Author Topic: questions  (Read 2127 times)

Offline blood_and_thunder

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well,ive finally stopped kidding myself and realized i have this dreaded disease.exercise cant help u.ive lost plenty of weight,but not from my 17 and had it for as long as i can has cause me physical problems such as back aches,as well as mental problems such as depression.i hope to tell my dad tomorrow about it and ask about surgery but i have some questions: surgeon in the nj/ny area.(im from the jersey shore)
2.average cost for a legit surgery.
3.estimated wait for a surgery(so if i went to a doctor tomorrow to ask about,when would be the quickest i could get the surgery)

Offline blood_and_thunder

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thanks you dont know how much this means to hopeing to cut a deal with my dad to paying for half of it and trying to convince it to him as a graduation present.ill probably have to get a second job to pay but im at the point where ill do ANYTHING to get rid of this sounds so cliche but it has ruined myself physically and extremely mentally.

Offline Zdew

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I know how you feel about it affecting physically and mentally. I am thinking about surgery in the future but it is so expensive and my parents might not help pay for it because it sounds stupid. When you want 7k to get rid of man boobs i guess it would be a little hard to take serious unless you have had it before. :-[

Offline Paa_Paw

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1. Your Dad probably already knows all about it. He probably has it too. Or, he may have had it when he was your age but it eventually resolved without treatment.

2. Gynecomastia is not a dreaded disease, It is depicted in ancient Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman statuary. Insurance companies get away with not covering the surgical cost for the simple reason that it is within the statistical bounds of "Normal."

3. Your Depression is not at all uncommon, Virtually everyone here has had to endure it to some degree. There are only rarely any physical problems associated with Gynecomastia, but the emotional impact can be severe.

4. Unless you can fill a DD bra, your back pain is probably due to stooping in attempt to hide your breasts. You may as well stand tall, stooping doesn't really work anyway.

Fortunately, we live in a time when safe and effective surgery is available. Depending on the severity of your condition, your surgeon may want to defer surgery for a few years. There are some who think that it is unwise to perform the surgery until  the hormones have stabilized at adult levels.

For the short term, There are excellent compression garments or vests which will help with concealment.

Welcome to the Forum, and good Luck.
Grandpa Dan

Offline reaper33

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if you are having trouble to come up with the money to cover your surgery, you can always ask the staff that works for the surgeon of your choice, coz there are medical finance companies who can help you, that way you dont have to do the second job and jeopardize your studies. goodluck


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