Author Topic: Just lipo? Has anyone had this and been pleased?  (Read 3655 times)

Offline guistar

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    I just had the consultation and the doc say's he thinks I only need lipo.  I asked about it and told him I had heard of many people who werent happy without the excission but he seemed adimant that I would look good with only lipo.  He also said that he usually makes the decision  to excise while he's doing the surgery if he feels the patient needs it.  He also showed me pics and pointed out which ones were excision only and which ones were lipo only and which ones were both.  The lipo only pics seemed to look good to me and the before shots were cases that were pretty much as bad as mine so I just don't know what to think here.
    I had gyno even when I was 11 years old and didn't have an ounce of fat on my body so I don't really understand how lipo only could possibly fix it. On the other hand it would be really nice to not have the nipple scars to deal with.  The doctor said that patients that require excision will have a hockey puck like lump under the nipple which I don't have.  I do however have something under there.  It feels like I have grissely donuts of fat underneath my nipples.
  Has anyone actually had the lipo only surgery and been happy with the results?

Offline gabbyhey

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Most people here will tell you that lipo only doesn't work.  The other thing is that gland doesn't always feel like a hockey puck under the nipple.  It can be diffused (spread out).  Ask the doctor again about excision, and if you are not comfortable get another consultation from a different doc.  How many before/after pics did he show you?  It's usually a pretty good thing when a doctor provides his before/after pics.

Offline guistar

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  He only had a 2 or 3 sets of pics to show for each procedure (excision only, Lipo only, Lipo and Excision, tummy tuck, ect) and they were all in one binder so he really didnt have room to put much in just for gynecomastia.   I'm a little confused about what the difference is between breast tissue and gland, if any?   We didn't talk about gland but he did mention breast tissue a few times. If he thinks he can do it with just lipo does that mean he won't be taking out any breast tissue or gland?  My main concern is that the doctor WILL be able to make it look good with lipo only because I have so much fat.  But then if I lose weight and work out afterwards the gland or breast tissue will become apparent again.

Offline desi

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ur covincing urself to gowith this doc... inmy opinion, the doc shud have convinced u to go with him...whats his name? maybe we can help... dude! if ur not comfortable, find another patient...
Formerly, 'Fattgayee', as in 'Torn Apart' or more so 'I am Screwed' :)

Offline guistar

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  It's Dr Brown in Richmond.  He's got a great track record and has been highly recommended on this board.  Looking for another opinion would kind of be pointless I think since he knows what he's doing. I guess I'm just worried from all the posts from people saying not to settle for just lipo.  I saw a picture of breast tissue on another site after it had been excised and also the glad was lying there beside it so I guess breast tissue and gland are two different things.  I don't think I have gland but I think the crap I have around the nipple is breast tissue. It would be hard to feel for the dr since it's surounded by fat  but I can feel it.  Does breast tissue come out with lipo?   He did say that he wouldnt know for sure wether he would need to excise until he was doing the surgery so I suppose I should just raise my concerns again and then just let him do whatever he thinks is best.  I'll just tell him that if he finds stuff in there he can't get out with lipo then just excise it regardless.

Offline desi

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in general everything under the nipple is tissue, maybe pure gland, pure fat or a combo of both.. in layman terms its called tissue. it needs to be cut out (excised) since most of the cases, its fat mixed with gland making it feel softer but cnnnot be sucked out via liposuction....

decision is urs... i would not recommened going for lipo alone....i made that mistake and had to undergo on emore suregery...

Offline guistar

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   I guess I'll talk to him again and point out the tissue. It's likely not easy for him to feel since it's under so much fat and more spread out but I want to make sure he's going to take it out before the op.  Someone else posted and said that he was going for lipo only but once under Dr Brown ended up excising gland too.  As long as he knows I want the tissue gone should he find it.
   What happened with your surgery?  Did it grow back or was it noticeable right away?  What did it look like that made you go for another one?

Offline desi

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only lipo was done.. the tissue was not sucked out.. dude.. u dont have to go to a doc and ask him to do things for u. the doc is supposed to offer the best solution which that takes care of the root cause of the problem....

shop for another doc, unless he agrees to perform excision..

Offline guistar

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  I know what your saying.  He didn't say he wouldnt do excision he just said that he thinks my gyne is fatty tissue. The problem is that like most people I didn't really speak clearly or ask the questions I wanted to because I was nervous and just happy that I was finally having the appointent. lol.   Once I got home I realised that I should have made it clear that if he DOES find tissue I want it out. Now I can't remember what he said about tissue because at the time I was confused about what tissue even is compared to gland.  I basically forgot everything I knew about gyne while I was there.
  To be clear he's not saying that he doesnt want to remove the breast tissue he's saying that he doesnt believe I have tissue however if he discovers that there is breast tissue or gland he may have to excise it.   If he plans on leaving tissue or gland in then I'm definetly not ok with that.  I think I'm going to have to book another appointment just to make sure we agree on that.

Offline desi

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good idea... make another appt.. spend detailed time and dont be nervous. ur an informed patient and that is a plus.

they way i shopped around was to go to a doc and behave as if i have no clue what this thing is.. i asked what is the procedure to get this problem corrected. if the doc says, 'lipo shud take care of the problem', i did not walk away from the office, i RAN AWAY as hard as i could!!

that says it all...

sometimes there is fatty tissue that cant be sucked out as well.. in my pathology report, my right chest had 'fibro-fatty tissue' and left had 'fibro-fatty tissue with ducts of breast tissue'.. but my doc had to cut out the right side as well since it was fat that could not be sucked out..

long story short, get excision+ lipo..


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