Author Topic: Advise Please?  (Read 3060 times)

Offline david979

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Hello, I am new to this website and i am 15 years old. 
I have read some of the other stories here and i can't say that my story is nearly as bad as some of yours. 
For as long as I can remember, i have had gyno... although i guess it probably started when i was 7 or 8.  Of course it was hard for me everyday in the locker room for P.E or at camp when i tried to go swimming and everyone would stare at me, but I wasnt going into a depression or anything. 
Then, when i was in JH or something, my brother went in to "have some extra tissue removed" as my mom put it.  After a year or two i realized the truth. 
Recently (for about 2 years or so) everytime I went in for a check-up the doctors always told me i had a weight problem.  I have struggled with my weight as long as gyno.  For my last check-up, my doctor applauded me for actually losing weight and encouraged me to keep on with whatever i was doing.  My mom was there and (being the retired ER nurse that she is) asked the doctor about my chest.  He said that, like my brother, i would most likely have to have surgury for it.  Back in June (when my last check-up was) they said i should come in for an appointment in February to talk about the option of surgury.  We have yet to schedual that appointment, but im sure we will do it soon.

My main question is this.  When (or if) i get surgury, what should i do about my friends at school?  I mean should i tell them that i had surgury? or just try and say that i "worked out VERY hard"? Keep in mind that by the time this surgury happens, I will probably be a Junior in Highschool.  Oh and another thing to mention...I go to a SMALL private school with only about 150 kids in the JH and HS combined.  If something happens to someone, everyone knows about it within a day. For example, a kid shaved his beard off...and that was basically what everyone talked about to him.  I know that if i show up with no man boobs, they are all gonna notice. Has anyone else experianced this? if so, what did you do?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Offline headheldhigh01

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if they know you have it, no getting way around a sudden fix, getting it done over summer with the heavy workout ruse sounds like the best you could do, cracked rib and benign growth won't work, though if someone else had it it could perpetuate the misimpression working out will fix it.  maybe not a problem, though who knows if the truth wouldn't be so bad either.  did your brother go to the same school?   
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline david979

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Yeah, my bro did go to the same school.  And i keep on hoping that it will go away... but it doesnt look like there is an end in sight :-\ 

Offline headheldhigh01

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that leads you to ask, what did he do?  not much more i could add, but of course if the word was out in his case it'd be harder to hide in yours, but if not you've got a precedent.  even if it got out, though, shake it off and tell people where to go, you got a small curse of nature, it's not like you robbed a bank.  anyone who's worth anything will see you don't let stupidity get you for it, they'll respect you for it, and you will have earned the respect. 

Offline manzeer

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If it does get out the attention will be on you until the next guy shaves his beard. But The years when you are in college and post college not having to deal with gyne will make it all worth it. Plus, would you rather them talk about your gynecomastia or some surgery you had?

Offline AK

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i just had surgery this week and nobody knows, not even my parents, and i live with them.

i told them i was going away for a few days and then i went and had surgery.

been home a day so far and nobody has said anything.


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