Author Topic: Dr. Metzner  (Read 3774 times)

Offline theguy

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I'm seriously considering Dr. Metzner in Vermont for surgery but i want other peoples feedback  Anybody had any experience, good and especially bad?

Offline Hippo

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Well I have surgery with him in about 4 hours, so we'll see how it goes...

Offline Hippo

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In case anyone is interested.....

I had surgery with Dr. Metzner yesterday morning (2-15-07) in Metairie, La. I'm about 180lbs 10% bodyfat and have had my gyne for about 9 years. My gyne wasn't horrible, but not just puffy nipples either. I'd say I had about a ping pong ball worth of tissue on the left, 2/3s a ping pong ball on the right, mostly gland. I live in Baton Rouge and first started looking up surgeons in my general area last summer. I was interested in Dr. Metzner's technique of going through the armpits for this procedure, but was only able to find a small amount of information about him posted on these boards. Still, I found more information about him for gyne than any other surgeon in my area, so I definitely felt the most confident about him.

Anyway, I'm a 21 year old college student so money tends to be pretty tight for me. After a few months of saving, researching, and just thinking it over in general, I finally called to set up a consultation in late October. I was able to go for my consultation about three weeks later (rather than three months later) due to a cancellation.

I suppose when I went for the consultation I was in the same boat as most guys who have gone through this before me. I was nervous, slightly embarrassed, and didn't really know what to expect. All of that faded quickly as I talked with his patient coordinator, Natalie, and later with Dr. Metzner about the procedure.

Fast forward 3 months....

Everything checked out with my pre op bloodwork, I followed all of the instructions I was given, etc. I arrived at the surgery center at around 6:45 am. To be honest, 4:00 am to 8:00 am was the worst part of the entire experience. I eat about 6 meals a day and always eat a big meal before bed, so not eating or drinking after midnight was really getting to me. The hunger combined with pre-surgery nervousness pretty much stopped me from sleeping at all the night before surgery and I ended up feeling like shit in general until they drugged me up. I thought about backing out while I waited to be rolled into the operating room. I had no intention of backing out mind you, I just thought about it. I second guessed myself about whether my gyne was really THAT bad, whether I really needed surgery, whether surgery would really be worth it, etc. Like I said, the waiting was the worst part.

But finally they were wheeling me into the operating room. I was having some light conversation with a nurse. I remember some equipment being shuffled around a little and the nurse telling me she was going to restrain my arms, then I woke up in the recovery room. This was my first time under general anesthesia, and I have to admit that in hindsight I think it was a very cool experience. Supposedly some people are cranky or sad or just emotional in general after waking up. Not me. It took me a minute to piece together what had just happened, and when I did I must say I was cracking up on the inside (I was a little too high on demerol to remember whether or not I was laughing on the outside).

So, over the last 36 or so hours I've been eating, sleeping, playing videogames, watching tv, basically being a couch potato. Dr. Metzner gave me a prescription for pain killers, a muscle relaxer, a sleep aid, and something for nausea. All I picked up so far was the pain killers. I took one when I got home and another later that night and another this morning. To be honest I haven't even been in any real pain and have been taking them just in case. My chest is sore when I move. Feels like I had a good chest workout. My skin is tender, kind of tingly in places. My armpits feel like they each have a little cut in them, and that's because they do. Nothing unbearable, hardly even uncomfortable.

On that note, I have no complaints about the vest either. It might be due to the location of the incisions or the amount of my gyne or something totally different altogether, but to me the vest is not at all uncomfortable. I actually feel more comfortable with it on right now since I notice my skin being tender when it's off. I took it off earlier this morning so Dr. Metzner could check my progress, and again later this afternoon to shower. To be honest it kind of freaked me out when I first saw it. I'm not used to looking at my chest without seeing man boobs. It hasn't even been two days, but so far I have to say my chest looks normal minus having that wrinkly smushed look from wearing the vest, the sort of look your skin gets if you wear a bandaid for a long time. I have no bruising to speak of, no fluid build up so far, very little swelling, and a line of dried blood maybe an inch long buried in a stitched up crease under each arm.

So long story short...

I know it hasn't even been two days yet, but so far I couldn't be happier with the results.

Offline theguy

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That's awesome things are going well for you.  Please keep us posted on your progress and put up some pics if you could.  I hope things continue to go well for you.

Offline Hippo

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Sorry for disappearing for the last few months. Just been off enjoying the gyne-free life and just kept forgetting to give an update. I've been meaning to call the office about emailing me the before and after pics, but again I've been forgetting. Gyne is just no longer on my mind all the time I'm afraid  8).

Offline haiz69

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How much did this cost you? 

I have a consult with him on the 19th of this month!

Offline Hippo

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All said and done (surgery, pain pills, gas driving to and from Metarie to Baton Rouge, etc) it was about $5700 for me.

My only nitpick about the results is that due to incisions being in the armpit around the top/mid level of the pecs the lipo made my pecs from about top of the nipple and up to be alot more cut than the rest of my body. It's evening out, but I still have some crazy bodybuilder-like striations in my upper pecs that don't match the average looking flabbiness of the rest of my torso. I guess I could probably facilitate the evening out process if I upped the running and cut down on the beer, but whatever.

Seriously, I'm complaining about my pecs looking too muscular in relation to the rest of my torso as a side effect of not having visible scars. If that doesn't make perfect sense I don't know what does :P


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