Author Topic: A worry 6 days post op  (Read 4022 times)

Offline Zane

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  • Levick removed on 18/03/05, get in!!!!!
Had surgery with Levick on 18th March, just got the bandages off today.  The right hand side is looking good, hardly any bruising and looking pretty flat.  The left hand side is pretty bad though, it had to be drained by Levick day after op with a massive long needle which was quite scary!

The left hand side looks pretty bad and I think there is a lot of fluid build up there, the breast looks pretty big, almost as big as it was before, and it squelches when i press it.

Just looking for a bit of reassurance from anyone who has had the same thing, phoned Levick today and he said phone tomorrow, which is a bank holiday, as is monday, so nothing can be done about it until tuesday at the earliest.  Will this be a problem?  Is it gonna get worse/better?  If nothing gets done whats gonna happen to me?

Cheers guys

Offline STILLgotIT

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6 days is way too early to start wigging out.

Just hang in there and let it heal. You should start looking better as the weeks go on.

Then, at 6 MONTSH, if things are still ugly it is then safe to start wigging out.  :)

Offline vaio

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Just sit back, relax, keep compression on the chest. Patience my friend, patience.
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Offline tom_jones

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I'm someone else w/ a similar dilema, and I'm more than 50% unsatasfied.

I had surgery  days ago from today, only on one side. An incision was made to remove the gland and lipo was used. After surgery the doc said he removed 70ccs' lipo and another 10 in the gland, he said he was very conservative to preserve a male chest shape that doesn't appear caved in.

We'll anyways its now larger than it was before surgury. I'm am so bummed right now. Its not pointy anymore, its now a rounded boob, while my other side is flat. There isn't any bruising,there is a lot is softness like fluid, and  there is a hard center though and I'm hoping that is swelling.

My doctor doesn't believe in comp. garments, he also didn't use drainage pipe on me. I met w/ him today and he know is having me use an ace wrap around the chest when I sleep.

to tell you guys the truth I am almost totally unsatasfied, and F___ing pissed off.

Offline Spleen

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If it was a couple of days ago then it's def. swelling.  Way, way too early to see the final product.  Patience is a virtue guys.

Offline tom_jones

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It's been 7 days and i feel the same, why is there tons of hardness on the bottom half of my breast.

Offline Vizia

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I had the same problem and was terrified as well. Ask vaio. Now (4 months later), I'm 95% satisfied with my results. I still have a little scar tissue under my skin on my left side, but my right side is virtually perfect - the way I envisioned it. Time will perfect my left side as well. I'm confident now. Hang in there. I promise it will get WAY better.
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