Charlie, I agree about posting a picture. I am in Greater Manchester, I had a good gp, but the NHS will only take you so far anyway. If the picture confirms you do have gyne you could try and see another gp. But you need to read up on the boards to check out what to do after that, in terms of how far the NHS will get you anyway. Its a bit of a lottery. I got quite a quick NHS appointment for the endo tests, but went private just to save three weeks of waiting. I also had an appointment with a PS privately, which cost me £100, but was well worth it, not least because he was very hesitant and saying you know, there are all kinds of potential problems (the kind of things people write about here); and then I took my baggy black jumper of and he just said, "yes, you've got it, you should have treatment, you should have had it done 20 years ago". While unleashed all kinds of emotions, but was a relief too.
So, it is rotten you have got so far as seeing your gp, and then to get knocked back. Get your photo posted, and keep coming back to this board for support.