Author Topic: Hi all, and what does it cost for sugery?  (Read 2419 times)

Offline 36gyne

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 Hi everyone,  I'm 36, and I've had "gyno" for about six years. It has bothered me every day of those six years and I want that to change before summer. I'm very physically active because of my work, and I also work out regularly, I'm no body builder, but I would describe my self as fit. My "gyno" is mostly hard tissue under my  right nipple about 3" long with a little fat surrounding it. It is on one side only. I live in the Seattle area (do you know any good Plastic Surgeons?) and wonder what I would cost to get this blanking little breast removed from my body!  Does anybody know the cost of the surgery (out the door tax, license, dealer prep  :) ), does it lower or raise the price if your "gyno" is one sided, and have any of you considered going out of the country for surgery (i.e. Costa Rica)?


Offline headheldhigh01

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think i saw somebody mentioned there once, you could see what pops up on the site search engine, but if not, you might have options to the south.  unilateral gyne might reduce cost a little but not by half.  surgeon's fee is in the 1.5-3k range but package costs wind up closer to 4-6 depending on a few things, maybe you could wind up with 4 give or take, but just a guess.  i would prefer to stay in country though there have been discussions of a successful op with caloca in mexico.  it's difficult because although some hmo's are even looking into farming out surgery cases to overseas, which should raise a h*ll of a stink, there are still some complications, like having less recourse rights and ease if things somehow botch, or the fact you'd have to return for any followup etc.  i guess it could be done, but it would involve more risks as a tradeoff.   
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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