under the nipple.  Since there's less gland it feels like its more puffy, but maybe if the gland goes I can get rid of that fat with exercise.

That could all just be me though because from what I've seen 3 days isn't enough time for changes to begin.  We'll see, still remaining hopeful.

Offline ihatenipples

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sorry that was meant to be end of Day 3 :-\

Offline ihatenipples

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Day 4:
End of day 4 now, no real changes.  No pain or anything in either nipple, but each lump is starting to feel almost like they're being broken up, but its a general feeling.  It's really hard to explain but still no real changes.

I'll keep updating lol

Offline ihatenipples

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Day 5:
Still not really many changes, though when i feel around there seems to be alot more empty space, as if the gland's smaller and more fat is in the area now, hopefully that's true and I can get rid of the fat.  No change in the nipples really, they're still just as puffy as ever.....I think.

It's still really hard to tell if any of these changse are real, there's definetely no changes in appearance when I wear a shirt which is the main thing I care about, so I'm still hanging out for some nipple shrinkage and gland shrinkage.

p.s even though it feels like there's alot more empty space, when i actually feel for the glands they feel the same, BUT i have to feel further down.  It's almsot as if they've been forced back.  They feel the same or a bit smaller, but I can only really feel them now when I put my arm over my head.  I'm hoping this is a really good change but not getting too hopeful.  No pain in either nipple or gland either

Offline ihatenipples

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Day 6:
well there's definetely no changes in appearance through clothes, though I could swear they have got SLIGHTLY smaller when i haven't got my shirt on.  In my left nipple, one of them has DEFINETELY become alot more broken up, so much so that you can barely feel it any more.  the other lump doesn't feel broken up, but more loose, so when i play around with it, it moves around alot more than before.

not much to report on the right nipple, since you couldn't feel the lump that much in the first place.  im starting to think the lump has become attached to the muscle or something, as i've heard they can become integrated or something if they've been there a long time.  if so that's not good news haha but we'll see what happens.  still the same routine, rubbing in mornings with rubber gloves, probably spending 3-5 minutes on each nipple.  my andractim tube is going quite quickly, i think im using a bit more daily than i should, oh well shouldn't hurt too much

Offline ihatenipples

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Day 7:
Still the same as before

I'm kinda sketching coz i haven't had any soreness or anything to indicate any real results, and the results i've noticed are kina on and off.  I thought one lump had definetely shrunk, but then i felt it in full force after.  Now i can barely feel it.  Same with everything ive noticed.

All in all, i still notice my gyne just as much as before and it still shows quite a bit through clothes.  Oh well, sir puffalot only noticed changes after 3 weeks.  Im definetely not gonna give andractim up though, it doesn't cost me anything else to keep it going, except maybe a bit of hair loss as my hair is already quite thin, and my mums dad lost some of his hair.  Oh well i'd be willing to risk that if it means a chance to get rid of this bastard of a problem, my life would be sooooo much better.

Offline ihatenipples

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Day 9:

Missed a day of updating, sorry lol.  Im just noticing now that if i squeeze under my nipples, instead of a solid lump (s) they are much more smaller, and i am finding tiny particles of what im guessing to be gland.  I don't really think there's much change through shirts as my nipples are still puffed up most of the time.

Just a thought lol, I've heard that after surgery the compression vest is to make the nipple stick flat and get rid of the empty space left.  I'm thinking maybe i should do something similar, maybe buy a compression vest, or just wear really tight wifey's under my shirts, just in case the slight shrinkage or breakage in the glands is causin empty space.  PROBABLY retarded but thought id ask anyway.  Anyway, still no drastic results but im still hanging out for the post 3 week results lol that sir puffalot got.

I'll try not to miss another day of updating lol, haven't missed a day of applying and i will definetely keep informing till the end of my andractim episode..........

Offline Bolognianips

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I must say, Good Luck!  I have just ordered some Andractim today from allsaints.  Where did you get yours?  I want to see if perhaps people have more success when they get it from a real dr.

Offline ihatenipples

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Holy Shit! I haven't updated in ages dont lose faith, there's an explanation as always, my stupid computer got a virus and we had to buy a new one.  I probably could have updated this on someone else's computer but im just plain lazy lol.

Well the lumps definetely feel smaller, though still not drastically.  I can't really tell anymore if there's any physical changes, but my mum told me today that I was looking skinnier, and I haven't really lost any weight haha.

Well I'll try be more regular in my updating now but no matter how slack I am I'll still keep using the andractim every day till I run out and keep you updated


Offline ihatenipples

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Holy SHIT!  I'm just slack....sorry I haven't updated in ages.  Well anyway it's day 20 and the lumps are definetely smaller, but not by much.  I hadn't actually looked at my chest bare in ages, and when my nipples were puffiest I looked and there was slight improvement.  I'm hoping these will continue or even improve drastically like for sir puffalot!

Also I'm noticing a FEW changes in shirts, but not in general appearances.
I may be slack but I'll keep updating you till the end!


Offline ihatenipples

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Day 26:

Well the other day I got some actual resulst, as in the lumps were actually quite painful whenever I touched them.  Although not pleasant it was exciting......something that isn't questionable finally happened!  since then I've missed my first day of gyne which sucks so I applied double the next day.  Anyway the pain has resided a bit but there are more results, not really visual but whatever.

For starters, the lump under my right nipple is SO much looser than before.  Before it felt like it was threaded to the muscle or something, and i could only feel the actual lump if i tried.  Now its definetely more feelable and loose.  My left lumps are looser, and one of them has started to break up a bit.  I only noticed coz I squeezed a bit above my nipple randomly and felt a bit of the lump!  Kinda exciting but we'll see.  My mum said there was visible difference in shirts and I think there is.  Its not much, but definetely worth it.  As long as there's the slightest improvement the money for this shiz is definetely worth it, especially if its an alternative to surgery. 

No side effects really, maybe I'm feeling a bit tired but then again maybe not I can't really tell.  I haven't lost any hair (and im definetely prone to hair loss when I'm older), and my balls are definetely not any smaller.  The way I see it there's no bad from this treatment at all.

I'll update again soon. 

Offline ihatenipples

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Day 31:
Hey again day 31 almost over, and some real pain starting.  I figure it can't really be bad pain, it hurts pretty much whenever I touch either nipple.  No physical changes.  I'll update again soon


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