Author Topic: FISHY, MARX  (Read 1862 times)

Offline PeterBateman

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Fishy did you have significant improvements after 3 months?  I was reading our thread about Lista, and you mention I think having to wait 3-6 months (and then you stating your post op took 6 months ). 

Marx, did you ever find about NOT massaging?  Tonight, I used the massager again (for the past few days) and it HAS gotten rid of some hard lumps, but others still remain.  Was thinking of stopping massaging all together and see what happens...Lista never really said for how long to massage did he??

Behind my left nipple area is a huge clump of scar tissue (i hope) that starts out narrow above left nip, gets bigger in width behind nip, then tapers out again about 2 inches below nip. 

My left side is obviously not as tight overall as my right (much like braveboy)...wondering if theres a pattern for us having issues with the left side...?

Offline fishy

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My results improved drastically from about month 8 to month 11.

My scars are now fading (at the six month mark they looked very purple).

Overall, My right side is 100%, my left side is about 75%. I have been considering a revision for my left side (I still have a small lump under my nipple); I have even discussed it with Lista.

After 8 weeks of thinking about it, and looking in the mirror every morning, I am at the point were I think it is not worth going through the procedure again, due the minimal risk associated with the procedure (Not that the original procedure was bad for me!). Basically my left side isn’t perfect, but it isn’t that bad either! I don’t want to take a chance and remove too much either, as that will look equally silly with an inverted nipple.

Since I had my reduction, I have stabilized at a weight loss of about 25 pounds. I must say that this has also done a lot to improve my self-image. I think the reduction motivated me to do it! I am getting many compliments from people I havent seen for a while. They say I look good??

I also discussed my lipo scars with Lista, and he will be doing a revision on the scars in a few weeks. I think I am prone to scaring, and he will be doing a no charge local procedure to improve the situation. He said it will take 30 minutes, and I can drive myself home. If my scars turn into fine slits, and eventually fade, then overall I will be 90% happy.

I got to the point were I was obsessing over my results so much every day, I started imagining things! I feel so much better since I have let it go.

Btw… I messaged only until I removed the vest. (once in the morning only). I found my swelling went down when I stopped?

My advice is:
1)   Wait at least 6 months to determine your results.
2)   Don’t hesitate to share you concerns with Lista. He is very professional, and appeared to be very concerned about his patients satisfaction.
3)    Be realistic! (Once I realized that I will never look like Brad Pit or will never be a post boy, and understood my body type, I came to appreciate my results better.)

Good luck guys. Hang in there!

Offline PeterBateman

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Thanks for the quick reply fishy, and thats great inspiration for me.  I really appreciate it, and gives me hope that theres room for improvement from here till then.  I think I'm gonna stop massaging for a bit, and see what happens...I might be aggravating the swelling by rubbing all the time. 

So you didnt have lumps etc after 6 weeks?  Or did you not care and just stop.  I take it regardless the lumps and scarring faded over time.

And fishy, post some before after pics!

Offline marx

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Peter, I never found out about not massaging.  Good idea about the massager, I will try it as I have one around.  Lista told me to keep massaging until he sees me at my six month visit.

Fishy, thanks for the infomative post.  I am happy ;D to hear about improvements after 8 months.  I thought what I have now, is basically what I'll be stuck with.  I think it wasn't worth the $5,000, but then I think of how miserable I was before :(.

Please keep us informed of your incision scar reduction procedure, as I may be a candidate.  Right now, I have a square/oval scar area, it would be better if this went down to a thin slit.  The only problem is if I wait until my six month visit to discuss this procedure and he does it, it will be at least April, then I'd have very little healing time between then and summer beach time :-\.  Hopefully the redness of my scars will improve by April.

Fishy, how long did you use the silicon bandages?


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